Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Meaning of Genius

Meaning of Genius

4"You two stand out too much," Ye Jiao uttered out when they gathered in Lu Wan's room once again.      2

Qi Huan smiled. "Even though you say that, it's fairly normal for me to be stronger. Even in Chi Kingdom, I'm already much stronger than the majority of Eon Energy Master rank 2. I might not be able to defeat them, but it's already close to it."     

The people were able to accept the fact that Qi Huan was strong and able to defeat a lot of participants as his fame has spread out. However, they were surprised to see Lu Wan stood at the forefront like that. It was as if telling them that Lu Wan was a great genius comparable to the others.     

"I see."     

"But this brat is too reckless," Qi Huan sighed and attempted to hit Lu Wan's head again. This time, Lu Wan was prepared as he evaded it.     

"The path of a genius shouldn't be shrouded in darkness," Lu Wan rolled his eyes. "Besides, how can I lose against those weaklings? They should just match me up against one of you three and I'm sure that I'll lose."     

"Oh, now you readily admit that you're weaker?" Qi Huan arched his eyebrows.     

"Uh, no. Not against you, of course."     

"How rude. I'm sure that I'm stronger than you."     

"That's only because of your weapon!"     

Ye Jiao giggled when she saw the two of them bantered against one another. Outside this place, they restrained their action and always acted a bit differently. Qi Huan would perform his act as the perfect prince while Lu Wan acted as a complete troublemaker. Even though so, in Lu Wan's case, he was just a bit wilder here.     

"They'll already pay more attention to you, Senior Brother Lu. You have to be careful," Ye Jiao warned.     

Qi Huan nodded. "Even your little junior understands it more. You're truly a muscle brain."     

"Stop with the insult, will you? Anyway, tomorrow is the quarter final and also final, so today will be the last time we can gather together. Can't we end this peacefully?" Lu Wan asked.     

"Sure, we can. But I'm not sure that I want to end things peacefully since we might face one another tomorrow," Qi Huan smiled. "I'm sure that it'll be a pleasant battle against you."     

Lu Wan had a bad feeling when he saw that gentlemanly smile on Qi Huan's face. He knew better than anyone that it meant this prince has a bigger plan under his sleeve. Probably, tomorrow wouldn't end peacefully.     

"There's just one against three chances for me to fight against you. How are you so confident that we'll fight against one another?"     

"It's because I don't plan on winning," Qi Huan replied calmly.     



"Too much of a genius will only bring me trouble. Being an unmatched genius meant more attention and also danger in your life. In my current state, I still can't afford that," Qi Huan replied in a solemn tone.     

There was a saying that a true genius was someone who should be able to carve his path by breaking every obstacle. They will stand at the very front to face everything and lead other people behind them. Nothing could stop them as they were geniuses chosen by the Heaven.     

However, Qi Huan knew that it would be too hard. He didn't want to create more trouble for himself by making himself stand out when he was still this weak. It was already enough that he had to face numerous assassins for what his status held him so far.     

There was no need to make them increase by adding more enemies.     

Lu Wan raised his eyebrows. "What about your martial path? Isn't losing meaning that you're lying to yourself?"     

"That's your path and not mine," Qi Huan raised his index finger to his lips. "Let's see, if you should say, I'm more the calculative one rather than the straightforward one. Even if I purposely lost, it doesn't mean that I'm betraying myself because I have a purpose to lose. I'm losing to protect myself."     

"Hah? I can't understand," Lu Wan scratched his head. "I'll never want to lose. I'll keep on winning and moving forward. I'll do everything according to what I want without any restrain from other people."     

"Tsk, that's why you're a muscle brain."     

"Stop insulting me!"     

Ye Jiao listened to their conversation as she thought about it herself. "Losing doesn't mean the end. It just meant you're not ready to face it yet. But if you keep on pushing yourself forward and gather more enemies, there'll come the time when you will face someone who's so strong that it's impossible for you to beat. That's the real end."     

"Can you speak in human language?" Lu Wan asked.     

"She just said that if you gather more enemies, it might be your grave soon," Qi Huan explained in a more straightforward manner. "Is that easier to understand?"     

"Nah, I'll be fine."     

Qi Huan and Ye Jiao: "…"      

They didn't know whether Lu Wan was optimistic, knew the future, had complete confidence in his ability, has too much luck or was just a plain idiot. Either way, the two of them unanimously picked the last one because it was the most suitable one.     

"Let's eat dinner together."     

"Sure, just don't take a long time, my bodyguard is going to search for me soon."     



While the three of them were having a hearty meal, Wei Cheng was waiting outside the residence with Wei Yin beside him. Chen Zi Quan was in a bad mood because Lu Wan managed to enter top 4 so quickly. For someone who had just reached rank 2, his achievement was remarkable.     

"You should train if you're uneasy, Brother."     

Hearing the female's voice, Wei Cheng turned his head to look at Wei Yin. He arched his eyebrows. "There's no need for you to care for me. You should just focus on your own matter."     

Wei Yin shook her head. "You can think of me as a busybody, but I think that rather than mulling over the past, it's better to keep on moving forward. You can't change the past, but you can change the future."     

"Future, huh?" Wei Cheng's eyes glinted as he looked at the room before them. "Even if you say it like that, what kind of future do you think we have?"     

He thought that he was a genius from a young age because of his talent. When he started forming his core, he would flaunt it and used it to oppress many others who were weaker than him. It was very fun and enjoyable. But as time passed by, he was called by his father and given a task.     

That task sealed his future forever. With the oath of loyalty binding him, he could never leave.     

He had his pride as the genius, so he would act with full confidence. Even though in front of Chen Zi Quan, he was nothing, he was still far better than many others. That was what he believed.     

Until the loss he had yesterday.     

"What kind of future?" Wei Yin repeated. "I don't know, but surely things won't always be like this."     

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