Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Gathering Information (2)

Gathering Information (2)

0As for herself? Ye Jiao didn't even want to think about it. She wouldn't even feel surprised if there was someone who guessed that she might be still a little girl. Her build was pretty small for an 11 years old girl.     1

"Are there any new rules from the government?" Ye Jiao changed the topic abruptly.     

The servant was stunned. "Why don't you ask your parents to tell you, Little Girl?"     

"They won't tell me," Ye Jiao pouted, acting as if she had suffered a grievance because her parents didn't want to tell her.     

Seeing how cute she acted, the servant chuckled. It looked like she was truly a nice kid. "There's nothing really new if it's the rules, but they increase the number of guards around this area. I heard that there's someone missing, so they want to find that person, no matter what."     

"Ah, is that person someone important?" Ye Jiao's eyes widened as if she was surprised. Her adorable face just made it harder for the servant to stifle her amusement at the cute little girl.     

The servant shrugged. "I don't know. No one even knows who's missing. It's just, some of us are feeling uncomfortable and always be suspicious of anything out of normal."     

"I see. Thank you very much!"     

"You're welcome."     

As the servant walked away, Ye Jiao noticed that the other two were looking at her with a strange expression on their face. She smiled cheekily. "What? Is that the first time you see me asking around?"     


"I didn't realize that you're usually blunt in your search," Qi Huan added. "And you seem to be used to doing that."     

Ye Jiao rolled her eyes. How could she not get used to it when she continuously acts as an innocent and foolish young girl in her mission? She couldn't count the number of times she picked this role because of how easy it was. No one would be that suspicious of a little girl that seemed to not know how the world worked. They also seemed to be giving her more information when she had this image because they thought of her as a harmless little girl.     

If they knew the truth, they might just want to go away as fast as possible from her.     

"That's just how I usually do my mission."     

Lu Wan pursed his lips. "You're getting much better than before. I can't see you as the same girl who awkwardly made the excuse before."     

"On the other hand, you're still very bad at it. The way you make the guards suspicious of you is very excellent, Brother Yu."     

"Tsk, don't remind me of that."     

"I'll continuously remind you of them until you learn how to act well, Brother Yu."     

Seeing Lu Wan's face soured, Qi Huan tapped on the table. "Let's finish eating and try to ask more questions. After this, we still need to survey the area before executing their plan."     


"Got it."     

The three of them spoke in a low voice. In addition, they also created small barriers around their table to avoid people from listening in their conversation. This way, people could only see the three of them chatting but unable to hear what they were talking about.     

Their food arrived and they quickly ate as fast as they could. Occasionally, they would ask this and that to the servants around them or just eavesdrop on the people who ate around them. This way, they managed to earn quite a lot of information regarding the condition of the city and that minister.     

"They already set the wedding date for her and Lu Zhi," Ye Jiao's face was strange when she uttered it out. From what she remembered, Lu Zhi should have just turned 14 not long ago or even not yet. Women were considered as an adult when they reached 15 of age.     

The marriage… was pretty quick.     

Lu Wan yawned. "I can guess that she already made her move to make sure that they reached an agreement for the date. There's no way this can possibly happen if it's during normal times."     

"Make her move?"     

Qi Huan stood up and placed several silvers on the table. "I forgot to give you that education, Jiao'er. Let's change places."     

"That education?"     

"I'll tell you later." Qi Huan rubbed his forehead. He had completely forgotten to teach Ye Jiao about this. On the other hand, it seemed that Lu Wan had learned it by himself one way or another. He wouldn't ask Lu Wan how he found out too.     

"Got it."     

They stood up and walked out of the inn. From behind them, several people were watching them intently, trying to find out more about them. Of course, they didn't go undetected by these three.     

Trying to fool two Eon Energy Master Rank 3 with excellent sensing ability when they were just normal Eon Energy Master would be ridiculous.     

"Two people on the left."     

"Another one at the front," Qi Huan sighed. "Even after we paint our hair, it seems that our appearance is still suspicious."     

Ye Jiao nodded her head. "Let's move to the alley and lose them in the market. They won't be able to follow if we dive in the crowd."     

"Good idea."     

Lu Wan followed after the two of them with mixed feelings. Because he was too busy lately to do his experiment, he kind of forgot about his own training. As a result, he was unable to detect those people who followed after them.     

'I'm starting to get left behind.'     

He thought that it was just their rank, but now that he saw how things were, he realized that it was not the case. He was not just lagging behind in terms of rank, but also skill and training. Sooner or later, the two of them would surely reach the height he was unable to follow anymore.     

'I have to train.'     

Lu Wan didn't want to get left behind. He had to train much harder and followed after their footsteps. If he didn't, he knew that there would be no place for him in their world anymore.     

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