Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Sneaked Out of the City

Sneaked Out of the City

3"I want mooooorreeeee!" Lin Cai could barely sit straight after drinking almost half a bottle of wine.      4

"That's enough," Qi Huan pulled the bottle away. There was still a bit of wine left, but it would be a disaster to let this woman touch it. Among the seven of them, three of them drank wine.     

"I want, hik…"     

"Just sleep, for now, Senior Sister Lin," Qin Zheng shook his head and lightly pressed her sleeping acupoint. Without being able to guard it, Lin Cai felt drowsy and slept afterwards.     

Mu Xin was sleeping because of her low alcohol tolerance. Her head rested on Wang Jun's shoulder, who was sitting right beside her. On the other hand, Wang Jun was fine even after drinking two glasses. The rest of the wine naturally fell into Lin Cai's hand.     

Qin Zheng stood up. "I have already sold the plate, so I'll give the money to you after we get out of the city."     

"How much did we get?" Lu Wan's eyes sparkled. He loved money, so he would not waste this chance of getting a lot of them. "1000 low grade Eon Energy Stones?"     

"You will know later," Ye Jiao also stood up. "We need to make a roundabout trip, so we need to stay quiet."     

Wang Jun raised his head. "Did something happen?"     

"I'll tell you on the way," Qi Huan said as he placed several gold coins on the table as payment. "Lu Wan, take care of Senior Sister Lin. Wang Jun, please take Mu Xin."     

"Got it."     

"Why me?" Lu Wan was stunned.     

"You have the biggest built after Wang Jun. Besides, do you really think that Ye Jiao can carry Senior Sister Lin with her size?"     

Ye Jiao: "…" I know I'm small, but do you have to say it like that?     

They were all Eon Energy Masters, so they could just use their Eon Energy to hold the weight. However, they wanted to escape from the city quietly, so it would be better for them to not use their Eon Energy in case they would be captured.     

Lin Cai was a few centimeters taller than Ye Jiao. In addition, her body was a bit bigger compared with the small and petite Ye Jiao. If Mu Xin was not drunk, they would have asked her instead of Lu Wan since Mu Xin is the tallest among the three girls.     

Lu Wan's face darkened. "Can't you use Eon Energy?"     

"We need to get out quietly, so I'm sure that you understand that you can't use any Eon Energy."     

"Why?" Lu Wan moved to Lin Cai, who was already sleeping. His expression was ugly as he pulled the young girl on his back. He could faintly feel her chest pressed on his back, which turned his face red.     

'Damn, why didn't they tell me that she has started to develop…?'     

He wanted to cry as he tried not to think too much. His Eon Energy was circulated in his body rapidly as he focused his attention on making sure that no Eon Energy was leaked out of his body.     

"There's a forest route to the other city in the East. We're going out of the gate and head there."     


"Between each mountain, there's some area that's pretty low. It's covered in forest," Qin Zheng explained as he moved faster.     

Under the night light of the city, they started to move towards the gate. They tried to hide themselves in the shadow, not leaving any trace at all. On the back, Wang Jun copied their movements as his eyes were looking at them intently. This was the first time he realized that these groups of youngsters were capable of moving covertly very well.     

It was him who couldn't move stealthily.     

"There's a guard there," Qi Huan whispered and pointed to the front.     

Qin Zheng nodded and moved to the other side. They didn't head to the gate but instead to the fence. The ground was dirt, so it was not impossible to dig the ground and escape from there. However, it wouldn't be that easy without using their Eon Energy.     

"We're digging?" Lu Wan was stunned.     


From his Spatial Ring, Qin Zheng took out three shovels. He handed one to Ye Jiao and the other one to Qi Huan. Since Lu Wan was holding Lin Cai and Wang Jun was holding Mu Xin, they couldn't be of help here.     

"If you know that we have to work, why didn't you stop them from drinking?" Qi Huan arched his eyebrows.     

"If those people who watch see that we're on guard, they'll surely make their move faster," Qin Zheng said lightly. His hand moved and dug the hole before them faster.     

"Can't we just destroy a part of this gate?"     

"There are runes…"     

"I'll remove some of the runes," Ye Jiao put the shovel away and extended her arm towards the gate. By adding a few lines, she would make it save to destroy a part of the gate. That way, they could get out of the place safely.     

Qin Zheng and Qi Huan still dug the ground at high speed. Even though they knew that Ye Jiao would surely be able to do that, they needed to hurry before other people noticed the movements of the Eon Energy.     

Eon Energy Master Rank 5 naturally has a keener sense and would be able to cover a wider range.     


"I'll create the hole." Qi Huan took his sword and attacked the fence. It created a hole near the ground, just barely enough for them to get out if they crawled.     

"I'm first. Pull Senior Sister Lin and Mu Xin out afterwards."     


They silently moved Lin Cain and Mu Xin out of the hole as Qin Zheng caught them from the other side. After they had finished, they headed to the forest, intending to disappear quickly.     

"Huh? What are you…MMFH!" Lin Cai woke up at that moment. She was surprised to see herself on top of Lu Wan. Before she could protest, Qin Zheng had already pressed her acupoint once more.     

"Who's there?"     


The five of them immediately rushed into the forest without caring that they were discovered anymore. Right now, they just wanted to stay away from this city.     

In the city, a man was sitting inside the Village Head's room. His originally closed eyes fluttered open as he looked in the East direction.     

The Village Head noticed his movements and asked. "Is there anything wrong?"     

"Those brats have escaped."     

"Already?" the Village Head frowned. He was planning on making a move once they found out where these brats rested for the night. After all, they disappeared not long after they got out of that restaurant.     


"They're too cunning."     

The man paid no heed and leaned back once again with his eyes closed. "Don't alarm the Hua Shan Academy. It's not going to do well for you."     

"I know, but I want to teach them a lesson for foiling my plan," the Village Head replied.     

"Be patient. There are still more than two years," the man said in an unhurried tone. "if they get suspicious before the time, we're not going to be able to get away."     

"If you say so." the Village Head buried his head into his works once more. They needed to bid their time until it was time to launch their plan that they have prepared for a long time.     

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