Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: Reap What You Sow 2

Second World: Reap What You Sow 2

1With that settled the meeting ended with Marshal Qie leading Zhao Xieshu by the waist out of the main hall. Just as they reached the shadows, Qie Ranzhe drew Zhao Xieshu closer their bodies pressed together with his arm holding his lover in place.      4

"Baby, are you still mad about what Zhao Huangzhi said?" asked Qie Ranzhe with his head buried aganist Zhao Xieshu's neck sniffling long and hard drawing in the prince's plumeira like omega pheromone scent which was both sweet and relaxing.     

Wen Qinxi actually wasn't mad he could give a rats ass about Zhao Huangzhi but he really hated it when she placed her hand on his man. 'Who gave her the fuckin right?' was his thought when he saw that. Ever since then he was in a bad mood which is why Qie Ranzhe asked that question. Feeling the warm breath that heated up his entire body as it grazed his skin, Wen Qinxi couldn't help but ask, "You seriously want to do this here?"     

Qie Ranzhe's couldn't resist the sweet scent, he was curious to know if his omega tasted as sweet as his pheromones so he hungrily kissed Zhao Xieshu's neck.     

"Ah.....Ran-ge stop," moaned Wen Qinxi as the sensation of Qie Ranzhe's exhales lingered on his skin. This response only further enticed the Marshal who had been starved mainly because he ditched an aroused Zhao Xieshu in the dark the day he rescued him.     

Qie Ranzhe brazenly moved his lips towards Zhao Xieshu's pink supple lips that seemed to be begging for it. The two began a sensual make out session with the Marshal grinding his hips aganist the prince causing the heat between their legs to amplify. Just as things were getting heated they were suddenly interrupted.     

Zhao Lazhie and Zhao Tiazhi had been looking for Zhao Xieshu so they could meet his mecha that was more technological advanced than theirs but didn't expect to see such a scene.     

"Shit!" cursed Prince Lazhie but he couldn't move as his legs were frozen in place.     

The two people faced the both of them with one embarrassed and the other pissed off. He didn't want anyone else to see his omega's aroused state so he pulled Zhao Xieshu's face towards his neck before asking, "What?" his eyes blazing with a fiery flame.     

"Umm....sooooo sorry. best be leaving," said a nervous Prince Tiazhi pulling his brother but Prince Lazhie was like a statue frozen stiff in fright.     

"Still not leaving?" said Qie Ranzhe his anger amplified to a whole new level. If these two stayed any longer he would surely take on the role of father and punish them with some intense military training.     

With those words, Prince Lazhie eventually snapped out of his frozen state as a flight response kicked in. You didn't have to ask him twice. He ran so fast leaving his brother behind which basically translated to 'you are on your fuckin own bruh'.     

"No fuckin loyalty," mumbled Prince Tiazhi before running after him.     

After terrifying the two teenagers, Qie Ranzhe impetuously carried on but Zhao Xieshu covered the Marshal's mouth with his palm. "Don't blame them, it's your fault," said Wen Qinxi gazing into the Marshal's amorous eyes.     

Qie Ranzhe's lips qurked up into a roguish smile that Wen Qinxi couldn't see. The Marshal then proceeded to lick Zhao Xieshu's palm in a playful yet erotic way that had Wen Qinxi all wide eyed in shock.     

"You can't play such a game here where everyone can see," said Wen Qinxi pushing away the Marshal before walking away but judging from his pace it was more like running away.     

"So let's go and play indoors then," said Qie Ranzhe following after his omega like a cute puppy following around its owner. Wen Qinxi didn't answer but chose to increase his pace instead. "You are that eager to be alone in a room with me? Let me help you then," said Qie Ranzhe before grabbing his omega and hurled him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes carrying him all the way to their pavilion.     

"AAAAHHHH!.....Ran-ge put me down," yelled Wen Qinxi feeling people's gazes following them. "So fuckin embarrassing," he muttered but Qie Ranzhe didn't care with a radiant smile imagining what he was going to do to his lover.     


Two days went by and the day to execute the former emperor arrived with the entire royal family present apart from Zhao Huangzhi who was presumed dead. Empress Wuzhishu was also there begging for her husband's life ignoring her sons' advice. They had told her not cause trouble while they helped her pack up. She could no longer stay in the palace and was forced to move back with her family. This could count as leniency considering that Wen Qinxi had a lot of evidence that she actively participated in her husband's corrupt activities.     

But how could the former Empress see Zhao Xieshu's kindness directly insulting him. "You unfillial son, the devil's spawn. How can you kill your own father," she said tears streaming down her face, "what did my family do deserve this? Didn't we accept you into our family? Even arranged a good marriage for you yet you turn around and bite the hand that fed you?" her bullshit meter dangerously leaning towards the red zone.     

Wen Qinxi couldn't hold back laughing outloud in scornful laughter. He couldn't believe the load of crap this woman was spewing. Qie Ranzhe was angered to the point of standing up to beat this woman to silence but Wen Qinxi stopped him and said, " beating me and alienating me was your way of acceptance? Interesting.....If I were you I did watch my mouth because....," while Tong who had been standing at the end of the hall fiddled with his communicator displaying all the evidence they had aganist the former Empress, "I might rethink my decision to let you go."     

Prince Lazhie and Prince Tiazhi silently begged their mother to shut it as they were already fully aware of the sentence for the crimes their mother committed.     

Seeing all this, she couldn't help but keep silent swallowing all the insults at the tip of her tongue down.     

The convicted emperor Zhao wasn't pleased with this decision and began to curse out his wife. "You ungrateful bitch. I gave you the life you wanted even killed my wife to be with you but you turn around and betray me. This fuckin hoe should die with me! Who do you think I was doing all this for? If she doesn't die with me today then I demand my sentence be re-reviewed!" yelled the deranged emperor who had his hands tied behind his back.     

The former Empress cowered in a corner anxiously biting her lips wishing she hadn't said anything from the beginning. She had literally bought herself a ticket that could lead to her death.     

"Tsk, tsk.....I am sorry but her kids still need her around unless she breaks the law, again, " said Wen Qinxi in a domineering tone his eyes fixed on the cowering woman.     

"She wanted me to kill your mother. It was a plan purely concocted by that vile woman! We are as equally guilt-, AAAAAHHHH!.....," yelled Emperor Zhao followed by a loud thud as the emperor's lifeless body fell to the ground. Right next to him was the trembling Prince Tiazhi who had by his own hand shot his father in the head. The entire main hall fell silent with the audience seeming thunderstruck. No one even Wen Qinxi had seen this coming. Prince Tiazhi was frozen in one spot with the gun still pointed at his dead father as a tear streamed down his cheek. It was Prince Lazhie who approached his younger brother and took the gun out of his hand coaxing him.     

Prince Tiazhi obediently gave it to him but he was obviously still stuck in a stupor. Though in shock he was partially lucid as he kowtowed before Zhao Xieshu and said, "Xie-dage, on behalf of my parents I apologize to you," his forehead kissing the cold floor, "I can't rewrite the past but I can surely change the future as long as you give me the chance."     

Seeing his brother earnestly kneeling before their half brother, Zhao Lazhie joined him. This could be considered their sign of loyalty which Wen Qinxi accepted.     

"From now on we are brothers now rise," said Wen Qinxi feeling so accomplished.     

The two brothers excused themselves with Zhao Lazhie dragging his mouth out the main hall. "Mother let's go," he said leading her to the flying car outside which was waiting to take her to her maiden home.     

Emperor Zhao was buried within an hour with no grand funeral nor customary tradition buried in a commoner's graveyard branded traitor on his headstone.     

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