Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Learning the Truth

Learning the Truth

3While her mother was busy destroying everything, Ye Jiao was still busy evading the two brothers. She climbed the tree and moved to another tree when Wei Cheng hit the tree with his fist, making it shake so badly.     

"You! Come over here!" Wei Cheng yelled as he punched the next tree.     

Ye Jiao didn't pay any heed to the man's threat as she jumped to another tree and ran on the branches. Her small body was capable of staying stable even with the slippery surface of the tree. With agile movement, she kept on moving from one tree to another tree while Wei Cheng chased after her from below.     

Thankfully, the boy's strength was not enough to cut the tree down or she would be in much bigger trouble.     

Behind Wei Cheng, Wei Liao was trying to catch up. His face and clothes were filled with dirt because of Ye Jiao's kick before, yet he didn't have any intention to clean them up.     


The massive destruction of a building not far from them shook the ground badly. Ye Jiao clung to the branch, preventing herself from falling down.     

"Ahh!" Wei Liao stumbled on the ground once again, hitting a tree beside him in the process. His position was rather funny that if Ye Jiao was not in a pinch, she would take the time to laugh at him.     

"I got you!" Wei Cheng forcefully stabilized himself as he punched the tree where Ye Jiao was staying. The tree shook badly, nearly pushing Ye Jiao to let go of her grip to the branch.     

'I have to move!'     

Ye Jiao twisted her arm and pushed herself up when the tree stabilized slightly. She ran to the edge of the branch and jumped to another branch right at the time Wei Cheng punched the tree once more. Her feet landed on the next branch safely.     

Wei Cheng frowned and chased after the girl once more, hitting the next tree where Ye Jiao was at. Unfortunately, their speed was almost the same, allowing Ye Jiao to move to another tree before he could hit it.     

Their cat and mouse chase lasted until there was a large blast coming from the forest.     

"Mother!" Wei Liao yelled. He was almost running out of breath from running here and there. Seeing his mother blasting everything around her with Eon Energy, he was elated.     

Su Daji glanced at the three of them. She smirked devilishly. "So, this is where you're at, Ye Jiao."     

'This is bad.'     

Ye Jiao turned around and tried to run to another tree when she felt that the trees were blasted by powerful Eon Energy wave. Her legs lost its support as the trees were falling on top of each other.     

Ye Jiao firmly gripped the branch above her and used it to twist her body upwards. By the time the tree reached the ground, the branch protected her from direct impact with the ground.     

"Che, she's quite agile," Su Daji clicked her tongue. "But not for long."     

Stretching out her Eon Energy, she enveloped the entire place. Seeing this woman's action, Wei Cheng tactfully moved to the back. He didn't want to get the repercussions for being the third party in this battle. The competition between his mother and Su Daji might not be too apparent on the surface, but he knew that the two of them clashed with one another in secret.     

If word came out that he was wounded accidentally when Su Daji chased after Ye Jiao, he knew that there would be no one to help him.     

Because it was only an "accident."     

Knowing Su Daji, Wei Cheng knew how possible it was for this woman to scheme like that. He swiftly moved to the back as Su Daji continued to destroyed the tree, throwing them away with her Eon Energy, revealing the young girl in the middle.     

"I get you, little girl."     

Right when her arm was nearing Ye Jiao, a wind blade appeared to block her advance. It nearly cut off her arm if not for her quick reflex.     

"Ye Ai Xia!" Su Daji hissed.     

Ye Ai Xia appeared in front of Su Daji and swung her arm, which was filled with wind element. The moment it was swung forward, it created several wind blades. Su Daji swiftly retreated, yet the wind still cut off part of her outer layer, showing her thin inner clothes.     

"You're not touching my daughter, Su Daji," Ye Ai Xia said coldly.     

"You b*tch!" Su Daji yelled.     

Ye Ai Xia arched her eyebrows. One of her arms picked Ye Jiao up while the other one controlled the wind around her using Eon Energy and attacked Su Daji violently. Even though it was not enough to kill the woman, it would be enough to wound her badly and ripped her clothes.     

Right now, she was glad that she could use this power to humiliate this annoying woman a bit. It was just too bad that only some servants around them would be able to watch.     

"Mother!" Wei Liao's face paled when he saw his mother's condition. He rushed forward, trying to cover his mother's body.     

Su Daji's face was beet red as she could feel pain from the sharp wounds all over her body. She glared at Ye Ai Xia. "You won't be able to get away, Ye Ai Xia!"     

"Whether I can get away or not, it's not your business."     

Ye Ai Xia didn't try to attack anymore as she gathered her power and dashed to the wall. However, the moment she reached the southern wall of Wei Family Residence, a wall of water blocked her way.     

"Mom, be careful!" Ye Jiao said as she clutched her mother's clothes tightly. Her eyes showed trace of worry.     

"Don't worry, Jiao'er. Everything is going to be alright."     

Turning her body around, Ye Ai Xia could see a man standing behind her. He was wearing a purple robe embedded with golden embroidery around the edge. His tall stature seemed as if blocking the sunlight as he stood on top of massive amount of water.     

"Ye Ai Xia, how dare you tell her the truth!" the man bellowed angrily.     

Ye Ai Xia stood firmly on top of the wall. Her eyes didn't show any trace of fear as she glared back at the man. "The truth? I never tell her. I, Ye Ai Xia, will not break my promise!"     

"She calls you mother!" the man accused again. "You must have told her that you're her real mother!"     

Real mother?     

When Ye Jiao heard the phrase, her eyes widened in surprise. It was shocking and moreover, it was something that she had longed for a long time. Her eyes glanced up, right to her mother's face.     

Her small hand was stretched out to touch her face slightly. All her live, she longed to see her mother to stay with her and experienced the warmth just like what she had with Ye Ai Xia. Now, she knew that she had it all these times. The one staying beside her was no other than her mother.     

Slowly, she leaned her head closer to her mother's chest. Right now, she didn't care about anything else as she savored the delightful feeling that sprout out from her body.     

'Mother… I have a mother who cares for me.'     

"Mom…" Ye Jiao whispered softly, her tone extremely tender and full of affection plus happiness.     

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