The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era



0DIRECTOR Scott's eyes visibly brightened as he looked at the virtual screen in front of him. This was the second take of this scene. He was expecting that he would get an NG again this time. But to his surprise, the shot was perfect.      3

On the virtual screen, a scene in which about 50 people wearing the same white robe was sitting on two rows of pews. All of them had the same solemn expression as they gazed at the priest standing at the altar who was giving a blessing to the newly ordained priest kneeling in front of him. But in this sea of 50 people, one couldn't help but glance at one person.     

It was a teenager with black hair and black eyes. It's not simply because of his appearance. Considering that this was a wide shot and anyone watching could hardly distinguish the features of the people sitting on the pews. But for some reason, anyone who'd see this scene would automatically stare at him.     

Maybe it was his gaze that seemed to be conveying a million things. Or maybe it was the kind of atmosphere he's exuding. Just by simply sitting there, it's like a spotlight was shining above his head. It could be a lot of other things. But no one could refute that he was the one their eyes looked at in that moment.     

Because Director Scott got the shot he wanted, he didn't call 'NG' or stop the shoot. He was planning to continue on to the next scene, making a continuous shot.      

Since there was no call from the director, the scene then continued.     

The newly ordained priest walked back to his seat and the next one followed. He stood up and walked towards the altar to receive the blessing of the priest. The cameras following him only shot his lower body. And then when he kneeled in front of the priest, the camera changed the angle to a full shot of his back.      

"Do you swear to follow the teachings of god and promise to spread it to the land of Jaya?" the priest asked.     

"I swear," the teenager answered, his voice without a hint of hesitation.     

"As a new symbol of the church, will you promise to embody our virtues?"     

"I promise."     

"Then, with the authority given to me by the Pope, I now ordained you as a new priest. Accept the god blessing, Luan Escanor."     

At the mention of the name, the camera at the front slowly revealed the face of the teenager. From his chin, to his nose, and finally revealing his eyes. Those obsidian black eyes that seemed to speak a thousand words with just one look.     

At first glance, one would definitely be charmed by his appearance. Then, they would feel his gentle atmosphere and would want to be close to him. As if just a smile from him would heal them.      

But if one looked more closely, they would be able to see the incredible determination in those black eyes. As if he was planning to change the world.     

"I will receive this blessing," the boy said.      

His voice didn't contain reverence like the ones before him. Instead, it was full of affirmation. As if receiving such a blessing was only natural. It would have seemed arrogant if any other person had said that. But when it was said by the teenager, one would only think, 'ah, yes, he should really receive this blessing'.     

"Okay, cut!"     

The director's voice finally made everyone relax.      

"Let's prepare the next scene!" Director Scott said to the staffs. Then, he turned to Astrid. "Come here for a moment, Astrid."     

Astrid walked towards the other. "Is there something wrong, director?"     

"Oh no. You did great!" the director said in a very jovial mood. "I hope you can continue this momentum for the rest of the day."     

"I will try my best, director."     

And so, the shooting continued on.     


Inside a spacecraft that was made for high-speed space travel, a man with flaxen blond hair was sitting inside. His amber eyes were filled with annoyance. But because of him having a babyface, it only looked cute.      

The spacecraft's destination was already set to FS05. He had been travelling since last night. Going through one space warp to another. Seriously, if not for his constitution, this spacecraft would have been already littered with his own vomit.     

"This is all Wulf's fault!" finally, Hildred couldn't help but make a frustrated scream.      

Last night when he was about to go to sleep, Wulf suddenly called him to his office and told him to go to FS05. No matter how good his temper was, he almost exploded at that moment.      

How could he not? They were already about to leave the Artemian Galaxy and yet that unreasonable guy told him to return? If he knew he couldn't win, he would have really punched Wulf right there and then. Especially since he felt that it must have something to do with Astrid Townsend.     

FS05 was a filming studio planet. It's only natural to arrive to that conclusion. If something had happened to that kid, why was he the one being sent to fix it? Although he was indeed enjoying the fact that Wulf finally had someone he liked, it didn't mean that he would also enjoy tiring himself just to help with their romance.      

But he still asked why he was suddenly being sent there. And Wulf told him of an actor that was suspected of having a pheromone-related ability. So, he was being sent there to investigate and interrogate the guy.     

Because that was quite indeed a serious problem, Lele, who was also there, persuaded him to go. Saying that he was the only reliable one that could. He almost cursed then. Because the other was right.      

If this was left to Sled, that guy would just pummel the hell out of that Lance person instead of properly interrogating the other. Leaving this matter to Ed was also a big no-no. So, at the end, Hildred had no choice was to go.     

And here he was now.     

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