Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Playful Celebration

Playful Celebration

3Qin Zheng took the cooled metal and put it on top of the anvil. He proceeded to heat it a bit. It was not enough to melt it down, and at the same time, it would make it easier to form by forging.     1

After it was done, he placed it and took out a hammer from his Spatial Ring. His hammer was only at the size of his arm, which was pretty small if one wanted to compare it to the one adults used. However, it was the most suitable one for the current Qin Zheng.     

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!     

The rhythmical sound of hammering filled the room. They couldn't see anything other than Qin Zheng's arm moving at rapid speed. He was hitting the ore in front of him as sparks flew to the side. His eyes were fully concentrating on the ore in front of him. Even when the sweat started to drip down his forehead, he didn't stop to wipe them.     

Ye Jiao watched quietly as Qin Zheng focused his entire attention on the ore before him. His Eon Energy was circulating without disturbed in his body. Not a single one of them leaked out during the process of refining the ore. His figure looked exceptionally enchanting like that.     

She felt like she couldn't look away from this young man. Even Lu Wan and Qi Huan had turned quiet as they watched Qin Zheng work.     

Time passed swiftly.     

Qin Zheng finished after he had hammered the ore for a thousand times. There was a glimmer on the ore's surface as Qin Zheng placed his hammer back on the ground. His hand felt tired after doing that purifying process.     

"Master, I'm done."     

"Not bad," Tang Mo picked the ore and weighed it on his arm. He nodded with satisfaction. "With this, you can become a Yellow Rank Forging Master."     

"Not Dark Yellow?"     

"Not yet," Tang Mo pointed to Qin Zheng's arm. "You're going to need a lot of stamina and physical training if you wish to become Dark Yellow Rank Forging Master. Did you skip your training?"     

"No, I'm pairing with her, so I'm training hard for the last four months," Qin Zheng pointed at Ye Jiao.     

Tang Mo arched his eyebrows. Qin Zheng picked a pair? From what he knew, this brat loved to be alone and did things on his own without anyone to interfere. What made him change his decision so suddenly?     

If he wanted to, it would be a piece of cake to reject the pairing request from the teachers. This brat was already known as a troublemaker from a long time ago, so they wouldn't be surprised.     

He looked at Ye Jiao with interest. What did that young man see in this girl to make him interested?     

"Senior Sister Lin also has been asking Teacher Shan to increase Senior Brother Qin's weight," Ye Jiao added.     

Qin Zheng's face turned ashen. Thanks to that girl, he could only hope to finish in time because his weight kept on increasing rapidly. The good thing would be the fact that he had grown much stronger because of the training.     

"How about if I add that training to you too, Jiao'er?"     

"What? I already have enough for four months!" Ye Jiao whined. "It's not like I'm aiming to be body enhancement as my specialization too."     

"You still have to spar with me."     


If it was that much, she didn't mind. She also needed to train her skill, so spar would be a good idea.     

"Spar with me too, Jiao'er," Qi Huan suddenly remarked. "I won't be able to fight against other students except if I plan to kill them."     

"You can spar with Senior Brother Qin," Ye Jiao pointed to Qin Zheng.     

The two young men looked at one another. Sparks flew within their eyes, as if they were competing against each other. Both Lu Wan and Ye Jiao were confused. It was just sparring. Why did these two young men become so riled up?     

Little did they know that the two of them had treated each other as rivals that they had to defeat no matter what.     

Tang Mo shook his head as he looked at four youngsters. "If you have finished with your business, go and take your new badge. I'll return back to my research in the new type of ore."     

"Do you need help, Old Man?"     

"What would a brat like you know? Get out!"     

With that, they got kicked out of the room. Tang Mo returned to the other part of the building while Qin Zheng brushed away the dust off his clothes and looked at his friends.     

"Master is a bit hot headed when it comes to ores. Don't mind him too much."     

"I can see that," Lu Wan nodded his head and put his hands on the back of his head. They started walking back to the lobby. "You seem fairly close with Master Tang, Senior Brother Qin?"     

Qin Zheng pursed his lips slightly. It would be a long explanation if he wished to tell them all. "I don't get admitted to the academy in the same way as you three get in."     

Not the same way?     

Ye Jiao thought about that phrase in her mind. She had heard that there were two types of students in the academy. One came from the secluded area, which only came to the academy through the harsh competition. On the other hand, some of them got accepted because of their families.     

They all lived on the mainland and sent over their disciples to the academy to learn much more about many things. The reasons varied, but most of them would come to the academy because there were some family problems.     

Ye Jiao looked at Qin Zheng curiously. Wondering what kind of problem would stem out that caused him to be sent here.     

"I'm not from the Xian Gu Kingdom," Qin Zheng admitted readily. He stopped and looked at the three of them. "But I won't be able to tell you more than that."     

"Fine with me." Lu Wan shrugged. "It's not my business too."     

"I won't ask if you don't wish to tell," Ye Jiao added.     

Qi Huan nodded. "I'm not going to ask anything."     

"Fair enough."     

Qin Zheng walked to the counter to verify his result and got his badge. Qi Huan waited on the back with his blue iris staring straight to Qin Zheng. He had suspected that Qin Zheng was not an ordinary person when he met that young man in the Spring Island. The knowledge that Qin Zheng had was enormous. It was to the point that he doubted he ever learned anything.     

In the academy, he had researched many things. However, he still found out that Qin Zheng's knowledge surpassed what has existed here. It would mean that Qin Zheng must have come from a completely different kingdom. A place that was far bigger than more advanced compared with the Xian Gu Kingdom.     

"It's done," Qin Zheng kept his new badge in his Spatial Ring. He looked at the other three. "Is there anything that you want to do before returning back to the academy?"     

"Treat us, Senior Brother Qin," Ye Jiao replied almost immediately. Her eyes were sparkling as she looked at her senior brother. "To celebrate your advancement, treat us to some food."     

"That's a good idea," Lu wan agreed.     

Qin Zheng laughed. "Fine. Let's search for the others first."     

They found Lin Cai and the other two were wandering around the market. Just like before, there were some sweets in Lin Cai's hand. She was holding them and eating them slowly, enjoying the sweetness from each of them.     

The seven of them picked a nearby restaurant and booked a VIP room to eat.     

"You can order anything. It's on me," Qin Zheng said generously.     

"Then I won't hold back," Ye Jiao grinned. "I want steamed meat buns, braised pork, grilled fish…."     

"Don't just order all meats. Add a vegetable salad and stir-fry bean sprouts," Qi Huan interrupted. It was not healthy to just eat meat all the time.     

"WINE!" Lin Cai nearly yelled her order. Her eyes were sparkling. After tasting it once, she liked wine very much.     

Lu Wan creased his brows. "You're underage."     

"It's fine," Lin Cai waved her hand excitedly. "It's delicious."     

"Just order some juice," Mu Xin suggested. She already tasted it once, and in her opinion, it would be better to not drink anymore. She would rather wait until she has come of age.     

"I want wine!"     

The waiter didn't know whether to laugh or cry seeing these youngsters ordering their food. Since there was no real restriction in the city, he decided to just follow what they wanted.     

Before long, the foods were served on the table and thus, began their noisy lunch.     


"The wine is mine!"     

"Hey, share it!"     

Qin Zheng rubbed his forehead when he saw another piece of meat fly on the table. Couldn't these brats stay quiet when they eat? He felt like he was facing a bunch of kids rather than teenagers. Only Wang Jun and Qi Huan seemed to behave a bit better while Lu Wan and Lin Cai were like wild kids.     

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