Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

I Still Have a Long Way to Go

I Still Have a Long Way to Go

3Ye Jiao looked down. She knew that in the future, she would have to train fighting with beasts and many others. At that time, she might get hurt and wounded badly. Trying to keep herself safe all the time was impossible.      4

Ye Ai Xia sighed as she caressed Ye Jiao's face. "Jiao'er, look at Mom."     

Slowly, Ye Jiao raised her head. Her eyes were staring back at her mother's green iris. "Mom."     

"Even though the world outside will be dangerous, you have to prioritize your life. Don't be greedy in front of treasure, but you shouldn't back down when you're being treated unfairly. Different condition calls for different solution."     

Ye Jiao looked back at her mother with confusion. The little her couldn't understand what her mother meant as she was still too small.     

Ye Ai Xia sighed. "Forget it, let's go and treat your wounds."     

"Senior Mu has treated them. I already use ointment," Ye Jiao explained to her mother. Afterwards, she continued to tell the story of her training that day and many others, including her suspicion that her training speed seemed to increase.     

Listening to Ye Jiao's story, Ye Ai Xia came to the conclusion that Mu Hong and Mu Xin truly wanted Ye Jiao to train with them. They didn't train her poorly and let her came to the room filled with Eon Energy albeit they didn't know that Ye Jiao could absorb them.     

"Mom, could it be that if I get beaten up, I can train much faster?"     


Ye Ai Xia laughed freely. The conclusion that Ye Jiao came after training in that place seemed to be extremely outstanding. She shook her head as she wiped her tears that came out because of her laugh.     

"Hahaha, it's not that at all, Jiao'er. Your training become faster because of the amount of Eon Energy in that room is much more than outside. After you have reached a certain stage, you will need place with denser Eon Energy if you want to progress faster," Ye Ai Xia explained.     

Every place contained Eon Energy in the air, but it was different in every place. After reaching 30-40% in the core forming, children's speed would slow down in normal condition. They would need a place that has dense Eon Energy gathered, like the place where Ye Xiao brought Ye Jiao back when the little girl started learning.     

"It means that my progress is faster because I'm in that room filled with Eon Energy?" Ye Jiao asked. She thought that it was because she got beaten up. Thankfully, it was not that.     

Ye Ai Xia nodded her head as she stifled her laugh. "Mu Xin should have formed around 80-90% of her core. She will need a place with denser Eon Energy to form her core."     

Besides, the Mu Family was known to have larger strength than ordinary people. If they used their Eon Energy to train their muscle too, their speed of progress would slow down in forming their core. Even with the help of the special place, it was entirely possible for them to become slower than what their talent suggested.     

At this time, Ye Ai Xia looked at her daughter. Ye Xiao had told her that he asked Ye Jiao to train her physical body too. Even though with stronger body they would be able to absorb more Eon Energy, it would slow down her progress in forming her core because many of them were directed at her muscle and not her abdomen.     

'But her progress is already 45%.'     

Could it be that if she focuses entirely in forming her core, she could reach 50% or even more?     

Ye Ai Xia shook her head slightly. That kind of talent would be too much to think of. Both her and Ye Xiao didn't have that much talent to begin with.     

'I shouldn't think too much. It might just be because of the Eon Energy that she absorbs from that place when she's six.'     

"Mom, I'll be training in Mu Residence every two days, so it meant that I will still train at home," Ye Jiao looked at her mother. "Can mother teaches me knowledge too?"     

Ye Ai Xia nodded her head. "Sure, I'll teach you basic knowledge."     

"What is the basic knowledge, Mom?"     

"Mathematic, geography, history, physics, laws, arts,…"     

Hearing her mother listed out a lot of things to learn, Ye Jiao felt like fainting. There were so many!     

Little did she know that part of them were actually things that only children over the age of 12 learned after they formed their core. But of course, Ye Ai Xia would not care about them and decided to just teach everything to Ye Jiao.     

"I'll take a bath first, Mom."     

"Ok, I have readied the water."     

Ye Jiao dashed to the bathroom as she tried not to think too much. She has learned a lot because of the books she read all these years. However, they were still lacking compared with the number of lessons her mother uttered just now.     

'I still have a long way to go.'     

After bath and dinner, Ye Ai Xia started teaching Ye Jiao the knowledge regarding geography. Thanks to Ye Jiao's prior knowledge after helping out in farming, she could understand the basic better. However, Ye Ai Xia would move up the lesson right after Ye Jiao grasped the basic.     

In the end, their lesson lasted until it was bed time for Ye Jiao.     

"Jiao'er?" Ye Ai Xia noticed that Ye Jiao didn't answer anymore. She looked over her book and noticed that the girl had put her head on the table. She smiled slightly.     

"Am I too harsh? Come on, Jiao'er, you have to sleep on the bed."     

With that, Ye Ai Xia carried her daughter to the bedroom. With gentle movement, she placed her daughter on top of the bed before pulling the blanket to cover up the little girl. Afterward, she leaned in and planted a kiss on the girl's forehead.     

"Sweet dream."     

Ye Ai Xia walked out of the room and cleaned up the books on the table before walking to the garden behind the house. Her eyes caught the sight of the newly planted flower that she planted not long ago. It has started to show the bud.     

She smiled slightly before standing in the middle and started to absorb the Eon Energy around her. Near the nature, there will be much more Eon Energy existed.     

'I'll also grow stronger, Jiao'er.'     

After seeing her daughter was so determined to grow stronger and Ye Xiao leaving them, Ye Ai Xia felt a sense of crisis. She started to be more diligent and trained her Eon Energy. Even though she might not pass the requirement to breakthrough, she would become the strongest Eon Energy Master Rank 3.     

If something happened to Ye Xiao, she would be the only one left to protect Ye Jiao. Before Ye Jiao could become strong enough to protect herself, she too has to become even stronger.     

She didn't want to lose the two of them.     

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