Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Picking A Fight With A White Lotus

Fourth World: Picking A Fight With A White Lotus

4Wen Qinxi couldn't help but be excited. He wanted to go hug this little genius and ruffle the kid's hair to his heart's content so he left the private booth to go backstage as soon as the curtain closed.      2

Qie Ranzhe followed closely behind with Madam Qie complaining. They both knew she was wearing heels and had short legs so how was she supposed to keep up? It was Old Lu who provided a supporting hand leading her backstage.     

As soon as Wen Qinxi knocked on the dressing room door he was met by a short middle-aged woman with frameless glasses. She was most likely the class teacher.     

Faced by such a handsome visage, she couldn't help but blush. Thinking he was someone's older brother she asked, "Are you here to pick your younger brother or sister?"     

Wen Qinxi raised a brow muttering, "N-no, I am here to pick up my so-son." The class teacher's expression turned sour thinking kids these days are having children young. Her entire class was within the age range of thirteen to sixteen so what was this situation?     

"Son?" she said with a dumbfounded expression on her face. But before Wen Qinxi could repeat himself, Qie Xieling yelled,     

"Su Xin!" before running into his arms with a radiant smile. She was about to ask when Qie Ranzhe's figure appeared behind the person claiming Qie Xieling as his son. Agape, she pointed at Qie Xieling then Su Xin while staring at Qie Ranzhe.     

Qie Ranzhe gave her a nod making the thunderstruck teacher walk away while scratching her head. Qie Xieling was already dragging Su Xin around introducing him to his friend with a proud look on his face. This is to say after this day Qie Xieling's classmates found out two things. One, Qie Xieling can actually act normal. Secondly, Qie Xieling wasn't lying. He really had two dads and both of them were extremely handsome.     

With his flowers in hand, Madam Qie led her grandson to the car to give these two some time to talk about whatever was going on between them. As soon as Qie Xieling's figure disappeared, Wen Qinxi said, "I need to go to the bathroom. Wait for me... I will be right back," which was an excuse of course.     

He had spotted Kai Zi when he was going downstairs earlier but at the time he didn't pay attention because he was rushing to get to Qie Xieling.     

Now that was done, his previous grievances sprung up again with one thing in mind. Pick a fight with a white lotus. This was the only way he can vent his anger so he managed to convince Qie Ranzhe to let him go.     

'Where the fuck is he?' asked Wen Qinxi referring to the system while slipping into the staircase without Qie Ranzhe noticing.     

'Boss, are you sure you want to pick a fight right here. I mean the gu-,' said the system before it was rudely cut off by Wen Qinxi.     

The two had dealt with each other for four consecutive worlds but this was the first time Jolie felt frightened. It was an AI for heaven's sake but Wen Qinxi frightened the virtual crap out of it.     

'Exit the staircase on the next floor and you will find him in the corridor. Be careful... he has armed bodyguards,' explained Jolie before silently slipping away for its own safety.     

While Wen Qinxi was preparing to ambush the unsuspecting Kai Zi, Machu had rushed over to Qie Ranzhe's side. Qie Ranzhe was scrolling his cellphone with no Su Xin in sight so he asked, "Ran-ge, did you lose saozi or something?"     

Qie Ranzhe didn't raise his head to respond pointing at the bathroom while saying, "He's in there."     

"What?... Ran-ge you read my message, right? Kai Zi is here," exclaimed Machu seeming concerned. Qie Ranzhe immediately understood so he checked the bathroom but as expected Su Xin wasn't in there. He reprimanded himself for being careless as he ran over to the staircase. How could he have had time to check Machu's message when he was preoccupied with coaxing his lover?     

While Qie Ranzhe was looking for him, Wen Qinxi was pushing the door to the fire escape accurately striking the unsuspecting Kai Zi. The little white lotus was flung against the wall grimacing in pain but before his bodyguards could even respond, the bone-chilling muzzle of a gun was brushing against Kai Zi's chin.     

A jealous Wen Qinxi was extremely terrifying. One could say this is the so-called blackening of a nerd. He had Kai Zi pinned against the wall with his elbow on the man's throat and a gun on his temple. Kai Zi was bleeding from his nose from the impact of hitting the wall making his handsome face look unsightly.     

The bodyguards drew their weapons and aimed them at Su Xin with a murderous aura. "Tell them to lower their fuckin weapons otherwise I will blow your brains out right here, right now," said Wen Qinxi in a calm yet threatening tone.     

"Sta-stand the fuck down," said Kai Zi with his resentful eyes fixed on Su Xin. He was blindsided today but he vowed that would never happen again. All he had to do was live through this ordeal.     

Wen Qinxi smirked with a pair of bloodshot eyes looking straight at Kai Zi. "Good boy," he said feeling much better. This was the cure, he needed to confront the problem head-on and deal with his insecurities but this man known as Kai Zi wasn't easy to deal with. Instead of keeping silent and let Su Xin do as he pleased, he decided to talk shit.     

"Hahaha... Su, Xin gege.... you are mad about that? Is that why you ran over here to ambush me?" said Kai Zi after letting out an evil laugh. His goal was simple that is to throw off Su Xin invoking the man's irrational side. Once a man becomes irrational they expose their vulnerabilities giving the enemy a chance to take them down.     

This strategy was his best chance for survival plus he can take the opportunity to finally capture the defenceless Su Xin so he kept talking. "Have you asked him how many times we did it?" he asked but judging from Su Xin's expression the man didn't know the truth so he took advantage, "when you ran away for the first time he fucked me senseless for the entire night getting over you. With each year you ran off fuckin who knows what, I was lying beneath him comforting him so you do the math. I bet when he's got another one out of you he will discard you like a used condom and you know who he will come to?... Me!"     

Wen Qinxi's expression didn't change. Kai Zi was pretty convincing but the latter half of his speech made Wen Qinxi see the light. This asshole Kai Zi was fuckin clueless which meant everything else out of his mouth was nonsense. Because of this, Wen Qinxi suddenly laughed the kind of laugh that's genuine and unrestrained shocking Kai Zi. He suddenly felt Kai Zi was too pitiful and not worth his time.     

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