Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

End of the First Part of the Hunt

End of the First Part of the Hunt

1"1123, eh? It's not too bad," Lu Wan nodded his head. There were more than 400 bats core among the cores they showed to the teachers because their hunt before mostly consisted of bats.      2

Not bad?     

The other students felt like throwing stones to this young man. They were struggling so hard just to earn a few cores and these two treated it like it was nothing but practice.     

The differences…     

"Didn't you count it before you submit?" Qi Huan asked.     

Lu Wan shook his head. "I'm too lazy."     

"I see."     

Qi Huan handed their badge back and the teacher put on the number on the badge. At the same time, they also noted the record on their books. The two of them proceeded to take back the cores to their storage ring.     

"Oh, right. Has Prince Cao Ren, Prince Chen Zi Quan or the others returned back or not?" Lu Wan recalled the other groups.     

The teacher nodded his head. "Prince Cao Ren and Bao Xiang returned two days ago. They get 640 points and currently in second position."     

They could guess what Lu Wan wanted to know, so without the boy asking, they listed out all the information. It was not really a secret too because the ranking would be posted up every morning to allow the students to know the top position.     

"How about Prince Chen Zi Quan?"     

"He hasn't returned yet. There's still a little over a week before the 2 months' time is up, so there's no need to rush."     

A little over a week?     

Lu Wan's face changed as he turned to look at Qi Huan. "Didn't you say that the time is almost up? There's still more than a week more!"     

"Yeah, but I want to rest," Qi Huan smiled. "The second phase of the hunt is much more tiring. If you go without proper rest beforehand, you will surely die out there."     

"But I didn't feel tired at all!"     

The teachers' lips twitched when they heard Lu Wan whined like a kid. They knew that these two were extraordinary to be able to hunt these many. But hearing Lu Wan still said that he wanted to hunt because he didn't exert too much power, they wondered what these two do in the forest now.     

"Oh right, can you report your strength? Did it increase or are you still in the same rank?"     

"I'm still in rank 1," Qi Huan replied.     

Lu Wan smirked. "I advanced to rank 2 around a month ago."     

"I see."     

When they saw that Lu Wan had reached rank 2, part of them calmed down. In their mind, they associated his words to the fact that he had reached rank 2. That way, they could accept the fact more.     

If only they knew that the two of them were already capable of killing rank 1 beast with ease at rank 1, they might not think of Lu Wan that lightly.     

"There are tents ready if you wish to stay outside. If it's not to your taste, you might return back to the city and come back one day after the first part is over to start the second one and see your ranking."     

"Got it."     

The two of them walked away as the teacher wrote down the note. His eyes landed on the number 1123 for a few seconds.     

"This is the first time there's a student who achieved more than 1000 points, right?"     

"No, it's not the first time. I believe that around 12 years ago there's also a group of students who managed to reach 1000 points."     

"Chen Kingdom seems to be very lucky," the man said as he looked at the number. A strange glint appeared within his eyes.     

"Yeah, it seems so."     

After submitting their cores count, Qi Huan and Lu Wan entered the city and headed to the nearby inn. Fortunately, there were still several rooms empty, so the two of them booked three rooms.     

"For the next week, let's rest and recover our Eon Energy," Qi Huan instructed.     

Lu Wan frowned. "What do you mean by recover? I only need a few hours if it's just pushing more Eon Energy to my core."     

"I mean that you should stabilize your Eon Energy. Not only filling your core but also circulating them inside your body to exercise control."     

"Sounds boring."     

"It's not," Ye Jiao giggled. "I'll be staying in my room, then. We'll see each other in a week's time."     

"Got it."     

Even though they agreed to come out of their rooms only after a week with their meals delivered inside, Lu Wan was unable to stay holed inside for that long. He didn't bring all of his herbs because it would raise suspiciousness when they checked his storage bracelet, so only a few ordinary ones were there.     

'I'll head home and take some more then.'     

Just as Lu Wan got out, he noticed a lot of people rushing out of the city. He blocked the way of one of the people. "Hey."     

"Y-yes, Young Master Lu?"     

"What's going on outside?"     

"His Highness Prince Chen Zi Quan has just returned and has his beast cores counted. We all want to see the result."     

"Oh?" Lu Wan didn't block the way for the man as he also came to the field. He could see Chen Zi Quan was standing proudly with Wei Cheng and Wei Yin following behind him. The pile of the cores on the table was extremely eye-catching.      

It was the third time they saw a huge pile of cores on the table.     

"You come, Lu Wan," Wei Cheng was quick to see Lu Wan among the crowds. He furrowed his brows. "It seems that you survive."     

"I'm lucky enough to survive."     

"Is that so?"     

On the front, Chen Zi Quan's eyes glinted when he saw Lu Wan standing there. His eyes flashed dangerously as he knew how hard it was to survive the beast's horde. It seemed that Lu Wan's luck was seriously too good.     

"When did you return?"     

Lu Wan stepped forward and nodded. "I already returned a few days ago, so I just came to see how your result will be."     

"Is that so?" Wei Cheng eyed Lu Wan when he came to a realization. "You're already rank 2?!"     

"Ah yeah, I broke through around 1 month or so ago," He didn't know the specific date when he broke through, so he couldn't say the date.     

"I'm also around a month ago."     

"So it's a draw?"     

Wei Cheng nodded his head. He had black lines on his forehead because he knew that Lu Wan was still at a higher step compared to him. After all, he was already 16 years old while Lu Wan was still 13 years old.     

"There are 880 rank 1 beast cores and 11 rank 2 beasts core. The total score is 990 points," the teacher announced.     

Hearing that number, Wei Cheng's eyes lit up. He knew that to be able to achieve that number was already a huge achievement. After all, it was not easy to collect so many beast cores in the span of two months. He looked over to Lu Wan smugly, hoping to see the dejected expression on the boy's face.     

However, what he saw was Lu Wan's smile.     

At that moment, a foreboding feeling loomed over him. He had a bad feeling that if he tried to ask the number Lu Wan had, he wouldn't like it.     

"You-what's your…"     

"What's the number of cores Lu Wan achieve during the hunt?" Before Wei Cheng could ask, Chen Zi Quan had asked the teacher.     

The teacher from Chen Kingdom stiffened. He knew the number, but it was more compared to what the prince had gathered. Right now, he felt that he didn't want to be the representative for this hunt because of the realization.     

The teacher and also a representative from Chi Kingdom spoke up. "Prince Qi Huan and Lu Wan achieve 1123 points in total."     

The moment the representative said that, Wei Cheng's expression sank.     

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