Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Ye Jiao’s Plan

Ye Jiao’s Plan

2The next day, Ye Jiao hurriedly ran to the Inner Disciple's area. There were only a few people who were awake. It was also a break day for the Inner Disciples, so they didn't bother to wake up so early in the morning.      1

Ye Jiao arrived at the arena with several people looking in her direction. After all, her small figure was pretty rare.     

"Xin Jie!" Ye Jiao waved her hand when she saw Mu Xin heading inside.     

Mu Xin smiled slightly. "How come you're the one who is here early?"     

"I just ran all the way here," Ye Jiao grinned. She didn't use Eon Energy, though, for she didn't wish to tire herself before the arena.     


"So you've arrived," the senior looked at Ye Jiao with wariness. Ye Jiao was wearing the Elite Disciple's robe, so it was easy for him to recognize her status. He didn't understand how a disciple with such status would come here.     

Mu Xin nodded. "Let's finish this quickly."     

"Wait, I'll fight with you, Xin Jie!" Ye Jiao grabbed Mu Xin's arm and clung onto her just like a little kid.     

The senior's jaw dropped open when he saw Ye Jiao's action. Everyone knew that Elite Disciples were still young because they were still under 14 years old, but he didn't know that they could act like a little kid too. Was this girl still 9 years old?     

"It's a personal fight!" the senior quickly interjected.     

"You just say that Xin Jie has to fight with 10 people daily, but didn't mention whether she had to fight alone or not," Ye Jiao rebutted.     


The senior was at loss. He did tell Mu Xin to fight with 10 people because he wanted to see her getting defeated. However, he truly didn't mention anything about her bringing someone to help her in the arena.     

"You can even bring double the number," Ye Jiao grinned. "I don't mind at all."     

"Ye Jiao!" Mu Xin was stunned. Even she would feel exhausted fighting against 10 people, what more 20? She might not have to run in the mountains today, but it would still be tiring.     

New Inner and Outer Disciples also have to run on the mountains, but their distance was different. In addition, they have more variety in the terrain to train their adaptability because many of them were already much older and needed to learn how to adapt better.     

"Sure, don't take your words back."     

Ye Jiao grinned and turned to look at Mu Xin. "Trust me, Xin Jie."     

"You…" Mu Xin sighed internally. She nodded. "Fine."     

The two of them headed to the arena. The senior called his friends to gather in the place. He looked at the two of them.     

"You shall fight against two people at once."     


"No problem."     

The two seniors that this man had selected came into the arena. They looked at Ye Jiao and Mu Xin with doubts. Even though they knew that Mu Xin was capable, it was known that the young girl wouldn't be able to last that long.     

"Ready? Start!"     


The moment the word 'start' was spoken out, Ye Jiao had arrived by the two's side and swung her dagger. It took her less than one second to deal a blow to them, sending them out of the arena instantly.     

Blood gushed out from their chest as no one was able to react.     

*cough* *cough*     

As they began to cough, their friends hurriedly came to their side. Their wound was deep, and if they were late, their life would be in danger.     

"Huh? You're so slow." Ye Jiao looked at the senior. She smiled. "Next, please."     

Right now, the seniors were looking at Ye Jiao as if they were looking at a demon. That speed from the time it began was simply too quick. They were unable to react at all, and their friends were already sent outside, right at death's door.     

"Y-you're cheating! You shouldn't have attacked them like that!" the senior pointed at Ye Jiao frantically.     

"It has begun, so it's normal, right?" Ye Jiao shrugged. "Would you wait for your enemy to say that they're going to attack so that you can prepare yourself?"     

The senior gritted his teeth. "It won't happen again. You two, come inside. It's just a fluke."     


Another two of them came inside. They watched Ye Jiao warily while the girl returned back to Mu Xin's side. Her figure might be small, but that attack just now told them that she was dangerous.     

"Ready? Start!"     


Once again, the two of them were sent outside the arena. Ye Jiao had moved behind them and swung her dagger without them being able to react. She looked at the group of men with arched eyebrows. "You know that I can attack your back too, right?"     

The two of them were unable to answer as they were in tremendous pain. Their friends had to force them to eat the medicine, or they wouldn't be able to survive.     

The senior was in a panic as fear filled his eyes. Ye Jiao's action was simply too casual. Even though they were all at least Eon Energy Master Rank 3 middle stage, they couldn't react to her speed at all.     

"Y-y-you should let Mu Xin fight!"     

"Fine," Ye Jiao agreed and moved to Mu Xin's side. She looked at her sister and smiled. "There's no need to hold back."     

"Yes," Mu Xin understood from Ye Jiao's action that she wanted to inflict fear to these seniors. They might be new students, but it didn't mean that they could easily be bullied like that.     

The senior sent another two inside the arena.     

"Ready? Begin!"     

Ye Jiao didn't move from her place, but she looked straight in the two people's direction. Her gaze was filled with murderous intent. The two seniors froze in their steps for a split second as Mu Xin charged forward. Her sword danced and headed to them next in a split second.     


The two seniors were sent outside with their neck bleeding. Their eyes were filled with fear as they felt as if they were sent to the death's door in that instant. Not a single one of them has formed a killing intent, so it was hard for them to counter Ye Jiao's sudden killing intent at them.     


"Next," Mu Xin said coldly.     

The senior could only grit his teeth and sent another two again. Over and over again, they got out of the arena with deep wounds, sending them near death's door. It caused fear to grow inside their heart. Even the spectators were astonished by the progress these two showed.     

"You, get up!" the senior was angry and just randomly pointed at one of his friends.     


Not a single one of them managed to last even a few seconds. They were all sent outside the arena with bad condition. Slowly but surely, their gazes when they saw this senior turned cold.     

"I got some points here," Ye Jiao commented. Because their position was lower, she could only get 3 points per person. So far, she had already got 54 points just from fighting them all. It was truly easy to farm points here.     

Mu Xin nodded. "I got more."     

The senior's face was ashen. He gritted his teeth.     

Mu Xin looked at the senior. "Do you dare to fight with me?"     

Not only Mu Xin, but his friends were also looking at him. This man was already Eon Energy Master Rank 3 middle stage. It wouldn't be weird for him to be the one to fight against Mu Xin.     

"Get up," one of his friends pushed him to the arena.     


"Fight. It's your turn."     

Ye Jiao moved to the back of the ring and leaned on the rope with a smile on her face. "Since it's just one opponent, I'm sure you can do it, right Xin Jie?"     


The senior's face paled. He had seen how brutal these two were that he felt afraid.     

His friend sneered. "Ready? Begin!"     

The moment his friend said that the senior placed his sword in a defensive position. Mu Xin twisted her body and swung her sword towards the man's neck. Before the senior could adjust his position, he felt sudden pressure coming at him. Thick and violent killing intent was directed straight at him.     



As his hand was placed right in front of his neck, it was cut along with a part of his neck. Mu Xin's sword was capable of cutting through bones.     

His friends didn't move to help him. They were looking at him with disgust. Because of this man, many of them nearly lost their lives in the battle just now. This time, it was his turn.     


No one moved as they didn't care for him anymore.     

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