Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Return Back to Bao Fu Organization

Return Back to Bao Fu Organization

3The moment her senior brother mentioned that man, Ye Jiao's eyes hardened.     

"I did."     

"Do you recognize his movement?"     

"His movement?" Ye Jiao arched her eyebrows. All she could remember from that man was when he launched the multiple water blades to attack her.     

Wait, water blades?     

Seeing Ye Jiao's expression changed, Qi Huan nodded his head. "His skill is awfully similar to the person we met in the Spring Island before."     

"Right," Ye Jiao nodded her head solemnly. She understood right away what Qi Huan wanted to tell her. There was a possibility that those two were related because the ability to form multiple types of blades from water was not that common. It might be a special skill only belonging to a certain faction.     

However, they also couldn't be sure because they didn't have much knowledge regarding rank 4.     

Qi Huan stood up and looked outside. "I'm not entirely sure, but it will be better if you stay careful around people with water elements. There might be more people who will try to kill you because of your name."     


Ye Family?     

Ye Jiao stared at her senior's back as her gaze hardened. From what she knew, in the four kingdoms, her family was the only one who had this surname. It made her wonder whether there were indeed only three of them or there were actually much more.     

"Right, they might be Ye Family's enemies," Ye Jiao smiled bitterly. She didn't even know them, but they would try to kill her just because of her surname. She would need to research more in the future and stayed careful whenever mentioning her surname.     

Qi Huan turned around. "Don't be so tense. It's not like everyone is aiming for your life. Besides, it might also be the key to find out how someone of your talent can be here."     

"Huh? Do you mean that my talent is that rare?"     

"… if it's not rare, do you think these people will not mistake you for a trash?" Qi Huan rolled his eyes.     

"Ah, right, there's that," Ye Jiao recalled the despair she felt when they tagged her as a trash as she smiled. "But thanks to this status, I managed to stay alive until now. I guess, it's a blessing in disguise."     


The two of them stopped talking. They just looked at the falling waterfall until there was a movement from behind them. Lu Wan had finally finished his training.     

"You sure take your time, Lu Wan," Qi Huan commented.     

Lu Wan stood up with a grin. "That's because I'm trying to absorb the poison into my core and fuse it into one."     


"Are you planning to poison yourself to death?"     

Seeing their distrustful gazes, Lu Wan felt annoyed. "It's not that bad. Also, it seems that I have started to gain a much higher immunity towards poison. You can even say that my body would be hard to be poisoned from now on."     

"Oh?" Ye Jiao arched her eyebrows. She did increase her own poison resistance because of the small amount of poison inside her body. However, it would not guarantee her complete immunity because she knew that there were many more types of poison in the world.     

Qi Huan sized up Lu Wan. "I guess, giving you poison is the biggest mistake of the Chen Family."     

"Who cares about them?" Lu Wan rolled his eyes. "It's good that I can advance a bit in my study of poison. The only unfortunate thing is the fact that I can't study them…."     

Both Ye Jiao and Qi Huan decided that it was already the time for them to leave. They didn't want to listen to Lu Wan utter a lot of things regarding poison. It was already enough to hear them occasionally.     

"Hey, why do you leave? Wait for me!"     

Noticing that they had started to run, Lu Wan hurriedly utilized his Eon Energy and chased after them. Internally, he was scolding his senior brother and junior sister. They needed to learn much more about herbs! Couldn't' they appreciate him lecturing them?     

Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance to say this because he was too busy trying to catch up to the two of them.     


"You two are ruthless," Lu Wan was out of breath by the time they arrived at the entrance to Bao Fu Organization's Headquarters. Because he had advanced to rank 3, the two of them no longer purposely slowed down their speed and instead went ahead in full speed.     

As a result, he was trailing behind and nearly unable to catch up.     

Qi Huan shook his head. "That's why you need to study a lot. Don't just spend your time dabbling in poison."     

"Poison art is extremely powerful! They're also much more interesting than training in the training hall all day long with Master supervising."     


Even though Qi Huan and Ye Jiao also didn't like the Spartan training their master often imposed on them, they didn't like to dabble in poison too. The two of them silently agreed to not answer as they entered the array.     

The moment they entered, they could feel a large amount of Eon Energy filled the entire area. It was as if there was an array placed in this place to pull all the Eon Energy around the area into this place. It was so rich that Ye Jiao even wanted to just stay here all day and absorb them.     

"What is this?" Lu Wan was stunned.     

Qi Huan looked to the tavern not far from them. "Let's ask around. We can search for Master after this."     


The three of them entered the tavern and noticed that it was crowded. They directly headed to the counter where a beautiful woman was waiting while wiping a glass. She was extremely pretty, wearing an alluring dress that made a lot of men look over in her direction with a greedy expression.     

"Wow, she's wearing such sexy clothes!" Lu Wan's eyes sparked.     

"You better not have any intention," Ye Jiao warned. "She's already peak Eon Energy Master Rank 3."     

"Peak?" Lu Wan gulped down his saliva as he moved his gaze elsewhere immediately. Even he understood that those at rank 3 were still divided into several ranks with peak at the top. He himself didn't have confidence to fight against those at peak rank 3 when he had just reached rank 3.     

He didn't want to die yet.     

"Is there anything that I can do to help?" the beautiful woman asked with a soothing tone.     

Qi Huan smiled politely. "We have just returned from a mission when we realized that things have changed here. Do you mind telling us a bit of them?"     

"Sure, but what can you give as the price?" the woman smiled brightly as she leaned forward, pressing her sexy body onto the counter.     

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