Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: A Snitching Snitch Snitching

Fifth World: A Snitching Snitch Snitching

2Her father was soaking in a medicinal bath with a strong repulsive scent of herbs and various concoctions wafting in the air. Her mother was sitting cross-legged in the chair dishing out a range of insults toward him. The words useless and stupid were thrown around but they were abruptly stopped when Zhao Huangzhi walked in without permission.     1

"Huangzhi!" roared the sect leader covering up the only exposed part of his body which was his chest.     

"Why are you yelling at her. Shut the hell up. Is it her fault you are wasting precious medicine because you are weak?" she scolded him before turning to her daughter with a sweet smile. "Ah-Huan, your father is busy right now. Go, go wait outside and have nanny wang get you something to eat," she coaxed her daughter who was covering her eyes in shame.     

Zhao Huangzhi complied but couldn't understand why her father was bruised to that extend. He was the strongest person she knew so who could be powerful enough to bring her father to his knees?     

Whoever it was, it didn't have anything to do with her so she happily indulged herself in some osmanthus cakes. As soon as her parents showed themselves, she didn't even give them time to sit down before excitedly snitching.     

"Father, I told you having Zhao Zhi live far away from us would bring trouble. Can you believe he caused trouble with Sect leader Qie? He somehow charmed that wastrel to come to our sect and guess what.... sect leader Qie came looking for him and they almost fought," she said all this in one breath but didn't get any reaction from her father.     

Sect leader Zhao didn't mean to keep silent. It's just that he was so shocked he froze for a minute. His soothed muscles began to ache again when he thought he could be beaten up for this very same reason. Suddenly he could no longer see the benefit of keeping Zhao Zhi here when he keeps inviting more trouble.     

While the sect leader was questioning his life choices, Madam Zhao took the opportunity and began to speak ill of this supposed stepson of hers. She had strongly refused to take Zhao Zhi in from the very beginning. Not only because he was born of sin but also he was an eyesore that stained her family's reputation.     

The perfect family of three suddenly had a fourth member making them a subject of mockery by the entire cultivation world. If he had been born of a concubine it would have been better but the sect leader had no other wives besides her.     

This wasn't because he was loyal and disinterested in the carnal things of this world but that Madam Zhao's family made sure their daughter wouldn't be wronged. She was born from a powerful cultivation family that had direct ties to the royal family in the mortal world.     

She only agreed to let him stay because her husband could use him as a means to establish power since he was the most talented disciple in the sect after Qie Ranzhe was kicked out. But recently she had been extremely dissatisfied especially after he offended the Qie sect.     

Sect leader Zhao's ears almost fell deaf after enduring the bombardment from both his wife and daughter. He had to appease them as well as put his life and his sect first. If this news reached the cloaked man, he would surely be killed and his organs harvested.     

After careful consideration, he sent for Zhao Zhi to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. This boy was a treasure but a treasure not worth keeping around so he thought of sending him out on the premise of leading junior disciples to gain experience in eliminating evil.     

To the northwest of the Zhao sect, there had been reports coming in about monsters lurking in the dark wiping out entire villages in a single night. He didn't know the details because he had already signed it off as none of his business. This was mainly because he didn't care and other sects had already made plans to send out their disciples to solve the problem.     

But since he wanted Zhao Zhi to leave the sect, he decided to let them take up the task. Satisfied with his decision he cleared his throat and fixed his expression to that of a caring doting father. When Wen Qinxi walked in, he was met by this fake affectionate gaze making him sick at the pit of his stomach.     

Fortunately, he could act better than sect leader Zhao so he respectfully saluted his supposed father. The sect leader narrowed his eyes and said, "Come, come closer my son so I can look at you."     

Wen Qinxi hesitated for a moment but slowly walked over after swallowing his disgust with great difficulty. He knew this man lied to Zhao Zhi for his selfish reasons and this loving gaze was simply a facade concealing evil intentions.     

The sect leader reached for his long jet black hair and brushed his fingers through giving off an image of a loving father fixing his son's hair. But only Wen Qinxi knew he was collecting samples to improve his cultivation.     

Wen Qinxi's body got goosebumps under his touch and moved back a few inches asking, "Father, is there something you need me for?"     

Sect leader Zhao was surprised by his subtle rejection but he quickly recovered while clenching his fist to prevent the precious strands from flying away. He thought this sample would be enough for now. He was also planning to have one of his trusted disciples collect samples for him while they were outside hunting.     

"I would like you to go out with a few disciples so they can gain some experience... I am sure you have heard about trouble stirring in the northwest side of the continent. A few night hunts with other sects would help the Zhao Sect keep its reputation and provide experience to the disciples on their cultivation journey," he explained but Wen Qinxi couldn't recall this so-called crisis.     

He simply agreed thinking he could ask Jolie about it when he gets to his peak but his mind wasn't as bothered about leaving the sect than the bruises on the sect leader's neck.     

It seemed like the sect leader was in a horrible fight and from the looks of it, he most definitely lost. This had Wen Qinxi thinking it had something to do with him being sent on a mission outside the sect.     

Sect Leader Zhao was in a gruesome fight and sends him out the very next day. There was most definitely something fishy about this situation but he couldn't put his finger on it.     

Wen Qinxi's mind was turning at a fast speed as he lay in his bed trying to make sense of everything. He surely hoped he wasn't getting sent to eliminate ghosts otherwise he would most likely lose face in front of those junior disciples.     

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