Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Mount Shui

Mount Shui

3Normally, they would need to pay when using the Teleportation Array aside from the one to the city near the Hua Shan Academy. However, they didn't need to pay this time because they were doing a mission. All they needed to do was tell the elder in charge that they wanted to do a mission and showed their tokens.     2

Each token would tell the elder which area they headed to.     

"Get into the array."     

The array in this place was different from the door-like array that they have been using so far. It was a circle array and needed to be activated manually, just like the one in the Four Kingdoms. However, the design was a bit more complicated and thorough because it was used for large distance transportation.     


After they had entered the array, they sensed the Eon Energy movements before they arrived in a completely different place. There was a wooden wall around them with the smell of metals permeating all around the place.     

"Blegh! Can't they do something about the smell?" Lin Cai pinched her nose. She disliked the metallic smell because they didn't smell pleasant.     

Qin Zheng shrugged. "This is a mining village, so you need to get used to it."     

"Ugh, if I had known this, I would have picked a different one."     

Ye Jiao watched amusedly as Lin Cai crouched on the ground, trying to erase the smell by utilizing her Eon Energy. She turned her head to Wang Jun and smiled. "It's nice to see you again, Jun Ge."     

Wang Jun's eyes flashed when he heard Ye Jiao called him. It has been three or so years since the last time he saw Ye Jiao. She looked different from his memories. Her countenance might not change so much, but she looked far more beautiful compared when she was nine. She was also no longer as thin as before but more to the petite side.     

He thought that she might just have the same name because she was no longer the poor girl he used to know.     

"It's nice to meet you, Senior Sister Ye."     

"There's no need to be so formal when we're outside," Ye Jiao giggled. "Besides, you're 9 years older, so it's weird if you call me like that."     


"Please, Jun Ge?"     

Wang Jun smiled wryly. He nodded his head. "If you ask me like that, I can't reject you, Ye Jiao. Have you been well?"     

"Uh, huh, I'm pretty good."     

"Hey, come on, we need to find more information about the cave," Lu Wan called. He had arrived in front of the entrance of the building where he could see numerous people walking on the street. They mostly wore crude clothes, showing that they have been working outdoors for some time.     

"Mining cave," Qin Zheng corrected.     

"It's the same."     

Ye Jiao walked out and looked at her surroundings. "We can begin by trying to ask around and act as travellers. I'm sure that a lot of people go to this city, right?"     

"Yes. Most of them are Forging Masters, but there are other travelers too," Qin Zheng replied. "I���ll try to ask the people around the mining area. They might be able to know much more about the current situation."     

"Are you sure that they want to answer questions from a brat?" Lu Wan arched his eyebrows.     

Qin Zheng looked back coldly. "I'm sure that you're the bratty one here, Lu Wan."     

Even though Lu Wan already has the build of an adult, it was clear that Lu Wan acted the most childish. He was already 1,8 meters tall, a height which both Qin Zheng and Qi Huan slightly envied as their growth spurt hadn't begun. Of course, they needed to exclude Ye Jiao and Lin Cai from the list as these two still looked like little kids.     

Mu Xin looked at them with confusion. "Can't we use our identity as the Hua Shan Academy's disciples?"     

"Nope," Qin Zheng shook his head. He took out a robe and wore it outside his uniform. "It's dangerous."     

"Why?" Lu Wan also asked.     

"Because this is a mission against people," Ye Jiao also took out a blue robe and wore it outside her uniform. "If there's someone who actually wants to use the mine for other things, we need to make sure that they're not suspicious of us. If there's an expert among them, it wouldn't be easy for us to get away."     

Lu Wan was stunned. "By experts, do you mean…"     

"Eon Energy Master Rank 4 or even up to 5," Qi Huan elaborated. "After all, it's not easy to covertly do something like this and make it as if the mine is going strange."     

Lu Wan: "…" is it too late to change the mission.     

Mu Xin shook her head slightly. "You need to make sure to read the mission's description properly. There's a warning at the bottom telling you that there's a possibility that Eon Energy Master Rank 5 is involved."     

"…Can I return back?"     


"Change your clothes, Lu Wan."     

With no other choice, Lu Wan had to wear another robe on top of his uniform. It was only after they all had changed their clothes that they got out of the building. There was barely anyone around the building since people rarely used the Teleportation Array.     

"I'll check the market," Qi Huan said. "I'm sure that I can ask the ladies there."     

"Your silver hair surely stands out," Ye Jiao commented.     

"Your green iris too, Jiao'er."     

"No one will pay attention to it."     

"It's not that necessary to hide your special traits," Qin Zheng's iris was also golden, but he didn't bother hiding it. "At the end of the mission, we need to report it to the City's Head."     


Lu Wan eyed Qi Huan. "Are you going to flirt with them?"     

"Just asking a question."     

'Definitely flirting.'     

Qi Huan has a handsome countenance. Even though he was slightly short because of his age, females would still flock to him because of his looks.     

"I'll try to head to the bars and other restaurants," Ye Jiao stretched her body. "They will not suspect a curious little girl."     

Qi Huan laughed. "Right, you're the best when acting like a clueless and innocent brat."     

Lin Cai tilted her head. "It sounds as if you already know each other for some time, but from what I know, Qi Huan is a prince while Ye Jiao is in hiding, right?"     

"Ah, well… Long story."     

Mu Xin was also looking at Ye Jiao as if asking for an explanation, but Ye Jiao couldn't tell them. How could she say that she has been working as an assassin and met these two because of her other identity? It would surely spark a lot of trouble afterwards.     

"We'll head to the inn to book rooms to stay and also ask the people there," Wang Jun remarked.     


"Me and Mu Xin."     

Qin Zheng nodded. "Sure."     

From the way Mu Xin acted, they could see that this girl was not used to acting and probed for information. Besides, she usually talked very little that it might be hard for her to gain more information.     

"Wait, what about me?" Lu Wan pointed to himself.     

Everyone looked at him as if looking at an idiot. Each of them thought about what they could do themselves based on their capabilities, but he needed them to point out what he had to do?     

"Ask the guards," Ye Jiao replied. "Just say that you're interested in becoming a guard and then ask them if there's anything suspicious lately. They'll surely tell you much more about the situation."     

"Oh, good idea. I'm going then!"     

"I'll just walk around," Lin Cai felt like she was about to vomit from the smells she hated so much. "I don't think I can do much."     

Qin Zheng turned his head to Ye Jiao. "You seem to have a good head."     

"What are you implying?" Ye Jiao frowned. Whenever this man made a remark, he would surely shoot her down.     

"I thought that you're bad at thinking considering how slow you are."     

"Qin Zheng!"     

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