Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Destroy Everything

Destroy Everything

2Ye Ai Xia could feel the Eon Energy entered her body at rapid speed. At the same time, the condition of Wei Shang's residence has become a complete mess. The shockwave that she caused destroyed a lot of things, including the buildings.     1

Slowly, Ye Ai Xia opened her eyes. She could sense that everything around her had changed. Things that she was unable to sense before become awfully clear in her eyes and mind.     

Her eyes landed on Su Lian. That woman was not far from her when she advanced, causing the woman to be wounded hard.     

"You-!" Su Lian was terrified. It was rank 4! Rank 4!     

She felt deep envy and hatred at this woman. Why was it that everyone around her always had better talent than her? She could never defeat them and always subjected to the lower rank!     

It was unfair!     

Ye Ai Xia looked at Su Lian indifferently before stretching out her hand. "Su Lian, do you know what's worse than death?"     


"It's this," Ye Ai Xia used her Eon Energy, making numerous formless wind blades. In split second, they pierced straight to Su Lian, destroying the woman's core. The supposedly durable core of a rank 3 was destroyed just like that! Eon Energy rushed out madly from her core, which Ye Ai Xia conveniently absorbed.     


Su Lian screamed loudly. It was painful and when she saw the Eon Energy leaked out of her stomach, despair enveloped her.     

"No! NO! YOU B*TCH!"     

Ye Ai Xia ignored Su Lian as she swung her hand once again, cutting off the guards around them in two right in their abdomen. Eon Energy filled the surroundings and Ye Ai Xia pulled them to her own body to nourish her advancement.     

At this time, Wei Shang was dumbstruck. The scene where Ye Ai Xia reached rank 4 cleanly and then killed the others was exceptionally beautiful in his eyes. Right now, he couldn't see anything but this woman before her.     

"Ye Ai Xia," he called.     

Ye Ai Xia turned her head, but she didn't stop her action of absorbing the massive Eon Energy in her surroundings. Her gaze was cold and indifferent as she looked back at Wei Shang.     

"I will never accept your proposal."     

"You'll accept it," Wei Shang licked his lips. "I'll make sure that you do."     

"No, you won't," Ye Ai Xia smiled mirthlessly. Eon Energy formed in her hand as wind element started to gather around her. In the next second, she punched forward, straight in Wei Shang's direction.     

"You will never have the chance, Wei Shang."     

Wei Shang was not worried as he kicked the ground. Eon Energy extended from the tip of his feet as it was absorbed and then formed a large wall right in front of him.     

"I'm earth elemental, so you're pretty weak against me, Ye Ai Xia," Wei Shang chuckled. "But it's really something amazing. I didn't expect someone like you to directly use the power of the element when you advanced to rank 4."     

Ye Ai Xia didn't reply. She just focused her attention to her Eon Energy before she started to attack Wei Shang brutally without any care of the situation at all.     

Wei Shang also welcomed her with a smile. He was rather happy that he could fight against Ye Ai Xia once again.     

The two of them completely ignored the dead guard and Su Lian, who was still in the midst of despair because of her core. Once their core was shattered, they would have to start from the beginning again. But with her age and talent, she knew that forming another core would be nothing but a dream.     

'Ye Ai Xia! I'll kill you!'     

She screamed inside her mind as despair filled her entire body. She wished for nothing but killing them all. They had turned her into a waste in mere second.     

The fight blasted everything around them. Wind and earth element shook the entire surrounding, crushing numerous buildings in Wei Family Residence. The people ran out of the fighting area in fear of getting involved.     

"Ye Ai Xia, you won't be able to last long. Just give up and be mine," Wei Shang licked his lips. "I'm already patient enough to wait this long."     

Ye Ai Xia's face scrunched a bit in disgust. "In your dream!"     

With that, their Eon Energy clashed once more.     


When they were making large ruckus in the main residence, Su Daji headed into the residence and searched for the young girl. Her brow furrowed when she couldn't sense the little girl despite being Eon Energy Master Ran 3. Little did she know that Ye Jiao had left the residence long ago.     

From the moment her mother released her anger, Ye Jiao ran to the forest. She knew that her mother might not pay any attention to anything else when she was angry, so her only option was to escape and hide as far as possible.     

Her small legs brought her to the edge of the forest where she could see large destruction on the building in front of her. A lot of people were running here and there, trying to avoid the center of the fight. If they get caught up in the middle of that storm, they might lose their life.     

Ye Jiao stopped right at the entrance of the forest. Her eyes looked at the servants around her as she realized that she might be in danger if they found her. If they used her as a hostage for her mother, she wouldn't be able to do anything. The current her was still very weak, and she didn't have any trick under her sleeves except basic combat.     

"She's there!"     

The familiar sound of a boy sent chill to the back of Ye Jiao's body. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Wei Cheng and Wei Liao running in her direction. Wei Cheng was grinning widely as if he had just won a lottery.     

"Catch her, Wei Liao!"     

"Yes, Brother!"     

As Wei Liao dashed, Ye Jiao turned around to run too. The movements that Wei Liao used was one of the basic martial arts among the soldiers. It seemed that the boy broke the rules to learn it quicker than what he should be.     

Ye Jiao noticed that her speed was far lacking compared with Wei Liao. Within seconds, the boy would catch up to her.     

'What should I do?'     

In the midst of her chaotic mind, Ye Jiao's eyes noticed a branch that was hanging slightly lower than the others. She sprinted to the tree and used her legs to kick the tree, using it as the foundation for her to jump upward.     

Her small arm grabbed the branch, allowing her to hang there.     

"Come here!" Wei Liao tried to catch her feet, but Ye Jiao swung her body backward. Her body was bending enough to escape Wei Liao's hand. The poor boy stumbled on the ground as he was unable to catch her.     

Ye Jiao let the gravity pulled her down as she sped it up with a slight rotation in her palm. Her feet crashed on Wei Liao's back, pushing the boy's body and face on the ground.     

Seeing that, Ye Jiao grinned happily. 'Eat that, you annoying boy!'     

"Ye Jiao!" Wei Cheng yelled angrily as he also dashed forward.     

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