Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Held Hostage

Fourth World: Held Hostage

2Wen Qinxi didn't expect Qie Ranzhe to do him dirty like this. The sweet mocha frappuccino was undoubtedly spiked with sedatives. He didn't know how long he was asleep for but when he woke up he was no longer in the private jet. His body felt heavy with a throbbing headache that hurt, even more, each time he tried to raise his head.     

He managed to open his slothful eyes with great difficulty. The bright light from the curtains made his eyes hurt so he quickly closed them with his arm covering his face.     

After much effort, he finally managed to fully open his eyes to check out the room he was currently in. The room design was far from what he was used to. Everything about the room screamed old Victorian home especially the interior design and furniture. He couldn't make out where he was exactly, not that it mattered.     

It was then that he felt how uncomfortable his body was. He was still in the same clothes as before and the person who helped him to bed didn't even bother removing his shoes. His nose caught a whiff of an unpleasant scent so he sniffed around to find the source. After sniffing his armpits, his expression turned grimly. "Ah... smells so fuckin disgusting," he said to himself looking around. He was thinking of going out to look for the bathroom so he could scrub himself clean. That is when he noticed a second door.     

This room was most likely ensuite so he mustered up some strength and hopped off the bed. Just as he stood up he heard the sound of a chain rattling and dragging on the floor. Puzzled, he looked down searching for the source. His heart shattered to pieces as his expression sank when he saw a silver chain on his right ankle. "What the fuck!" he yelled as he pulled on the chain curious to find the other end. It turns out the chain was the length of two standard size doors which was approximately four meters.     

This meant his mobility was limited to this room and possibly two steps out the door. Wen Qinxi felt like laughing in anger. Qie Ranzhe was really poking at his bottom line in this world. Wen Qinxi angrily slammed the chain on the floor and sprawled on the bed with his arms spread wide open. He had no phone and he was chained up. A typical hostage situation.     

One slap alone wouldn't be enough to satiate his anger. The only thing that would make him feel better would be making Qie Ranzhe standstill as he fired a paintball gun at him. Either that or a dunk tank full of worms better yet leeches. He was going to go full fear factor on this crazy boss when they get out of the game.     

Imagining Qie Ranzhe sitting at the top of a dunk tank awaiting his inevitable date with some leeches, Wen Qinxi smiled foolishly before dragging his chain along to take a hot shower. Good thing the bathroom was spacious otherwise he didn't know how he was going to manoeuvre around with a chain.     

Feeling refreshed, Wen Qinxi walked out with a bath towel wrapped around his lower body and searched the drawers for some clothes. While he was looking through the drawers packed with monotonous clothes he heard the sound of the door click open.     

Curious, he turned around to see who was nice enough to visit him. The door opened a small crack as a fluffy head of hair peeped through the door staring at the bed. Wen Qinxi smiled watching the thirteen-year-old boy who was obviously looking for him.     

Qie Xieling's face sank when he didn't see Su Xin on the bed. These past two days, he came over four times and each time he would find Su Xin in bed sound asleep. He couldn't understand why an adult slept so much so he could only come back later.     

But this time Su Xin wasn't on the bed. Thinking the man had run off again, his face paled completely unaware that Su Xin was standing on the other side of the room watching him with great interest.     

Qie Xieling was a tad bit panicked so he walked in to look for his dad like a kid playing hide and seek. What was funny is that he even checked under the bed and table which was completely illogical. How can a grown man over 1.85 meters fit under a table?     

Wen Qinxi snickered while watching this silly child. Qie Xieling finally realised that there was another section in this room that he didn't check which was the bathroom. With that in mind, he turned on his heel about to check the bathroom when he was met by a glistening set of eyes staring at him. Qie Xieling froze in place his face changing colours faster than a chameleon. It turned pink, white then pink again with his body rooted to the ground unable to move.     

"Looking for something?" asked Wen Qinxi with a tender smile that startled Qie Xieling.     

Instead of responding, Qie Xieling ran out of the room and slammed the door shut with a loud bang. Wen Qinxi couldn't hold back his laughter as he took out one of the many white t-shirts from the drawer and put it on. Even the pants were of the same colour and kind. Black pants with snaps all the way down the pant leg. It made him feel like a convict who could only wear the same type of clothes each day.     

Wen Qinxi sighed as he put on the comfy slacks thinking at least he could hang out with Qie Xieling. With that kid around it didn't seem so lonely. As soon as he was done getting dressed, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. The person on the other side didn't even bother waiting for him to invite them in.     

When he saw who it was, Wen Qinxi almost yelped out in horror. It was the ugliest woman Wen Qinxi had ever seen, dressed in a housekeeper uniform. Wen Qinxi always believed that there was no such thing as an ugly woman, to him, every woman is beautiful in their own way but nanny McPhee over here was quite unsightly. God, even nanny McPhee turned beautiful when the kids behaved which he seriously doubted would happen to this woman.     

What he didn't know was that a certain someone had the female staff replaced by the most heinous looking women to prevent any shenanigans happening between Su Xin and the female staff under Qie Ranzhe's roof. The job description must have been unique. Candidates must be skilled at housework but as ugly as blobfish.     

It seemed she was also paid to be rude to him because she didn't respond to his polite greeting. She instead carelessly tossed a plate of food on the table and locked the door on her way out. Her attitude made him hesitate to eat the meal placed in front of him.     

He wouldn't put it past her to spit in his food. Dinner was nothing special with too few pieces of meat but Wen Qinxi didn't complain as he sat down on the floor with his plate on the coffee table. He ran his fingers through his hair and casually reached for the remote. He might as well entertain himself.     

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