Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: Wen Qinxi Gets Marked 2 (NSFW)

Second World: Wen Qinxi Gets Marked 2 (NSFW)

3Weak from the intense orgasim, Wen Qinxi strove to catch his breathe while trying to clear his murky mind but he didn't get a chance to fully recover when Qie Ranzhe hauled him off the bed with his legs wrapped around the Marshal's waist and got pinned aganist the cabin's thick glass window.     

When Wen Qinxi's back touched the slightly chilly glass he whimpered but he was soon taken aback almost begging for half time when he realised Qie Ranzhe's intentions. He was about to get screwed senseless again. "Wait.... Ran-ge can't we...ah....fuck.....ah," he said but he didn't get to finish his statement as the alpha began to drill him again this time with entire inky space and bright stars as witnesses. Wen Qinxi let out a seductive gasping moan with his long legs wrapped around Qie Ranzhe's fierce waist. Each time the Marshal rammed into him his body would move with the rhythm of the thrusts. His complaints were tossed at the back of his mind as the rich musky jasmine-like scent entered his system drowning him in an endless sea of lust.     

"Fuck me daddy Ran.....ah...fuck me hard," he said as a rush of pleasure came gushing out like gushes of water rushing through the flood gates. He couldn't hold it in with his head leaning back his body shaking as he reached yet again another inexplicable climax while clawing his short nails into Qie Ranzhe's back.     

While recuperating calming his mind, Qie Ranzhe swept away the blonde strands on Zhao Xieshu's ear with his beautiful slender fingers whispering, "Don't get too comfortable. Xie, I am not done with you yet," before he began to kiss and suck on Wen Qinxi's skin leaving behind obscene marks visible to the naked eye.     

"Get out of me first and let me rest then you can go.....ah," said Wen Qinxi but didn't manage to finish with Qie Ranzhe's hard thing poking at his sensitive spot while the Marshal's unruly tongue licked the pheromone gland at the back of his neck in teasing fashion. Wen Qinxi felt his entire body quiver at his touch. For some reason he actually wanted Qie Ranzhe to bite him and not just a nibble but a bite good enough to permanently mark him and showcase to the entire universe their commitment to each other.     

In a moment of weakness, he actually spoke his mind without thinking, "Bite me....I want you to mark me," in an enchanting voice that got Qie Ranzhe even harder than before.     

He rubbed Zhao Xieshu's waist while slowly thrusting in deep teasing a second sacred entrance within the prince saying, "Such a naughty prince.....I will give you what you want then," he said pulling out of Zhao Xieshu before placing him on the ground. Wen Qinxi didn't know what exactly was happening but he found his body plastered on the giant window with Qie Ranzhe taking him from behind. Wen Qinxi yet again enjoyed a round of vigorous thrusting while being caressed by the Marshal's big unruly hands. He wanted him, he wanted more of this, he wanted to climax and moan all for Qie Ranzhe and so he did calling out to him in seductive tone further inciting his alpha.     

Unable to endure Zhao Xieshu's constant provocation any longer. He carried the weak omega to the bed and sat him on his lap with his entire member entering Wen Qinxi's hole once again but this time it entered all the way making him whimper in complaint.     

His eyes teary while biting on his red lower lip he tried to move with Qie Ranzhe's guidance but he was too weak and that hot rod was deep within him making his movements awkward. "Ran-ge.....I am to weak. You have to do it," said Wen Qinxi staring at him with a misty gaze.     

Qie Ranzhe gulped hard with his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Faced with such a licentious omega how could he exercise restraint. Zhao Xieshu wanted to be marked by him so how could he hold back. In a swift motion he gripped Zhao Xieshu's ass with each of his hands firmly grasping each cheek before thrusting his hips up. His member thrust deep into the crevice teasing the entrance of Zhao Xieshu's womb releasing a tad bit of his pheromones driving the omega insane.     

"Ah...Ran, it feels so fuckin good," moaned an already muddle headed Wen Qinxi. If sex was this good in the real world then he had been seriously missing out. His entire womb was open begging to filled by Qie Ranzhe's hot member his body inching towards another climax.     

Just when Wen Qinxi thought he was about to climax again, Qie Ranzhe suddenly said, "Baby let me in," before thrusting in again. This time the open womb secrete more slick constricting around the tip of his cock literally inviting him in. Qie Ranzhe obliged him ruthlessly splitting open his womb invading into its deepest depths making the omega covulse in pleasure.     

Still inside Zhao Xieshu he lifted the omega's legs and placed them on his shoulders while lifting up the prince's ass before he stood up straight and began to thrust once more. His overbearing tyrannical nature resurfacing as he plunged straight into Zhao Xieshu's womb which welcomed the intrusion gluttonously constricting around his cock sucking out his alpha pheromones. Wen Qinxi was suddenly struck by an overwhelming ache mingled in with a numbing pleasure making his body tremble holding on to him tightly. Qie Ranzhe violently plunged into his womb reaching its depths within fuckin Wen Qinxi into silence with his body moving along with the rhythm of the man's thrusts. He couldn't fathom Qie Ranzhe's endurance and at some point he even thought he was going to get fucked to death.     

"I am going to mark you now, bear with me a little longer," he said before kissing Zhao Xieshu's lips. In that instance he filled his omega's womb to its maximum capacity before exploding a massive amount of his cum mixed in with a powerful wave of his alpha pheromones while letting out a groan so loud it could wake the dead.     

Being suddenly assaulted by a massive wave of pleasure Wen Qinxi's tensed up as he reached yet another climax his womb tightening around the Marshal's scorching member. He bit hard on his lower lip reaching sexual gratification.     

While sinking in his moment of bliss, Qie Ranzhe suddenly bit his pheromone gland releasing his alpha pheromones directly into him. The marking was complete but Wen Qinxi couldn't take it anymore more drowning into a sea of blackness. Wen Qinxi had been fucked till he blacked out.     

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