Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Hit and Run

Hit and Run

3"They're not exactly a good comrade," Qin Zheng commented. Many people would be like those people, sacrificing the lives of their comrades just because they didn't want to die. He had seen a lot of them, so it was extremely common for him.     

"Right," Ye Jiao's voice was cold. She was thinking about helping them, but the only one worth her respect was the second student. Unfortunately, there was no way to help them from up here.     

Should she help the others?     

Just when she was contemplating, the white robed man who held the plate shook his head. "We need them to get inside as fast as possible."     

"Are you thinking of using their blood and cores too?"     

"If there's any water element, that's naturally the best. But even if there's none, their blood is more than enough."     

The white robbed man near the entrance rubbed his forehead. Just how much blood would be needed if they wished to use them to replace the water needed? Just a few people definitely wouldn't be enough.     

"We need more people."     

The white robed man with the plate looked at the student. "Do you know if there's any other group of students that will come here?"     

They were all Eon Energy Masters rank 3 at the very least. Even though the amount of Eon Energy might not be too much, it would surely be able to feed the Emperor Stone to fill its need for water element.     

The fourth student shook his head. It was then he recalled something. "Hua Shan Academy! They… they're going to send their students too…. because there's a mission…. to that academy."     

Hearing the name of 'Hua Shan' caused Ye Jiao's blood to turn cold. She could understand if these people betrayed their comrades, but should they also include the bystander too? Right, there was never a bystander in the world of martial arts.     

In the face of danger, a coward would surely use all kinds of means just to save themselves.     

"Let's return back."     

Qin Zheng could sense the tinge of rage within Ye Jiao's voice transmission. Even though the girl's expression was still neutral, her voice betrayed her real feeling. It was extremely apparent for someone like him.     

He nodded. "Careful."     

The two of them stayed low and retreated. From behind her, Ye Jiao still could faintly hear the stuttering voice of the fourth student, saying that the Hua Shan Academy would surely send more students with water elements. It was disgusting.     

"There are a lot of people like that man," Qin Zheng said in voice transmission. "Human being's true nature will only appear in the face of danger."     


She knew that. All along, she knew that humans would be selfish and prioritized themselves. Even though they knew that their decision would lead to other people's suffering, they still did it because they wished the best for themselves. Betrayal was extremely common in the face of interest.     

Qin Zheng looked at Ye Jiao. "Even your fellow disciples might betray you someday. You can't just put your trust in anyone you meet."     

"I know."     

"Back then, I could have killed you when you're sleeping. You need to be more on guard, Little Lass," Qin Zheng raised his hand and patted Ye Jiao's head. She was around the same height as him, so Ye Jiao could evade easily if she wished to. But this time, Ye Jiao didn't feel like evading his hand.     

"But you didn't do it."     

"That's because I value my life and the favor you did for me. However, if you're in danger and I'm unable to help, I'll surely leave you."     

Ye Jiao knew that. They were just strangers who met each other through weird fate and made a deal. As long as the deal was beneficial for both of them, they would stay and help each other. But when the situation turned to worst, there was no telling that he wouldn't leave her for his own life.     

"What about now?" Ye Jiao asked through voice transmission.     

"Now?" Qin Zheng didn't reply and just asked back. "What do you think?"     

"I don't know."     

"There's no need to think too much."     

The two of them reached the cave where Lin Cai and Lu Wan were hiding behind the rock. The two of them seemed relieved that they returned back safely.     

"Is there anyone who passed by this route?" Qin Zheng asked directly.     

Lin Cai nodded. "There's one person who comes through the route where Qi Huan went and headed to our entrance tunnel. He's wearing a white robe. It's a bit weird to see them all wearing the same color of robes."     

"Everyone here uses white robe except the guards," Qin Zheng commented. Looking at the dust around them, he guessed why they used white. If they used any other color, they wouldn't be able to see each other in this dark cave. The most eye-catching would be the contrast color of black:     


"What's your plan?"     

"We need to count their number first." Ye Jiao frowned.     

It was at this time there was a movement from the tunnel where Qi Huan went. The four of them rushed to hide behind the rock. Soon afterward, the familiar face of Qi Huan appeared before them. His silvery hair looked extremely eye-catching in that dark cave.     

Qi Huan smiled and headed to the place where they hid. He pointed at the tunnel where he just went. "That tunnel leads to another large cave that's heading in two directions. One direction is heading to the other side of a large cave with a black reddish stone in the middle, which is the place where they throw some Wang Luo's students."     

Lin Cai frowned. "You're saying that they managed to capture them?"     

"Yes, I think their leader is already rank 5. There are two at around middle rank 4, but I can't be so sure. The rest are only at rank 3, mostly late stage, but I believe that they're not a problem at all," Qi Huan frowned. "From what I see, there are around 10 or so people in this place."     

"What about the other tunnel?"     

"It's headed to the same large cave as when we first come," Qi Huan pointed at the tunnel where they headed first.     

Qin Zheng frowned. He could guess that it must be triangle-shaped. The five of them shut their mouths as they sensed Eon Energy movements from the other side of the cave. Their eyes landed on the last tunnel. Wang Jun and Mu Xin appeared and rushed behind the rock.     

"What did you find?"     

"There's another bigger cave with several routes. All the routes except one leads to a large room with a reddish black rock in the middle," Wang Jun replied. "The last route is directed up where there's another large hall with several routes. We returned back when we heard people coming, so we're not sure where they headed to."     

"Did you see the people from Wang Luo Academy?"     

"Yes." Mu Xin's tone was cold. "They're saying to capture people from Hua Shan Academy because there will be more disciples coming here."     

Qin Zheng nodded. "They needed blood sacrifice for Emperor Stone."     

"Blood sacrifice?" Lin Cai's eyes widened in disbelief.     

Ye Jiao nodded and explained in a simplified manner about the Emperor Stone. Upon hearing that it was capable of absorbing Eon Energy from humans, their expression changed considerably.     

That was insane.     

"If you use Eon Energy Gathering Array Plate, you can form it around the stones to make it absorb Eon Energy faster. That way, even humans will be pulled because the force can overwhelm your power," Qin Zheng explained.     

"Even if you're rank 4?"     


That was scary.     

Qi Huan frowned. "We need to return back and report to the Academy. If that man is truly Eon Energy Master Rank 5, we won't have a chance to defeat him.     

"No, he's just rank 4 late stage," Qin Zheng shook his head. "However, he's still not an opponent you can deal with easily."     

"In addition, there are a lot of other members in the caves, spreading all over the area," Lu Wan added.     

The rest of them nodded. They wouldn't be able to move recklessly because any of their decisions might lead to their death.     

Ye Jiao looked at them all. "I have an idea, but this is a bit cruel."     


"It doesn't matter."     

"Do you know hit and run?" Ye Jiao proceeded to ask.     

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