Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Who’s the Genius? (3)

Who’s the Genius? (3)

3"Ugh, I feel my ear is going to turn deaf." Lu Wan inched away from the group of people who came from the Chi Kingdom. They were all cheering for their prince. He had to admit though, he didn't expect that prince to be this great.     

"Excuse me, what's the difference between Black Gold and Gold token?" Ye Jiao asked a nearby man.     

"Of course it's different! Those who get gold color can only have possibilities to be accepted into big academies as Core Disciple, while those with Black Gold can be directly accepted as either Elite Disciple or Core Disciple. Isn't it awesome?"     

Elite Disciples were those who could inherit even the strongest martial arts in the academy. It could be said that they were the future successor of that particular academy. To be directly admitted as one would require a large effort, talent, and obviously luck.     

"Wait, that means there's also Black color?"     

"Yes! But it's only for those special ones. Who knows what one has to do in order to get it."     

After getting the answer, Ye Jiao moved back. She looked at the direction of Lu Wan with inquiry. "It seems that there's a high possibility for you to get the token."     

"Nah, I'm not as good as him," Lu Wan shook his head. He was already 15 years old. Besides, he was only Eon Energy Master Rank 3 early stage. Even if he wished to get that token, it wouldn't be easy.     

"Are you going to stand forward now?"     

"Hmm," Lu Wan looked at the side. Wei Shang and the others were still standing not far from the gate. Even though they could get inside directly, they wanted to see the result of other geniuses. After all, those from different places would arrive in this place too soon.     

Ye Jiao noticed Lu Wan's worry. "Are you going to wait until everyone has finished?"     

After contemplating a bit, Lu Wan shook his head. "He's going to find out about me soon enough. Since he can't attack me in this place, what's the harm for me to just step forward directly? I'm sure that my result will surely attract a lot of people's attention."     

"Then, good luck, Senior Brother."     

"You too."     

As Lu Wan walked towards the counters, Ye Jiao flicked her glance to the location of those people from the Wei Family again. She too didn't really want them to know that she was still alive. However, she knew that it would be inevitable. They would know sooner or later. She just has to be prepared for what would come afterwards.     

After all, she didn't want to live in the dark forever.     

"Congratulations, Prince Qi Huan," Cao Ren said with a smile on his face.     

Qi Huan nodded. "Thank you. You're not bad too."     

"Yeah," Cao Ren played with the silver colored token in his hand. "I have to admit I'm surprised that you can grow that fast."     

"I'm just lucky."     

"Luck alone won't be able to bring you this far." Cao Ren chuckled. He looked at the crowd before them. "I wonder if there'll be any other surprise for us."     

'There obviously will be.'     

Qi Huan noticed Lu Wan walking towards the first counter. The previously brown hair has changed back to its original color of green. Even though it was still not obvious because of the hood, he could see it clearly.     

"Who is it that catches your attention?"     

"Oh, I just think I see green hair," Qi Huan replied.     

The moment he said the word 'green,' the Wei Family group froze in their position. They directly moved their head to look in one direction as they saw a hooded person had arrived at the first counter.     

There was a faint green color from the face area.     

'He's truly still alive,' Chen Zi Quan's eyes flashed with ruthlessness. He was planning to find Lu Wan before the latter could arrive in this place, but there was simply no time. He didn't manage to find anyone with similar features or green hair, making his search fruitless.     

Now, it would be too late.     

"Please give me your name, exact age in years and months, and rank."     

"Lu Wan, 14 years 11 months, Eon Energy Master Rank 3 Early Stage," Lu Wan replied. He would only have his birthday in around a month, so he was still 14 years old.     

The man was astonished when he heard Lu Wan's age and rank. It might not be that common, but it was still quite an achievement for one to still be at 14 years old when they reached rank 3.     

"Extend your hand please."     


After he checked his age, he felt even more astonished. He didn't expect to see more than one person who could line up in this counter. After all, it was already a great achievement for even one of them to appear.     

Now there were two.     

"Here's your token. Please pour your Eon Energy into the token and bring it when the examination starts."     

Different from Qi Huan, the token that Lu Wan received was only in gold color. After all, he didn't have the same talent as Qi Huan, who could be said to be an extraordinary genius.     

Internally, he thought about what their reaction would be when Ye Jiao stepped forward. He was waiting to see the dumbfounded expression on those hateful men. It would surely feel very satisfying.     

"Thank you."     

As Lu Wan received his token, the crowd was in uproar. They already knew about Qi Huan and the others, so they all only cheered. But now, a stranger they didn't know suddenly received a gold token.     

Who could possibly believe it?     

"J-just who is it?"     

"There's no way there could be someone so talented staying unknown, right?"     

"We don't know him?"     

"Damn! He has hidden himself so deep."     

Lu Wan looked at the crowd with a smirk on his lips. Hiding himself? He never wanted to hide if only those from the imperial family could be more reasonable in their conduct. Thanks to them, he had to hide his identity until he reached the counter.     

Slowly, he took off his hood as he walked to the gate. His green hair stood out under the light.     

Silence descended in the crowd.     

Disbelief has replaced them.     

"That… that can't be."     

"Someone, please tell me that I'm dreaming."     

Unfortunately, they knew that it was the truth. The one standing at the front was the famous troublemaker in the Chen Kingdom. The very person who said to be locked by the imperial family because of misconduct:     

Lu Wan.     

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