Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Staking Everything

Staking Everything

3"The same tactic won't work twice, brats," the white robed man said coldly. He pushed back the blade and rushed to Lu Wan. Before Qin Zheng and Qi Huan could catch up, he had reached Lu Wan with his sword swung at impossible speed.     


"Duck!" Qi Huan yelled.     

Lu Wan pulled back his right arm, which was connected to the end of the chain. The chain appeared on top of his head, perfectly blocked everything in front of him.     

Clang! Crack!     

*Ugh* *cough*     

Lu Wan vomited blood almost immediately. He could feel his internal was churned upside down from the sudden attack of this white robed man. Even though he was already using his Eon Energy to create a layer of defense, it was still not enough.     


Qin Zheng jumped from his position and utilized his movements technique to reach the white robed man instantly. His sword targeted straight at the man's stomach, but the white robed man blocked his attack.     

"You're too weak," the white robed man laughed coldly. He infused Eon Energy along with his water element and swung his sword to Qin Zheng.     

Clang! Sreeet!     

Pushed back to several steps, Qin Zheng used his sword to block the attack. He could feel that the white robed man was using his water element to sharpen his attack and make it smoother. It was able to move at a much faster rate.     

At the same time, the layer of water blocked the killing intent from achieving the desired effect. Even though both Qin Zheng and Qi Huan were using their killing intent, this man still could fight to his fullest.     

"Do you think…" The white robed man was stunned by the sudden release of the pressure.     


Lu Wan, who was sitting beside them listlessly, suddenly pounced on the man and grabbed his robe. The layer of water cut off his skin, but Lu Wan grabbed the man's robe and pulled the plate that he kept inside.     



Qi Huan kicked Lu Wan out of the way and used his sword to block the man's attack. At the same time, Qin Zheng concentrated his Eon Energy on his sword as his gaze turned dangerous.     

"Move away!"     

Swish! Swish! Slash! Slash!     

Just like rainfall, numerous sword slashes came from Qin Zheng. It cut through the air, directly heading straight to the white robed man.     

Clang! Clang! Slash!     

The white robed man managed to block some of the attacks, but many of them hit his body directly. His eyes were full of disbelief as he looked at Qin Zheng. "T-that's the Thousands Myriad Swords! Y-you're Hua Shan Academy Elite Disciple!"     

Qin Zheng arched his eyebrows. "So, you know this attack."     

It originally created one thousand swords attack, but Qin Zheng was still unable to do so. His best record so far was only 20 consecutive slashes, in which he used against Ye Jiao the most as training.     

The Thousands Myriad Swords was a technique unique for Hua Shan Academy Elite Disciple. Only the future successors and guardians of the academy were allowed to learn this skill if they specialized in a sword. Normally, one needed to reach rank 4 to start learning, but Qin Zheng had begun to learn them from the time he was rank 3.     

Swish! Clang!     

Qi Huan attacked the man from behind. He had retreated when Qin Zheng attacked because he knew that Qin Zheng was still unable to fully control his attack. It would need years before the young man would be able to master that attack perfectly.     

"You damn Hua Shan Academy!" The white robed man cursed and swung his sword. It was at this time he realized that the weakest one among them had disappeared.     

"You, what…. Ugh!"     

Suddenly, the white robed man felt pain in his abdomen. It was scorching hot despite the fact that his element was water.     

"The poison has started to take effect!" Qi Huan muttered. He lunged forward once more with his sword ready.     

Qin Zheng nodded and stomped forward. His sword also began to move, creating a barrage of attacks on the white robed man.     

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!     


The white robed man unleashed a wave of Eon Energy. It exhausted his Eon Energy faster, but he could not catch up against these two barrages of attacks. His core has also started to feel pain while his body turned hot.     

Qin Zheng frowned. "What's the name of the poison?"     

"Scorching Flame Poison," Qi Huan replied. "If I'm not wrong."     

The white robed man's face paled when he heard the name of the poison. It was the fire element type of poison, which was very dreadful for the water element. The fire would spread all over his body, burning his meridians and evaporated everything on the way. He needed to get treatment fast. When did they poison him? He didn't see it at all.     

"Damn it all! Where are the others! Why can't I see them at all?"     

"Are you really unable to see them?" Qin Zheng laughed coldly. He dashed forward once more. Even though he already used a large amount of Eon Energy because of Thousands Myriad Swords' attack, there was still more than enough to control his body and deal with this man.     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

Facing the barrage of attacks from Qin Zheng and Qi Huan, the man began to feel the burden. It was supposed to be an easy fight given the difference in rank, but somehow, he could not fight against these two.     


Twisting his body, he kicked the ground to push him back. He landed at the tunnel towards the Emperor Stone's direction while still facing the two youngsters in front of him. His expression was wary.     

"It's time," Qi Huan said suddenly.     

"What are you?"     


The faint sound of someone falling entered his ears. Turning his head to the back, he could see another one was pushed to the stone. Without the Eon Energy Gathering Array, it would be impossible to push the Emperor Stone to absorb them.     

"Do you really think that…"     

It was at this time that he felt a sudden section of power from behind him. His face changed greatly.     

"Hold on tight," Qin Zheng said indifferently as he pulled Qi Huan to the back.     

"I won't let you off!"     

Utilizing his Eon Energy, the white robed man lunged forward with his sword ready to hack down on one of them. His sudden acceleration came too quick as Qin Zheng hadn't had the time to start his movements technique.     


"We need to go!"     

"Like hell you will!"     

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