Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Giving Bracelets

Giving Bracelets

1"Eh?"      4

Elder Qian looked at Ye Jiao with a smile. "Truth be told, Rune Master usually requires you to be at least rank 4 before you can learn making it properly because the amount of Eon Energy you need to form even just one is a lot. Even though you have much more Eon Energy compared with normal Eon Energy Master Rank 3, you're still in the early stage."     

Over the past few months, Ye Jiao hadn't progressed in her stage at all. She was still in the early stage. Her friends also hadn't advanced because they were all too focused on strengthening their foundation, whereas a lot of Eon Energy was needed to break through to the middle stage.     

"I see." Ye Jiao looked at the book in her arms. She smiled. "At the very least, I can learn the array first."     

"Mhm, you can go now."     

"Yes. Thank you, Master."     

Elder Qian sighed to himself. Truthfully, he didn't expect Ye Jiao's memorization ability to be so good. It just took her a few months to finish memorizing the runes' history, drawing, and the characteristic perfectly. She was also one of the students who earned a lot of points from both classes and arena.     

He felt that the little lass never properly rested. It was as if she was in a hurry.     

Ye Jiao walked out of place. Her steps stopped when she entered the corridor because she saw Qin Zheng standing there.     

"Senior Brother Qin, what are you doing here?"     

"Didn't I tell you to call me Zheng Ge?" Qin Zheng furrowed his brows. But since they were outside with some people around, he didn't pester her too much. "Come with me, I have something to show you."     


Ye Jiao followed after Qin Zheng to the young man's residence. Once a week, they all would gather together at the market where Qin Zheng could buy a lot of ores. Somehow, this man has a keen sense and managed to find 70% valuable ores among the stones he bought. He forged them into a weapon and sold them back while at the same time increasing his skill level.     

However, this young man hadn't gone to the association to test his rank again because he felt that it was too bothersome.     

"Do you remember the Meteorite Lava Metal?" Qin Zheng asked as he entered his workplace.     

Ye Jiao nodded. "Yes. Did you manage to make a sword out of it?"     

"No, I didn't create a sword."     

Qin Zheng walked to the table and took out a box. He opened in front of Ye Jiao. Inside the box was a pair of red bracelets with a simple design. One look would be enough to tell that this must be what he made.     

"This is for you."     

"For me?" Ye Jiao was surprised. "I didn't know that you can create simple objects too."     

"I'm aiming to become a Forging Master, so I also learn how to form small objects," Qin Zheng shrugged. "It's not perfect, but it's durable and can withstand high temperature. I already ask Elder Qian to engrave protection runes inside. If you're in danger, it'll activate and create a layer of fire to protect you."     

"Wow! That's amazing," Ye Jiao was surprised. "Are you sure you're going to give this to me?"     

"I create four objects as protection," Qin Zheng admitted. "There are four bracelets."     


"Yes. Don't you know that everyone has to accept a mission once the season turns to spring? The mission is done in a group, and I'm thinking of asking you, Qi Huan, and Senior Sister Lin to do the mission together," Qin Zheng replied.     

Ye Jiao recalled that there was indeed the mention of mission in the past during the spring. She hadn't paid attention to the detail because she was too busy lately. After all, she wished to gain more knowledge faster.     

"Is it allowed?"     

"Yes, there's no restriction about the group."     

"I understand." Ye Jiao nodded as she held the bracelet. She expected it to be hot at the touch, but it was instead cold and normal.     

"Don't tell me that you forget about it."     

"Eh, that…"     

"I see, even a model student like you can forget."     

Ye Jiao's face darkened. What model student? She was only an ordinary disciple in this academy. How could she be a model student?     

"How many people can be in the group?"     

"It's suggested to form a group of 5 to 10 people, so you can pick anyone you want and invite them to the group. Of course, make sure that they're a disciple of Hua Shan Academy."     

"There's no need to remind me of that!"     

"Oh? I thought that you would forget about it too."     

Ye Jiao: "…" if only he was at a rank lower than her, she didn't mind being like Lin Cai who beat up Lu Wan frequently.     

Qin Zheng chuckled when he saw her darkened face. "Is there anyone you want to invite? You can even ask those who are Core Disciple or Inner Disciple."     

"I'm thinking of asking Xin Jie," Ye Jiao replied.     

"Ooh, good idea."     


"Senior Sister Lin seems to like your sister very much."     

Whenever Mu Xin tagged along to the market, Lin Cai would surely drag her away to accompany her. Even though Mu Xin was cold on normal days, Lin Cai seemed to love spending her time with Mu Xin a lot. It was truly a wonder what made Lin Cai like Mu Xin so much.     

Ye Jiao tilted her head to the side. She definitely couldn't tell Qin Zheng that Mu Xin also had a sweet tooth. She liked sweets too but at a more moderate amount compared with Lin Cai.     

"I can see that as well."     

"Anyway, the examination is three days from now, so you might want to have some rest. After all, you don't need to do the climbing training anymore."     

Today was the last day for the climbing training, which was the reason Lu Wan was glad that he could finish it in time for the past few days. If he didn't, there was no doubt that he would need to retake it again after the first mission.     

"I'm going to spend my time practicing a bit," Ye Jiao replied. ��Also, I'm planning to try breaking through to the middle stage."     

"Oh?" Qin Zheng scanned Ye Jiao's body. He could faintly sense the powerful Eon Energy movements inside her core, so he understood that it was indeed already the time for her to break through to the middle stage. It took her some time, but it was still pretty quick considering that she took around half a year to breakthrough.     

Ye Jiao tilted her head. "How about you, Senior Brother Qin? Shouldn't you also aim for a breakthrough?"     

"I'm waiting for something," Qin Zheng relaxed on the chair. "Besides, I have been spending a long time practicing my forging skills."     

Even though he could make a sword and other weapons, their quality was still low in his opinion. Because of that, he took his time to practice making a lot of them over and over.     

"I'll be returning first then. Thank you for the bracelet, Senior Brother Qin."     

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