Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Li Meimei's Promotion To Bathroom Attendant

Fourth World: Li Meimei's Promotion To Bathroom Attendant

2As the saying goes as you sow, so shall you reap like these two unfortunate souls who ended up with tranquillizer darts in their arses. These two could be labelled as adulterers who couldn't hold back their desires. Instead of working, they exited the kitchen one after another claiming to be having a smoke break.      2

The so-called smoke break was actually a make-out session between a man and a woman who already had a boyfriend. Karma is truly a bitch of a unique variety. Under the heavy influence of the sedative, the two collapsed on top of each other with the man's forehead bumping into the woman's nose. Wen Qinxi was pretty sure her nose was broken in the process.     

The two dragged their victims away and stole their clothes before changing into the waiter's outfits. Once Li Meimei was done she left the knocked out woman in the shed before going outside to look for her benefactor. "Wow, gege you look dashing in a penguin suit," said Li Meimei complimenting Su Xin who was buttoning the top button of his shirt. It was a little tight as the waiter was a head shorter than him but he had no other choice.     

"Thanks," replied Wen Qinxi before dragging the unconscious man in the shed as well. "How long will they be napping?"     

"Don't worry about them, they will be knocked out cold for at least eight hours," replied Ting-ge while watching them through the sniper scope, "I do suggest you guys get going otherwise it would be hard to pull this off when the party is over."     

"No shit.... this is all that psycho's fault. I don't even know what type of breed of dog was that," complained Wen Qinxi while leading Li Meimei to the back door of the mansion. As soon as that door opened, Li Meimei beamed with her eyes sparkling like the starry night. The words 'food, food, lots and lots of food' were echoing in her mind making her standstill in a stupor.     

As they stepped past the threshold, Wen Qinxi's path was suddenly blocked by a stern lady wearing rimless glasses and a tight pencil skirt. Wen Qinxi wanted to say something but his eyes travelled downwards only to see the badge on the mountainous chest written 'supervisor. 'Crap!' he thought swallowing back down the words he wanted to say.     

She pulled down her blouse and cleared her throat before asking, "And you. Where have you been?"     

Wen Qinxi didn't know if she was talking to him so he pointed at himself with a puzzled expression. Shouldn't her question be who are you or something? Doesn't she know her employees? Wen Qinxi had already prepared a set of lies and created an employee tag for himself and Li Meimei by hacking the service company's server in advance, so what was this situation?     

"With such a face you should be in front serving drinks. Remember our guests cherish a strong face value..... oh and I highly suggest you do whatever is asked of you. You wouldn't want to offend any of them," she said before slipping something into his pocket.     

"Now chop chop, we have guests to serve," she said shoving him towards a station with trays.     

Wen Qinxi stared back at her dazedly before curiously opening his chest pocket to see what the woman slipped in there.     

"Fuck," he swore through gritted teeth, 'What is this? Am I here to serve drinks or service the guests,' he thought feeling sympathetic for the employees. The supervisor had slipped a condom in his pocket and based on her words, he was being pimped out.     

Li Meimei was about to follow behind Su Xin when the woman stopped her saying, "Where do you think you are going?"     

Confused Li Meimei hesitantly pointed at the exit to the main hall but the woman's next words made her want to smash the dinner plate next to her right on top of the woman's head. "Your looks are average at best but I do have a perfect job for you," said the supervisor arrogantly looking down on Li Meimei.     

Five minutes later Li Meimei was ranting through her earpiece cursing the supervisor and her ancestors out. "Such a fuckin bitch. How are my looks considered average? Average! She's fuckin blind that's her problem," she grumbled while storming to the upstairs bathroom.     

Wen Qinxi casually smiled as a guest took a champagne glass from his tray then replied in a whisper while seeking a way out. "Stop complaining and meet me in the storage room in ten minutes. I am the one who should be complaining... If I stay here for any second longer I am afraid I will be exposed."     

"Mie-Jie, what job did she give you?" asked Casio out of curiosity. Whatever the task is, it must be that horrible if it made Li Meimei this upset.     

"Bathroom attendant," she whispered in a barely audible voice but everyone heard her loud and clear including Casio but of course, he wouldn't let her off that easy.     

"What? I didn't hear that," said the brazen Casio intentionally poking the bear.     

"Bathroom attendant. I said bathroom attendant damn it," said Li Meimei fighting the urge to go back and snap that woman's neck.     

"Haha... Say it loud and proud sister," said Casio finding pleasure in teasing Li Meimei.     

"Fuck you," she said before slipping into the store room. She vowed to pay Casio back ten times once she's done with this mission. That brat needed a proper beating.     

"Don't worry. She's just jealous of you," said Ting-ge trying to smooth things over.     

Wen Qinxi didn't really pay attention to what they were saying as he slipped out of the main hall. It's a good thing he did because Kai Zheng and Kai Zi happened to enter the main hall after that marking the beginning of the annual gala.     

He turned into a deserted corridor heading for the stairs. The Kai Mansion design was more like a grand hotel than a home which meant there was more than one staircase. He opened the store room and found Li Meimei already in black tight-fitting clothes that she was wearing underneath the waitress' clothes. Wen Qinxi took off his penguin suit as well while Li Meimei climbed up the shelves to unscrew the air vent.     

"I didn't even get to eat some fuckin shrimps," complained Li Meimei while unscrewing the last screw.     

"I will buy anything you want after thi-.... wait, what? Shrimps?" replied Wen Qinxi with a complicated expression.     

Li Meimei set the vent cover aside and climbed up before peeking her head out looking down at Su Xin. "Yeah, shrimps that's plural for shrimp," she said before slipping back into the vent.     

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