Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

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3"It feels so nice to see the sun again," Ye Jiao stretched her body right outside the cave. Her eyes were watching the surroundings with happiness.      3

"When we're in Hell Island, there's barely any sun too because of the fog. You should have gotten used to it," Lu Wan remarked. He had finished taking all the cores from the bats and left their corpses since they couldn't eat it.     

Ye Jiao shrugged. "That's that and this is this. Staying underneath the sun is comfortable, so I love it."     

"Anyway, should we travel more?"     

"It'll be better to return back," Qi Huan looked at the destroyed area in front of them. There was barely anything around them except the remains of beasts and destroyed parts of rocks. It seemed as if everything was turned upside down when the horde reached this area.     


"We stay in the cave for around 2-3 weeks with the actual time unknown because it's a bit hard to count it when we all rarely come out. If we bypass the time, our hunt will be useless," Ye Jiao explained.     

The three of them took nearly two weeks to reach this area while hunting before. If they sprinted back with the same speed, they should have already approached the end of the given time.     


"Don't look so dejected. We'll hunt beasts on our way back."     

"Got it."     

The three of them started to sprint forward. As they ran, Ye Jiao realized that it was easier for her body to move now. Even though there was barely any change in her rank, her control of her body movements has become better. In addition, she could sense that her muscles must be growing stronger.     

'Let's try going faster.'     

Ye Jiao exerted a bit more Eon Energy to her legs and pushed her body to move forward. It was light and easy for her to run around.      

"You two are too fast!"     

The shout from behind nearly caused Ye Jiao to stop her movements. Turning around, she realized that Qi Huan was already several meters behind the two of them.     

"Sorry, I'll slow down."     

"You're the one who's slow, Senior Brother Qi," Lu Wan grinned. He put on a smug smile as he managed to win against Qi Huan in terms of reaching rank 2.     

Qi Huan's emitted a layer of bloodlust as he glared at Lu Wan. "Ye Jiao, starting from now, Lu Wan will be the tank."     

"Got it."     

"Hey, wait, I'm a ranged fighter!"     

"You're the rank 2," Ye Jiao smirked. "Isn't it natural for those at rank 2 to become the tank because they have higher defense?"     

Lu Wan was stunned. It was then that he realized that reaching rank 2 would mean that they would have higher defense because it enhanced their use of Eon Energy. Seeing the other two were looking at him with a devilish smile, he felt like he had just dug his own grave.     

"Wait, wait, let's discuss this again."     

"Yes, Tanker Senior Brother Lu?"     


As Ye Jiao continued to tease her senior brother, the two of them adjusted to Qi Huan's pace. Qi Huan looked at Ye Jiao's back as an indescribable glint appeared within his pupil. The two of them were rank 1, but Ye Jiao's speed was much faster than him. It was even to the point of competing with Lu Wan.     

Qi Huan retracted his gaze as he remarked. "There's a powerful beast nearby, don't forget to be the tank, Lu Wan."     

"Argh, noooooooo!"     


The three of them took less time to reach the camp. By this time, there were already a lot of students who stayed there with some parents crying because of the death of their children.     

"The death's rate seems pretty high," Lu Wan remarked.     

Qi Huan nodded. "The beast horde must be one of the causes. The other one is the fact that many of them actually didn't pass the qualification to participate in the hunt."     

Some children who didn't pass the qualification came here and tried to participate. It ended up badly because they were unable to fight properly. Facing against rank 2 beasts, a lot of them lost their lives.     

"They shouldn't have participated."     

"They want the chance and this time rarely comes," Qi Huan responded. "Let's head to the teacher and submit our cores."     


There were several teachers from the three different kingdoms who oversaw the hunt. From each kingdom, they sent two representatives to make sure that no one cheated during the count.     


"Lu Wan from Chen Kingdom and Qi Huan from Chi Kingdom are here to report our result," Qi Huan introduced the two of them.     

The teacher already noticed the two of them from afar. Due to their special characteristic, it was extremely easy to spot them. After all, people with the same hair color as the two of them barely existed.     

The teacher smiled. "Place the cores on the table, please."     

Lu Wan looked at the table with doubt. "Are you sure? I don't think it can fit with all the cores we're going to place here."     

The teachers looked at one another. They immediately called for someone to fetch more tables for these two. There was not even the slightest bit of doubt when they heard that the table didn't fit.     


It was simply because the two of them were already known as the forefront of the younger generation geniuses. Even if they didn't reach the first, they should have a considerable amount.     

"Here's the table, you can start placing them."     

"Got it."     

The two of them started to work and put out the cores they had gathered in their storage bracelet. Other children were looking at them with curiosity. Their eyes widened when they saw the pile of cores on the table. Compared to what they had hunted so far, there was simply the sky and earth difference!     

Even the teacher was barely unable to hold his calm. Normal students would have to conserve their stamina and limit the number of beasts they can hunt each day. After all, they would need a break to make sure their Eon Energy didn't run out. If they ran out of Eon Energy, they would have to fight based on the stamina and physical power they had left. And usually, it wouldn't be enough to defeat the beast.     

If they knew that both Qi Huan and Lu Wan could kill rank 1 beast with one attack, they might even be more surprised.     

"I'll start counting," the teacher said when he saw the two of them stopped. The mountain of cores in front of him was simply too much.     

Qi Huan raised his hand. "Should the rank 2 cores be counted among them or not?"     

"…" There's still more?     

"Put them in a different table," the teacher instructed the servant to fetch another table. He knew that it would be a lot, but he didn't expect it to be this many.     

Lu Wan and Qi Huan waited leisurely. When the table arrived, they placed the rank 2 beast cores they had gathered. The amount was far lower because they were unable to meet with a lot of rank 2 beast during their hunt.     

"16 rank 2 beasts core with one is a variant," the teacher said after looking through the cores. "165 points for the rank 2 beasts core."     

Sound of sucking breath filled the area. The students were looking at the front with disbelief. After all, these two were known as Eon Energy Master rank 1. To be able to defeat that many number of beasts despite only at rank 1 showed that their capabilities.     

"There are 958 rank 1 beast cores," the teachers have also finished counting. His voice shook as he counted the total because of excitement and disbelief. "In total, Qi Huan and Lu Wan's group got 1123 points."     

More than 1000 points!     

The students were stunned when they heard the announcement. Looking at their number of cores they gathered, they really wanted to cry. It was already good enough if they could achieve 100, yet these two gathered over 10 times.     

Brother, if you have that many, can you share some to us?     

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