Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse

3"Hurry!"      4

As Qin Zheng and Qi Huan were fighting against the white robed man, Lu Wan rushed with the plate in his hand. His body was hurting like crazy. Internally, he swore to himself that he would never accept any kind of close combat request anymore.     

If not because of the plan that Ye Jiao suggested, he would never do this.     

Swish! Swish! Swish!     

The sound of the missed attack came from his right. Turning his head, He saw Lin Cai agilely jump around. The girl looked at him with annoyance.     

"What are you doing here? Get away!"     

"I'm already running!"     

"You're slow!"     

Lu Wan rolled his eyes and rushed to the other tunnels. His heart was cursing himself because he could see Lin Cai coming from behind him at high speed. It looked as if he was standing while Lin Cai was rushing at him.     

"Can't help it," Lin Cai stomped and stopped her movements. She looked at the white robed men who chased from behind as her sword started to move.     

Swish! Swish! Slash!     

"Senior Sister Lin!"     

"You keep running, Idiot!"     

Getting scolded once more, Lu Wan didn't stop and rushed faster. His hand held the plate tightly as his mind thought about the plan that Ye Jiao suggested to them before. There was only one word to describe it: insane.     

"We lack numbers, so the only way we could defeat them is if we pull them all into the large cave," Ye Jiao explained. Her tone turned solemn and cold. "I have an Eon Energy Gathering Array Plate, and if we activate it when they're all inside, there's no need to fully defeat them."     

"Won't it be easier to kill them instantly?" Lin Cai uttered her opinion.     

"Not if your difference in rank is too big," Qin Zheng shook his head. "If you kill one, the others are going to notice your presence and go after you. Rather than immediately kill, it'll be better to wound them from a safe distance and pull them to the tunnels. In that narrow tunnel, all you have to do is pull them inside."     

"And how do you plan to do that? We can't possibly cut all of their legs and drag them down, right?"     

"All we have to do is just pull them to the large cave that leads straight to the tunnel. As long as you activate the array with a large influx of Eon Energy, they'll be pulled inside. As for how to make them stay there, I'm sure that you won't have a problem fighting them, right?" Ye Jiao turned her head to the others.     

All of them nodded. They just needed to fight those people there and injure them. It wouldn't be easy, but it was not impossible.     

Lu Wan took out a bottle. "I have a paralyzed poison. You just need to throw this to them, and they won't be able to move."     

"That's convenient," Lin Cai picked the bottle. "I should be the one who lure them in, right?"     

"Senior Sister Lin and Xin Jie need to move fast to pull them in," Ye Jiao looked at the two girls. "Can you do that?"     

Mu Xin nodded. "Leave it to me."     

"Sure," Lin Cai grinned. "Sounds fun."     

Wang Jun frowned. "That plan is good and all, but how about us? Don't we have to stay close when activating the plate?"     

If they all ended up dead because of it, it would be useless. After all, the plate would surely pull them inside the cave without them able to move.     

"As for that…"     


Lu Wan was stunned. He turned his head to the side and noticed several people were rushing in. They must have heard the commotion in this area and decided to check. He was already in the large cave nearby with the tunnel leading to the Emperor Stone located not far from him.     

"There's a brat!"     

"Get him!"     

Standing in his place, Lu Wan waited until all of them walked out of the tunnel. As soon as they all gathered in the cave, he raised his arm and threw the bottle containing poison at them.     



"What in the #$%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&*!"     


Not waiting anymore, Lu Wan rushed to the other tunnel.     


Not far from Lu Wan, Wang Jun was standing inside the cave. The moment the commotion started, which was the sudden killing intent from Qin Zheng, they would start to move. Mu Xin and Lin Cai have to lure their opponents to the caves near the tunnels towards the Emperor Stone except for this cave. If there was anyone who came here, he had to kill them.     

"Come here quick!"     

"There's someone here!"     

"Kill that brat."     

Wang Jun took out his sword and looked at the people coming at him coldly. "A soldier will never back down."     

Clang! Slash!     

In just one movement, his sword reached the two white robe men who came here. Their expression changed instantly. Even though they were already Eon Energy rank 4, their defense was broken down almost instantly.     


Clang! Slash!     

Twisting his body, Wang Jun directed his sword. There was not even a slight emotion on his face. He just continued to direct his sword and kill them in the shortest time possible.     



While Wang Jun was fighting, Ye Jiao was not far from that location.     

Inside the tunnel where Ye Jiao and Qin Zheng snooped before, Ye Jiao sat down near the entrance. She was the one who proposed the idea, which was to create a defense rune in this place. After managing to form one, Ye Jiao realized that the defense rune was strong as long as she could sustain it with Eon Energy.     

'I can do this.'     

The moment Ye Jiao felt the killing intent, she raised her finger and started to pour Eon Energy. Like what she did during practice, she started to create shape through the string like Eon Energy coming from her finger. It was thin, yet at the same time, it was beautiful.     

Even though there was a series of fights behind her, Ye Jiao couldn't hear them at all. Her concentration was fully focused on the runes before her. She only managed to form it once before, and this time, she was not allowed to fail.     

Neither one of them could fail in this plan, or they would surely die.     

Swish! Swish!     

Ye Jiao could sense her Eon Energy depleted at an insane rate as she quickened her movements. Runes didn't allow even the slightest mistake and interference. Even a little bit would make a huge difference in the performance.     


Sudden waves of Eon Energy came from the opposite of the wall. Ye Jiao ignored it and continued to move her finger. Sweat trickled down her forehead as her Eon Energy continued to pour out and sustained the shape of the runes.     

'A bit more…. Just a bit more….'     

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