Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Baby Dragon 2

Third World: Baby Dragon 2

4The bear found this amusing with a smirk on its face and a glint of mockery in it's dark eyes. Ignoring the pain from its gunshot wounds, it slowly strode in his direction in menacing steps as though playing with its prey before striking it down. Just as it dashed over, a tiny dragon launched a red flame searing part of the bear's fur before flying away.      3

The bear growled while patting its fur but the baby dragon dove down once more and delivered another scorching ball of fire this time more powerful than the last. But to this bear this tiny dragon was just a pestering fly, annoying not harmful. Like swatting a fly the little dragon was smacked out of the sky on its third attack. The little ball flew a great distance before landing in the soft sand causing a cloud of dust to disperse into the sky. Wen Qinxi's eyes darkened watching the little ball curled up on the ground in pain.     

Livid, he grabbed two daggers out of his boots and ran towards the bear before leaping into the air striking the bear's shoulder blades.     

The bear growled once more and attempted to shake off the man while swinging its arms backward trying to hit Wen Qinxi but it was pointless. Wen Qinxi pressed the daggers deeper into the bear's skin with blood spraying all over his face. This only made him even more agitated drawing out one of the daggers and in one move slashed the bear's throat.     

The bear let out one last cry before tumbling to the ground. Wen Qinxi jumped off the bear rolling in the sand before finding his footing. With a devious smile on his face he watched the life slowly dim out of the bear his chest heaving up and down with bloodthirsty eyes.     

Wen Qinxi couldn't get out of this psycho setting for a while that is until he heard a cute voice praising him. "Waaaaa, uncle that was awesome," said the cute dragon that was now in its human form. Before him was a boy approximately six years old walking over to the bear. Like a curious child, the boy poked the presumed dead bear with a twig a few times but soon fell back screaming, "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!"     

The bear had made a small move that had the kid running behind Wen Qinxi and tightly clutched the man's thigh. "Hahahahaha.....that will teach you a lesson. Do you know curiosity killed a cat?" said Wen Qinxi amused by the little dumpling's actions but soon he wasn't laughing when he saw that face that seemed somewhat familiar.     

Wen Qinxi, "....."     

Jolie, "...."     

Wen Qinxi stumbled backwards in surprise asking the system, 'Is that...?'     

The system also took a closer look and could only say, 'Yes, I think it's....but it can't be,' wishing it could poke that chubby cute face.     

'Fuck! He even fathered a child too!....I am going to kill him,' replied Wen Qinxi looking at the cute kid that resembled Qie Ranzhe. To be more specific, the dumpling was a miniature version of the CEO.     

'No, no it's definitely not. He didn't that I am certain of,' said the system before quietly pondering something. The system could vaguely explain what happened but didn't know if would make any sense. That time when it lost its authority it was Qie Ranzhe's doing. Why the CEO was screwing with its brain circuits, it didn't know but this could be a result of that event. This kid could only be abducted from the second world. To be more specific, Zhao Xieshu's womb but how it was done it had no idea. 'Ask his name,' said the system but Wen Qinxi was titling his head scrutinizing the kid like a vexed puppy.     

"What?" asked the little kid confused.     

"Ahem....what's your name?" asked Wen Qinxi separating himself from the kid.     

The kid stretched out his hand and smiled, "I am Qie Xieling. Uncle, what's your name?"     

Wen Qinxi was wide eyed taking a step backwards with complicated feelings. "Fu.....dge," he said about to swear but recalled he was in the presence of a kid so he changed his word as he shook the tiny hand.     

"You have fudge? May I have some?" said Qie Xieling his eyes beaming in excitement.     

"No, no fudge. Are you okay?," asked Wen Qinxi checking for any abnormalities on the little dumpling.     

"I am okay," he replied feeling warm inside.      

Can you....can you wait for me here I just have to do something? I will be right back," said Wen Qinxi as he turned to leave but a tiny hand suddenly hooked his index finger.     

