Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Comprehension Ability Test (1)

Comprehension Ability Test (1)

2"Beautiful movements."     

The sudden voice caused the youngsters to stop moving.     

They all looked at the elder, who had appeared out of nowhere. He was standing with both of his arms behind his back with a woman beside him. They had seen that woman before because she was the one who threw the two Eon Energy Master Rank 4 out of the wall not long ago.     

"Elder Qian, Elder Cai," Qin Zheng bowed down in respect.     

All of them immediately stopped moving and bowed down to show their respect. It was a common thing to bow down when they greeted someone who has high power. Especially when they were all just young juniors.     

Elder Qian waved his hand. His eyes were looking straight to Ye Jiao. She clearly just received that wooden dagger, but she was able to show the movements from the book flawlessly.     

Truly remarkable.     

"We shall begin directly."     

"…" didn't Qin Zheng say that there was still 10 minutes?     

Looking at the nonchalant young man, all of them felt like facepalming. This young man must have tricked them not long ago and caused them to be unable to train properly. Internally, they screamed loudly:     

'What did we do to offend you?'     

Elder Cai snickered when she saw them all looking at Qin Zheng with hatred. Even though it was their instruction for Qin Zheng to not reveal the real weapon to them, this boy didn't seem to have any intention to correct it. In any case, it didn't really matter to him, so he didn't mind.     

They would just clear up everything once it was over.     

"You'll pair up with someone who has the same weapon as you. The one with a hammer will pair up with one from the axe and the one with that chain will pair up with the one with the dagger."     

Lu Wan looked at Ye Jiao and smirked. "It seems we're going to fight against one another."     

"I hope you're ready," Ye Jiao said lightly. "Because this would be the first time I'm going to defeat you in public."     

Recalling their fight in the past, Lu Wan felt that he had just gotten a headache. He had never defeated Ye Jiao before since the past few months. She managed to catch up to him, and it was hard to defeat her now.     

No matter how he tried, he couldn't defeat Ye Jiao. What if the score was based on their wins? Would that mean that he would definitely fail since he was paired up with Ye Jiao?     

Lu Wan shivered and pushed the thoughts from the back of his head. He definitely didn't want to think about it! No matter what, he had to make sure that he performed to the best of his ability.     

"We shall see."     

Everyone hurriedly formed their pair. They purposely picked those who had the same stage as them because they were worried that they might have to fight each other. And, their worry did come true.     

"I'll test the swordsman and swordswoman plus axe users," Elder Cai remarked. "You have to fight against one another using only the basic movements that you learn from the books, starting from you."     

She pointed randomly, and the two youngsters stepped forward. The two of them looked at one another; then they started to attack one another.     

"I'll start from spears," Elder Qian said lightly. "You can only use the technique you learn just now. The one who manages to make their opponent fall down will win. If there's no winner in 3 minutes, I'll be the one to declare the winner and give you the score. You may begin now from that one."     

Fall down?     

Hearing that phrase, they felt like the elder was actually giving them a death sentence. Everyone knew how fragile the wooden weapons were. Even if their attack went in, they doubted that their opponent would fall down.     

The two unlucky people who were chosen stepped forward. The two of them bowed against one another before they began to attack their opponent.     

Tak! Tak! Tak!     

Sounds of wooden weapons hitting one another filled the area. Their face turned grim when they realized that the attack that went in could only create a surface wound on their opponent. If this continued, it meant that they wouldn't be able to win.     

"You 5 points and you 4 points. Qin Zheng, you're the one to take note."     

"Yes, Ma'am."     

"Call me, Elder Cai!"     

"Yes, Elder Cai," Qin Zheng was still smiling even though Elder Cai glared at him. The other youngsters felt as if Qin Zheng truly didn't know the word 'fear.' The way he handled everything seemed to be like a child's play.     

"5 points and 5 points," Elder Qian also stopped them because neither side fell down. "Next one."     

All of them fell into despair when they realized that the range points given to them were either 3, 4 or 5. Not even a single one of them managed to get over that. Somehow, they were confused as to why the teacher didn't seem to give them any score.     

There was even someone who got 2 points because his weapon broke in the middle.     

"Now you," Elder Cai pointed to two youngsters.     

"Oh, it's time," Cao Ren chuckled. He looked to the young man beside him with a kind smile on his face. "I hope you won't feel bitter about losing again."     

"If you really think that you can defeat me so easily, you're terribly wrong," Chen Zi Quan replied calmly.     

The two of them were at middle stage rank 3, so they just paired up with one another. Even though Chen Zi Quan still remembered how Cao Ren fought against him in the past before, he would not back down so easily. He would surely defeat this young man fair and square.     


The moment the word was said, the two young men had their aura changed. Chen Zi Quan dashed forward and swung his sword according to the attack that he read in the books. His sword was imbued with a fair amount of Eon Energy, which caused the sound of the clash to be different.     

Tang! Tak!     

"Hmph!" Cao Ren twisted his body with his sword still blocking. He counterattacked Chen Zi Quan beautifully. His movements followed after the books splendidly.     

Looking at the attack, Chen Zi Quan stepped back and blocked it using his sword.     


Elder Cai watched their fight without any expressions on her beautiful face, but there was a glint in her eyes. It was apparent that she felt much happier when she watched these two compared with the other boys.     

"They're really like a textbook living example," Lu Wan was astonished.     

"Yes. Not only that, but they're also using Eon Energy on their sword."     


Ye Jiao didn't pay attention to Lu Wan's astonishment as she merely watched the fight. The two of them were clearly using a textbook and used Eon Energy, causing their performance to be matchless.     

"That's enough," Elder Cai interrupted. Three minutes were up, and neither side fell down. "9 points and 9 points."     


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