Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Reporting the Mission

Reporting the Mission

3"Aaaahhhh!" Lu Wan stretched his body as they got out of the cave with his two hands raised. "I'M FINALLY OUT!"      1

"The air felt really fresh," Lin Cai heaved a sigh of relief. It was torturing to stay inside that dark and smelly cave for a long period of time. This warmth from the sun was definitely the best!     

"Yes, it is nice," Ye Jiao looked up and closed her eyes. After staying in constant darkness for two to three weeks, she felt really glad that she could see the sun once more. It was nice and warm. She definitely liked staying under the sun better.     


The six of them looked to the front where they saw Lu Wan rolled around on the ground. His action was truly childish and totally unlike his identity as the Core Disciple of a large academy. They truly wished to face palm.     

"Let's pretend we don't know him."     


"It's good that we're not wearing our uniform." Lin Cai rubbed her forehead. "Anyway, now that we got out, we need to find a restaurant to eat. I won't be able to stand it if we have to eat dried meat every single day."     

"You're truly pampered."     

"That means I know how to eat good food."     

The others laughed and walked away from Lu Wan. In any case, the workers were already giving him some weird looks. For them, it was common to stay in the cave for days. Lu Wan's action looked foolish, if not an idiotic.     

"I'll give the report about this to the Village Head first. Anyone want to come with me?"     

"Me!" Ye Jiao volunteered right away.     

"I want to come too," Qi Huan added.     

Qin Zheng nodded. He looked at Lin Cai. "Reserve a private room in the restaurant and order food first. We'll join you later."     

"Ok. Wait, what kind of food do you three like?" Lin Cai recalled that she didn't know what they liked to eat. All along, they just ate separately in the academy and rarely met with one another.     

"Just order whatever you want," Qin Zheng waved his hand.     

Ye Jiao nodded. "Anything is fine, Senior Sister Lin. I'm sure that you can pick the best food for us."     

"Fine. We'll go first."     

They split into two groups. Lu Wan finally realized that they have left him. He stood up and ran in a hurry.     

"Hey! Wait for meeeeee!"     

"Let's speed up," Lin Cai said to the others.     

"Sure!" Wang Jun and Mu Xin didn't have any reason to refuse. Before they got out of this area, it would be better to stay away from Lu Wan because of the people's gaze on him.     


While the three of them ignored Lu Wan, Qin Zheng headed to the Village Head's office. It was a fine building located just near the middle of the village. They could also call this village a city, but with the architecture of this place, the three of them felt more comfortable to call it a Village.     

"You two, can you alter your appearance?" Qin Zheng asked when they were just a few meters away from the building.     


The two of them have learned the secret skill of disguising. They used it a lot during the time they were trying to evade the people from the Chen Kingdom on their way to the north.     

"Hide your true appearance," as Qin Zheng said that, his skin changed color. It was far lighter than before. At the same time, his face was no longer as handsome as usual, but it looked like a frail young master. His golden iris changed color to that of brown.     

Ye Jiao utilized her Eon Energy and made her skin darker and coarse. Her green iris also changed color to black while her face was altered slightly, making her look slightly rounder.     

Looking at their change, Qi Huan rolled his eyes internally and also changed his hair color to blond and altered his face slightly. He didn't understand why they needed so much precaution just to meet with the Village Head.     

"We're here," Qin Zheng pointed to the fine building.     

Ye Jiao locked her gaze to the building. Even though this place was just a small village, the building for the Head Village was really good. It was designed and built with some protection array. She could faintly sense the Eon Energy lines outside the building, surroundings it with the Eon Energy layer.     

"Halt!" A guard blocked their way.     

Qin Zheng took out their mission token. "Disciple Qin Zheng from Hua Shan Academy. I'm here to report a mission."     

They still wore an ordinary robe, so it was not apparent that they were disciples from Hua Shan Academy. However, this token was already well known among the people in the mountain's area. It was not unusual to see their disciples come to this place.     

Just a few weeks before, a few disciples from Wang Luo Academy had come to report their mission and told about their activity.     

"Please come in."     

Ye Jiao sneaked a look at Qin Zheng. She didn't understand why Qin Zheng didn't directly say that he was an Elite Disciple. But from another perspective, it was not that unusual to not leak out their identity right away. After all, it was still unclear why those white robed people were in that cave.     

The guards brought them into the long corridor. The three of them didn't say much and followed along the guards quietly. Even though they didn't act suspicious, Ye Jiao could faintly sense the unfriendly attitude of the guards. They didn't seem to be very welcoming even though they came from Hua Shan Academy.     

The guard stopped before a large door.     

Knock! Knock!     

"Come in," A powerful voice came from inside the room.     

The door was opened, and the three of them walked inside. They could see a finely decorated room inside, and Ye Jiao's body tensed up slightly as she could see some runes carved on the wall. She understood instantly that it must be the defense mechanism in this place, designed to make sure that no one can harm the Village Head.     

A middle-aged sat behind a wooden table. He was holding a pen in his large hand while his dark iris looked straight at the three children in front of him. No matter how much these three changed their appearance, they couldn't change their height.     

The guard bowed to the man. "Village Head, this is some students from Hua Shan Academy here to report the mission."     

"I understand. You can leave."     


After the guard left and closed the door, the Village Head looked at the three of them while tapping his finger on the table. "I don't have much time, so please tell me what do you want?"     

"I'm Qin Zheng from Hua Shan Academy," Qin Zheng didn't bother hiding his name. "These two are my friends from the same group. We accept the mission to investigate the cave that acts strangely. After some time, we manage to find out that they're a group of…."     

Qin Zheng explained their findings with ease without any loophole. Both Ye Jiao and Qi Huan were stunned because Qin Zheng never mentioned anything about the Emperor Stone. Based on what he said, the entire place was already in ruins, and there was a lake deep underneath. It was believed to be a place for known materials that only existed in two different environments: Water Haze.     

If not because Qi Huan and Ye Jiao knew the true stories, they would surely believe whatever Qin Zheng said.     

His words didn't leave any room for any loophole!     

"I see, so you're saying that there are possibilities that someone tries to monopoly Water Haze?" the Village Head asked while looking at Qin Zheng.     

Qin Zheng nodded. "That's our report. We hope that you can deliver the news to Hua Shan Academy too."     

"Sure. Is there anything else?"     


The Village Head didn't immediately excuse them. He looked at the three of them one by one as if he was scrutinizing them.     

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