"Mr....y-you aren't leaving me behind, are you?" asked the cute little thing that seemed like it was going to cry.     

"I will be right there," he said pointing in the distance, "I just need some grow up time, okay?" The little dumpling nodded his head with clear reluctance in his eyes and stared blankly at the man walking away.     

Wen Qinxi walked to a desolate spot where he was certain the kid wouldn't hear him and immediately began to swear like a sailor while kicking sand making such a mess. "F@^#&^@$@^@%@%@:@&@;#@@##@##!@, Qie Ranzhe you f@%!%!^!^@%%@:!$$!@er!"     

'Tsk, tsk.....boss what are you doing?' asked the system.     

Wen Qinxi sprawled his body on the hot sand responding, 'If that boy is his l am going to chop off his little brother.'     

The system felt this situation somewhat awkward and said, 'Technically it's his....just from a different world soooooooo....,' replied the system wishing it could just disappear but if it did that then Qie Ranzhe might actually get his member chopped off.     

'What you mean?' asked Wen Qinxi sitting up straight while brushing off the sand in his hair.     

'Remember when I said something was screwing with me?....That was Qie Ranzhe and that kid didn't exist in this world before and could only have come fro-' explained the system with Wen Qinxi finishing off the last part of its sentence.     

'From the second world,' said Wen Qinxi looking at the kid who was standing at a distance seeming anxious.     

'If you don't believe me then ask him,' said the system, 'don't overthink it. This is Qie Ranzhe's consciousness and not everything will make sense.'     

Wen Qinxi didn't know what to think and wanted more time to figure out things but he couldn't right now. This wasn't the right place for that so he waved to the kid beckoning him to come forward.     

Excited, the kid skipped over and asked, "Are we leaving now?"     

Wen Qinxi dusted the sand off his clothes and responded, "Mn," before handing the kid some water. He watched the kid drink it all up while he wiped the blood off his face with a damp cloth.     

"Who is he?" asked Wen Qinxi pointing at the bear carcass.     

Qie Xieling looked over and said, "He is a treasure hunter called Grizzly. He adopted me from an orphanage but his been using me to find treasure."     

Wen Qinxi nodded recalling how dragons are said to have high affinity for gold and gems which made sense why the man would think it was good idea to adopt a baby dragon.     

"Where is his car?" asked Wen Qinxi handing over some dried meat. Qie Xieling happily accepted the meat while pointing in some direction. "Then let's go," said Wen Qinxi putting away his stuff.     

The two set off in the direction where the car was parked. Though the walk was short for Wen Qinxi it seemed long as the kid wouldn't stop talking. The whole way it was like this:     

Qie Xieling: Uncle, what's your name?     

Wen Qinxi: Not an uncle and my name is Feng Zi.     

Qie Xieling: So what do I call you?     

Wen Qinxi: Zi-dage     

Qie Xieling: That's not right you are too old to be my older brother. How about I call you dad then you can adopt me.     

Wen Qinxi: Who are your calling old!     

Qie Xieling: Then I will call you uncle.....Am I going to say with you from now on?     

Wen Qinxi: No...I will find you a nice home.     

Qie Xieling: Please     

Wen Qinxi: No     

Qie Xieling: Pleaaseee, please, please     

For ten minutes straight Qie Xieling was like a broken record saying please over and over and over again making the short walk unbearable. Wen Qinxi almost pulled out all his hair when the kid became even more shameless hugging his thigh making it hard for him to move. He couldn't have a kid around considering the dangers in this world which made his decision easy but he made a fatal error.     

He dared to look down at that cute face with pouting lips and tear filled doe eyes melting his heart into a puddle. Once he did that it was game over for Wen Qinxi as his lips moved without him thinking it through. "Fine, if you don't cause trouble then I will take you with me."     

Qie Xieling immediately bounced up looking as obedient as ever. Wen Qinxi sighed in frustration and turned around to carry on walking. In the hot desolate desert one adult led the way with a miniature sized human following his footsteps the start of Wen Qinxi's parenting experience.     


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