Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Unwanted Guests

Unwanted Guests

3"Hm?" Zhan Jing looked at the direction where Qin Zheng looked. It took him a few seconds before he started to sense Qi Huan's presence that was coming closer towards their direction. "You're correct. How did you manage to have higher detection skills compared to me?"     

"I wonder."     

Qi Huan walked to their direction calmly. The way he walked made one sure that he must have already sensed that they were here. Once he came closer, he directly walked over to Zhan Jing and paid his respect.     

"Master, I have returned."     

"Good work," Zhan Jing narrowed his eyes as he scrutinized the young man's difference that he could see.     

Compared to before, Qi Huan now had rich Eon Energy within his body. It was more than twice the amount he had before, allowing one to notice that he must have reached rank 3. In addition, the silver hair he had seemed to shine brighter. It was as if the silvery hair had come to life.     

"You have been successful," Qin Zheng commented as he looked at the young man before him. The changes were apparent.     

"Yes," Qi Huan replied somberly. "But this is only the beginning."     

"You have reached rank 3, so you should go to the academy soon. Besides, it looks like you already consolidate your power further too," Zhan Jing nodded his head in approval. This disciple of his has become far stronger in just a few hours. The power that should have taken more than a year was achieved in such a short moment.     

It looked like the power he gained from the bloodline awakening far exceeded his expectation.     

Qi Huan nodded. "I understand, Master."     

Turning his head to Qin Zheng, he could faintly sense that this brat's power was still far stronger than him. At the same time, there was a trace of authority that he exuded. It was only after he reached rank 3 did he come to realize this minute difference.     

"If you wish to defeat me, you should think twice. Your base power and experience is still nothing compared to me," Qin Zheng remarked, his voice full of confidence.     

Qi Huan arched his eyebrows. "We don't know for sure."     

"Ah, you want to try?"     

"Please guide me."     

"If you say so," Qin Zheng stood up slowly. His movements were relaxed, as if he was doing nothing but stretching at home.     

Zhan Jing's eyes narrowed as he shouted. "Qi Huan, dodge!"     

At that moment, Qi Huan swiftly moved to the side. He could sense something had grazed his cheek as a trail of blood appeared on the surface. His pupil contracted for he realized that if he moved late even just by a second, he would have been dead.     

Qin Zheng didn't even wait as he moved at high speed towards Qi Huan's direction. His sword was directed at the young man's neck. Raising his sword in a hurry, Qi Huan barely managed to block it as the edge of the sword reached his neck. Pain came from the contact he had.     


"If I exert a bit more power, you would have been dead," Qin Zheng said emotionlessly. "If you don't want to die, you shouldn't try to pick up a fight with someone above your level."     

"I see," Qi Huan noticed that the other party had retracted his sword. He put his sword down and touched his neck, blood was apparent on his hand. For the first time in a long time, this was the first time someone at the same rank as him had managed to wound him. All this time, he would never allow himself to lose in a one on one fight.     

That speed, precision and decisiveness was not something one could train in just mere days.     

Qi Huan looked at the nonchalant Qin Zheng. "Just who are you?"     

"Me? I'm a stranger who comes to this place for a bit of hunting," Qin Zheng picked up a rock nearby. "Some of the items here are actually treasure, but you people will never know its worth if you didn't get out of this place."     

"I see," Qi Huan took a pill and ate it to recover his wound. It would take some time, but it was better than letting his neck continue bleeding like this. There was no telling if there would be any beast that came because they were attracted to the smell of blood or not.     

Qin Zheng sat down on the ground. "You should just practice since this environment is the best for you."     

Not replying, Qi Huan sat down on the ground. The Eon Energy's type in this place was astonishingly very suitable for him. Even without the need for a reminder, he didn't want to waste this chance.     

Time passed swiftly.     

 Zhan Jing could sense the Eon Energy concentration in the place dropped considerably as these three were training like crazy. The amount that they absorbed was simply insane. He wouldn't even be worried if this place turned dry after they had finished.     

"There's a guest," Qin Zheng opened his eyes. He turned his head to look at the direction where they first came.     

"Qi Huan."     

"Master?" Qi Huan's training was interrupted, so he quickly opened his eyes. Upon seeing the solemn expression on the other two's faces, he knew that something was wrong. In the next second, he could faintly sense that someone or more correct, a group of people was coming in their direction.     

"Your cousin is here?"     

"Which cousin?" Qi Huan stood up with a frown. He came with a lot of family members and each of them would be looking for this place. Considering that the one who came here could see the path, it meant that the one who came should be his cousin.     

"I don't know their names."     


Qi Huan looked in Ye Jiao's direction. Sensing the Eon Energy still moved at raging speed to her direction, he knew that those people were trying to find them from the movements of Eon Energy in the air. He sighed internally for he realized that it would be hard to avoid this today.     

"I'll greet them."     

It didn't take a long time for the group to appear within their sight. Qi Huan immediately recognized the person at the front to be his cousin whom he talked with not long ago when he departed into the forest.     

"Qi Huan," the man at the front frowned.     

Qi Huan smiled in return. "It seems we have met again, Cousin Qi Mang."     

The one called Qi Mang didn't even bother to reply as he stared at Qi Huan's hair intensely. Even an idiot would be able to see that there was a significant change in the young man's appearance. The silvery hair that Qi Huan had looked like it was glowing, making it look far more enchanting.     

The problem would be, there was only one way to make that change possible.     

Qi Mang's expression hardened. "Qi Huan, did you obtain the inheritance?"     

Knowing that there would be no way he could lie, Qi Huan nodded his head unhurriedly. "Yes."     

In that moment, a blade appeared in front of him, threatening to kill him.     


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