Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

The Procession

The Procession

3"It's good that this inn stills open in the middle of the night," Lu Wan yawned. He looked at the two intruders in his room with a sour expression. "Or else, we'll have to sleep on the street."     2

"Good morning, Senior Brother Yu," Ye Jiao smiled devilishly. Her legs strode inside leisurely as if she didn't do anything wrong. "Did you have a good rest?"     


"Get up."     

Swish! Clang!     

"Damn you silver hair! Do you have to attack people early in the morning?" Lu Wan cursed because Qi Huan had attacked him mercilessly. Looking at Qi Huan's smile before him, he felt annoyed. Thankfully, he managed to quickly take out his blade to block the attack because if not, he would have been wounded.     

For the first time in his life, he was thankful that their master was truly demonic in his teaching.     

If not, he would have died in his senior brother's hand.     

Qi Huan kept his sword back. "We need to think for a way fast. They're not just blocking the gate but also checking the inn around. Let's get out of this place before they reach it."     


"They're adamant to find you." Ye Jiao flicked a glance at her senior brother. She knew that it wouldn't be easy for them to get out of this place if they didn't think of a way sooner. Those people wouldn't stop searching for Lu Wan until they found him.     

"Ugh, they're so persistent."     

"You'll know soon that this is just the start," Qi Huan said as he kept his sword again. As part of the Imperial Family, he knew very well just what the Qi Family would do if they had someone they had to capture at all cost. They would surely create an upheaval in the city without caring for the consequences.     

Lu Wan cursed silently. "It's not my fault…"     

"Not your fault?"     

"Do you really think that?"     

The two of them countered back almost instantly. They were not stupid because they understood that the only reason Chen Family made their move right now was because Lu Wan had touched their sore spot. A fallout with the Lu Family was the last thing they wanted to hear.     

Because it meant that they needed to control Lu Wan directly by forcing him to submit or kill him. It was the only possibility that they would accept, no matter what.     

Lu Wan didn't reply as they got out of the inn. He was still cursing the imperial family inside his head. After all, he felt annoyed because they were so adamant to chase him when he had already told them before that he didn't want to follow after them.     

Their pride and decision only left a sour taste in his mouth.     

They bought some bread on the way and ate it as they returned back to the alley. Alleys were located at quite a hidden place, and no one would be able to find them easily when they hid in this place. After all, the darkness around the area provided the perfect cover. There was not much light in this area, but it was not a problem for the three of them.     

They have gotten used to travelling around when it was dark, so they never relied on their eyes that much.     

"Lels stalt," (let's start)     

"First, don't speak with your mouth full of food," Qi Huan flicked Lu Wan's forehead. "Haven't you learned this basic manner?"     

"Staph it!" (stop it)     

Lu Wan evaded Qi Huan's hand and gulped down the food in his mouth. He sighed when he saw the other two were looking at him. "So, I'm the one who has to think of a way to get out of this city?"     


"Who do you think dragged us into this problem in the first place? Try to think of a solution first." Qi Huan crossed his arms. He looked at the young man before him with annoyance.     

Lu Wan scratched his head. "Well, I don't know what we should do…"     

Kyaa! Kyaa!     

"They're here!"     


"Aweee, look here, Your Highness!"     

The three of them were dumbfounded when they heard the cheers of the girls. Without waiting for each other, they sprinted to the edge of the alley as they saw a crowd of people. Everyone seemed to be in high spirit as they cheered and yelled. They were very supportive to the younger generations who will depart. After all, the younger generations would be bringing glory to this place if they got accepted.     

In the middle of them all, Chen Zi Quan was walking at the front with many others following behind him.     

They walked as if they had just won a large battle. However, it was clearly an impossible scenario. They were all still very young and there was no war lately. Besides, based on their age and power, they were only young men and women who had become Eon Energy Master Rank 3.     

"What in the world?" Lu Wan was dumbfounded. He turned his head to look at the other two only to find Ye Jiao has the same expression as him.     

"I see."     

"What is it, Silver Hair?"     

Qi Huan moved his hand to hit Lu Wan's head, but the boy evaded it. "Don't call me like that in public. Today must be the last day for them to stay in the capital city because they'll depart to the north with the Teleportation Array."     

"Depart to the north?" Lu Wan was confused.     

Ye Jiao's eyes turned large. "Do you mean, they'll attend the Academy's examination that'll be held in a few more weeks?"     

Qi Huan nodded his head. "This is already summer and the examination begins in early Autumn. If one didn't want to be late, they have to come before the examination happens, which is now until around two more months. After all, they still need to sign up and familiarize themselves with the examination's ground."     

"It means, our time is not much too," Ye Jiao turned her head to look at Lu Wan.     

"Why are you looking at me?"     

"You're the only one who still hasn't reached rank 3. If you don't make a breakthrough soon, you won't be able to attend this year's examination."     

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