Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Minute Control

Minute Control

0*yawn*      1

"Is it over?" Lu Wan asked after they had gotten out of the class. He felt hungry and sleepy after exhausting his Eon Energy.     

Qi Huan nodded. "If you plan to have your specialization in element, you will need to learn how to control Eon Energy better."     

"We're not rank 4 too, so it's impossible for us to control an element."     

The basic class only introduced them to the elements that they could possibly choose after they had reached rank 4. Usually, Eon Energy Master would pick based on their own innate talent because it would yield a much better result. However, they can also pick other elements to study.     

The downside would be the time they took to learn would be more than double if they didn't have any innate element.     

The three of them reached the canteen and picked a tray of food. At the very least, they didn't need to worry about getting hungry because there was more than enough food that the teachers had provided.     

"Oh, you've done. Come join us!" Lin Cai waved her hands excitedly.     

Ye Jiao could see that Lin Cai and Qin Zheng were sitting at a table with a lot of food placed on their table. From the way it looked like, they were having their dinner together after classes.     

"Is there any other class after this?"     

"For a new student, yes."     

Lu Wan's face changed when he heard that there would be another class. He already had enough from morning class until the basic element class that he had just now. Adding another class was just asking him to force himself to overwork himself.     

"What class?" Qi Huan asked.     

Qin Zheng swallowed his food and replied, "It's the basic minute control class."     

"Minute control?"     

"What's that?"     

"Basically, you'll all gather in the hall and learn Mind Body Meditation…., eh? I think that's the name?" Lin Cai scratched her cheek.     

The others: "…" how come you forget the name of the technique?     

"It's Peaceful Mind Meditation," Qin Zheng corrected. "It's one of the basic meditation techniques that the teacher taught here in order to let you sense every movement of your body. This will further enhance your fighting capabilities should you meet with real life's situation."     

Lu Wan blinked his eyes. "What do you mean by sense every movement? Didn't we already do that with our Eon Energy?"     

"This time, Eon Energy is useless. What the technique wished for you to learn is for your body to naturally sense every single movement in your muscle and everything. That way, your fighting capabilities would increase exponentially."     

"That sounds interesting."     

"It's very boring," Lin Cai said with her face scrunched. "In any case, good luck with your training. I'm not going to do that ever again."     

Qin Zheng arched his eyebrows. "It's an important meditation, Senior Sister Lin."     

"Not for me."     

They finished their meal quickly, and as Qin Zheng had said, they were told to come to the hall. Looking at the confused new students, Ye Jiao smiled bitterly. If Qin Zheng and Lin Cai didn't tell her that there was another class today, she would have the same expression as them right now.     

"Good evening, everyone," Chen Suyin walked to the front and greeted. She smiled when she saw the students still looked fairly energetic even after the harsh training that they had received today. "I'm going to introduce you to Peaceful Mind Meditation. This is a method that will allow you to sense every movement in your body.     

This technique is developed to let martial artists know their body better because many often didn't use their technique well. With this technique, you'll learn how to control your body better and let it handle the unexpected situation much faster than what you can imagine."     


Ye Jiao was now intrigued. If she could have a faster reaction, it would affect her fight because many fights could end in just a blink of eyes. Just a single attack was more than enough to end the battle. Of course, not all battle, but many often ended like that in her experience.     

At the front, Chen Suyin instructed them to a stance, and all of them followed suit. At the same time, she taught them the necessary breathing technique. "Close your eyes and focus. Try to sense every movement of your body and reach the 'peace.' In that state, you'll be able to know how your body moves every single time."     

Ye Jiao focused on her body inside her mind. She was standing still, doing nothing but stay in the same posture. The stance was not that hard, but staying still for a long time would be proven to be very difficult. After all, they needed to maintain the same stance and not to move at all.     

It didn't take long for Ye Jiao to realize that by focusing like this, she would be able to sense her body's movement. Chen Suyin's voice seemed to have come from far away as she continued to give the instructions.     

"Clear out your mind and just focus on your body. You'll sense that your body is very different and able to grasp even a minute movement."     

Ye Jiao tried to move her legs a bit and suddenly realized that even just a single movement required many of her muscles to move along. The change was very small, and if she didn't pay attention, she wouldn't be able to sense it. Slowly but surely, Ye Jiao continued to try moving her muscle bit by bit.     

The change in her muscle was weird, but Ye Jiao enjoyed the process. It was unexpected for her as she realized that the stance allowed her to have much better control over her body.     

'They're not bad.'     

Chen Suyin slowly walked across the disciples and scanned their progress. Once they had mastered this technique, they would be able to make minute changes in their stances faster. That way, their attack would be much more formidable than before. This was only the basic stance, but it was already capable of enhancing their fighting capabilities.     

Her eyes landed on Ye Jiao as surprise washed her face. It was barely an hour, but from the way it looked like, she must have already achieved the peace state.     

This training was only supplementary, so not everyone was forced to master it. However, if they could learn it, it would be for the best because they would be able to learn much better from the class.     

Chen Suyin counted the time and returned to the front. She let the students stay in the same stance for two hours in total. As Eon Energy Masters, they have higher endurance, so she was not worried that they wouldn't be able to handle the training at this intensity.     

"Time's up. Come here again tomorrow for the training. Only if you have achieved the peace state that I'll allow you to train in your own room and not come here."     



"Uh, my body feels sore."     

The students all groaned as they sighed. They have just realized that this would be the beginning of their hellish training. In the morning, they were forced to increase their body's overall physical ability and at night, they were forced to learn how to control their minute movement.     


Martial artists sure didn't have it easy.     

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