Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings



2From the size alone, Ye Jiao could see that this inn must be more expensive compared to the other inns in the city. It was not like they couldn't go there, but there wouldn't be any room left since the cheapest must be full. With the current number of people in the city, only those expensive inns could possibly have some room left.      0

"Welcome!" the servant greeted the two of them respectfully. After all, everyone who dared to come here were mostly people with money.     

Qin Zheng looked at the servant in front of him. "Is there any room left?"     

"Yes, there are still some of them."     

"How much for a room?"     

"It's 20 silvers per room," the servant replied.     

Ye Jiao: "…" that was daylight robbery.     

In normal times, a few silvers were already more than enough to give them an extremely luxurious room. However, this place hiked up the price even more that it was hard for her to say anything.     

Qin Zheng tossed out a gold coin. "Two rooms. We'll be staying for two days for now. If we want to extend it, I'll inform you."     

"Thank you very much!" the servant beamed. "We'll prepare your rooms right away."     

Ye Jiao flicked a glance to Qin Zheng. "I can pay for my own room."     

"There's no need. It's just one gold coin."     

"It's not 'just.'"     

Shaking his head, Qin Zheng pointed to the counter. "In the world outside, these coins wouldn't have that much value anymore. They're only useful to the branch area such as Four Kingdoms like this."     

"Branches area?" Ye Jiao arched her eyebrows. The term was unfamiliar.     

Realizing that he had spoken a secret information, Qin Zheng's eyes flickered. Those inside these places wouldn't know the existences of those places until it was the time. After all, there was no need to tell information to unrelated people.     

"You'll know in the future."     

"If you don't want to tell, you shouldn't speak about it in the first place."     

"My bad. As my apology, you don't have to pay back the money."     


Ye Jiao gave up talking to the young man as she observed her surroundings. This would be the first time she entered a place this expensive, so she better satisfied her eyes. After all, there wouldn't be any other place who would charge up to 20 silvers just for a night stay in this place.     

Qin Zheng seemed to recall something. "Oh right, stay in my room for a bit. I need to teach you something."     

"What is it?"     

Before Qin Zheng could answer, the servant had returned. He took the two of them to their designated room. Seeing how large the room was with finely decoration, Ye Jiao felt as if she had just entered the palace. No-even the palace in Chen Kingdom didn't look as luxurious as this place.     

"They're wasting so much money for the furniture," Qin Zheng shook his head. He pulled a chair to the table and beckoned for Ye Jiao to sit down.     

"What is it, Zheng?"     

"Don't call me so closely."     

"You're the one who didn't tell me your surname," Ye Jiao rolled her eyes.      

Qin Zheng paused for a moment. He opened his mouth again. "It's Qin Zheng."     

"Ok, I got it, Qin Zheng."     

"I'll be teaching you table manners for noble families. You better use them when you're eating food later."     

Ye Jiao's face changed a bit. She had seen how Qin Zheng ate before and his movements itself could be called as a great art. On the other hand, she herself looked like a fool in front of him. If she had to study something like that in just mere hours... it would be practically impossible.     

"Do I have to learn it?"     

"You're in a hotel for rich people. If you don't have any manners, you're going to be the center of attention. Do you want to be tagged as a country bumpkin and being watched by the others?     

The thought of having them watching her like a hawk made her mood soured. Ye Jiao knew that they would surely pay a lot of attention to someone like her, who stick out like a sore thumb in the middle of elegant people.     

Ye Jiao sighed. "Fine, teach me the table manners please."     

"Good. First, you have to hold your spoon…."     

For the next hour, Qin Zheng kept on correcting her position and engraved the etiquette and rules into her head. It was hard, but she had good memorization ability, which allowed her to learn them in just an hour. But still, habit was hard to break.     

"Eat slower if you can't remember them perfectly," Qin Zheng frowned. "It helps if you try to do it for real."     

"I understand."     

"It'll soon be time for dinner, so you're going to do them for real at that time."     

Ye Jiao got the urge to sigh for the nth time just today. This young man seemed to be so particular in this matter that anything she said just entered his left ear before leaving through his right ear.     

She was not used doing these kinds of things, so there was no doubt that she would have to repeat them for a long period of time before she could do them correctly. It was not easy considering her background as a commoner and her own habit to just eat whenever there was food in front of her.     

Qin Zheng stood up. "Let's go to the dining hall. It's time to collect more information from the guests that stay here."     

"It'll be very crowded. Do you think we can still get a place?" Ye Jiao asked doubtfully.     

"We can hire a VIP room if you want, but that way, we won't be able to gain any important information. Anyway, it's not like it's hard to reserve a place for children."     

The word children made her aware that their age didn't really differ that much. Considering the trouble that she had to go through just because of acting, Ye Jiao truly wanted to sigh again. From the bottom of her heart, she hoped that she could grow up faster and became an adult.     

Right now, it would be impossible for her to pretend that she was an adult because of her small build.     

With that in mind, Ye Jiao followed after Qin Zheng out of the room.     

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