Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

The Hidden Expert in Chen Kingdom (2)

The Hidden Expert in Chen Kingdom (2)

0"Is that so?"     1

"Yeah," the advisor took out a fan and lightly fanned himself. He smiled. "I can understand that the Chen Family has a lot of enemies because of their conduct. After all, that rotten family is quite stupid for someone weak."     


The words that the advisor said sounded as if Chen Family was nothing more but unimportant pebbles on the street. Even though Chen Family was disgusting, Qi Huan knew that they were still quite talented as many of them had great talent. Though in the end, they only reached rank 4 at most.     

"If they're weak, why are you still here?"     

"Why? That's a good question, but I can't answer. I still need the Chen Family in this kingdom."     

"Need. Why would you need someone so weak?"     

The advisor smiled. His eyes were looking at Qi Huan with interest. The youthful features on Qi Huan's face was quite clear even though Qi Huan had used the disguise technique. "Weak people who have ambition can be easily controlled with enough treasures and temptation. Don't you think so?"     

Qi Huan's eyes narrowed. Indeed. There was no lack of people who wished for power, yet they were born with weaker talent. Because of that, they were willing to sacrifice everything they had in order to become even stronger.     

The advisor chuckled. "I can't let you succeed in your attempt, so I'll stop you without fail."     

The moment he finished talking, the advisor moved from his place and headed towards Qi Huan's direction. Qi Huan's eyes dilated, but he raised his sword in time to block the attack.     


"You're not bad. Eon Energy Master Rank 3 late stage, huh?"     

Qi Huan was surprised that this man managed to find out his rank with just a small probe. On the other hand, he could only sense that the middle-aged man before him was at rank 4, but it was not known what his real rank was.     

From the way the advisor fought so far, Qi Huan estimated that he should be rank 4 early stage. If not, there was basically no hope for Qi Huan to contend with him because of the great difference between rank 3 and rank 4.     

Pushing him back, Qi Huan began his barrage of attacks with his sword.     

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!     

Amidst the fire and all, the two of them continued to fight without care for the others. Qi Huan focused completely on his swordplay because he understood that even a little mistake might cause them to know that he came from Chi Kingdom. It was not something he wanted them to know.     

He didn't want to drag his kingdom into this mess.     

Unfortunately, it was impossible to hide some of his habits.     

"Solid swordplay that flows just like water," the advisor said with a smile on his face. "Chi Kingdom?"     

Qi Huan didn't reply and twisted his body before thrusting his sword forward. It was directed straight to the advisor's stomach and the man parried it with ease. No matter what attack Qi Huan directed at him, he would either parry it or block it without much difficulty.     


At this time, another building fell because of the fire.     

"You don't seem to be worried," Qi Huan said coolly.     

"Chen Tian's element is water," the advisor waved his hand as boundless water appeared before him. "And so is mine."     

Qi Huan's pupil shrunk and he jumped to the side.     

Swish! Swish! Swish!     

Water blades reached the location where he stood before. It was penetrating into the stone deeply as if telling that there was nothing he couldn't pass through. If that water blade had hit him, Qi Huan knew that his bone might be broken.     

"You can't run forever."     

The advisor made numerous water blades around him. Seeing their numbers, Qi Huan's heart dropped to the bottom. He knew that he had some capabilities, but that didn't include evading numerous blades that can come to him in every direction.     

Swish! Swish! Swish!     

The blades were making their way to his direction and Qi Huan swiftly moved away from his position. The water blades either hit the ground or trees around them. Even though he could control the water, the advisor didn't bother trying to put out the fire around him.     

Qi Huan was unable to run as the advisor continuously creating numerous blades around him. Their shape was also different from another as if they were made based on the difference in real blades.     


There was a wall riddled in fire before him, so Qi Huan was unable to run anymore. He turned his body and utilized his Eon Energy to protect his body with his sword placed right before him.     

Splash! Splash!     

The moment the water blade hit his barrier, it turned back into water. Qi Huan's eyes widened in surprise. He had just realized that the Eon Energy consumption was extremely small to the point that it was almost negligible.     

'This… I didn't know that I have this great defense? No… it's not because of defense, but because the element is water.'     

Qi Huan knew better than anyone that his barrier shouldn't be able to absorb that much power from the attack. He should have been forced to use a lot of power just to deal with it alone. But with the fact presented before him that he was able to do that without much power proved something.     

He had an affinity with water elements.     

Before he reached rank 4, he wouldn't be able to use elemental power, but this alone had proved him that he had some talent in the element area. Because of that, if his opponent used the same element as him, their attack wouldn't be able to do much damage to him.     

"You-?" The advisor frowned. He didn't see anything different from his attack, but his instinct told him that there was something wrong. In the next moment, he saw something had gotten closer to him at an extremely fast rate.     

Splash! Clang!     

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