Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Lu Zhi

Lu Zhi

3Tak! Tak! Tak!     

The sounds of wooden weapons clashed against one another reverberated in the training hall. Before long, there was a loud thud sound as if someone fell down.     

"You lost, Senior Brother Lu," Ye Jiao was holding a wooden curved blade that was directed at Lu Wan's neck. She grinned happily.     

Lu Wan rolled his eyes. "For your first win, you sure are happy."     

"Of course, I'm happy. This means that I'm starting to catch up with you, Senior Brother Lu."     

Lu Wan wiped his sweat as he picked up his wooden blade. It might be connected with a chain to his arm, but the end blade was wood, so it wouldn't be able to harm them. This was the weapon Zhan Jing gave him to practice before using the real one because it would be dangerous.     

For the past few months, the two of them were training in the training hall. Lu Wan had instructed the servants to not bother him at all and locked up the place. They didn't worry about food as they could cook roasted meat from the wolves' meat that Ye Jiao had in her storage bracelet.     

They had to admit that they no longer cared for the taste after the second week, though.     

Eating the same thing for months was hard, so they always roasted the meat to soften the texture before eating them all. The taste might be slightly raw and bitter, but the two of them no longer cared.     

At least, they didn't starve.     

That was more important.     

"Since you manage to get a win from me, it means that we can finally take a break from this hellish training," Lu Wan said in a relieved tone.     

Zhan Jing instructed that they had to stay in this training hall and didn't get out at all until Ye Jiao managed to win a spar against Lu Wan. So far, they had to do physical exercise three times in a day and after each session, they had to spar against one another. It was tiring, and Ye Jiao could barely catch up at first.     

Now, she finally managed to win against Lu Wan.     

"I hope that you didn't go easy on me," Ye Jiao joked as she took a towel to wipe her sweat.     

"Like hell I'll go easy on you," Lu Wan rolled his eyes. "Even though I want to get out of this place, I don't have any plan on going easy on you."     

He had to admit that Ye Jiao grew faster than his estimation. He didn't give her any handicap and always fought with his all, but Ye Jiao slowly maintained her pace and position against him. Their battle lasted longer and longer to the point that they barely had any sleep every single day because of the sparring session.     

"It's time to get out," Lu Wan stretched. Thankfully, it was still morning because they had only finished one training session today and Ye Jiao already beat him. This meant that they could finally rest and no longer pushed themselves to the limit.     

"Are you going to play with poison again, Senior Brother Lu?" Ye Jiao asked curiously.     

Lu Wan nodded his head. "Yeah. I'm not going to just stay here and practice every single day. It's not like my entire life is just training, right?"     

"I know, but what are you going to do with your guest?"     

The two of them were Eon Energy Master, so they have keener sense. It might be due to the training they had in the forest, but it was easier for them to detect if there was someone near them.     

Well, it would be a different story if that person was a master hiding his strength.     

"I guess, I'll have to entertain them first," Lu Wan changed his clothes while Ye Jiao moved to the dressing room to change hers. He kept the chain and wooden blade into his storage bracelet. "Don't leave a trace of your weapon here."     

"I already keep it," Ye Jiao returned. This time she already wore the servant clothes on top of her own clothes.     

"It's still too big for you."     

"I can't help it. I'm still 9."     

Lu Wan sighed and changed his expression to the proper one. He proceeded to open the door, revealing a young girl around the same age with him standing there. The girl had dark brown wavy hair with a pair of enchanting eyes. Her countenance was fair with some similarities to Lu Wan.     

"Brother Lu Wan," the girl called out.     

Lu Wan's gaze was cold as he crossed his arm. "I believe I have told you to not bother me, right Lu Zhi."     

The girl named Lu Zhi didn't seem to mind Lu Wan's rudeness as she smiled sweetly. "Brother Lu Wan, Father is home and he's waiting for you make your report."     

"It's already the time?" Lu Wan frowned. "Fine, I'll go there, so you can scram from my place."     

"I'll go as I don't really have any intention to stay here for long, Brother Lu Wan."     

Lu Wan didn't bother to look at Lu Zhi anymore as he jogged out of his residence. He knew that his father would find out that he had gotten out of the training hall very soon, so he had to meet with the latter as soon as possible. He didn't wish to create more troubles from his father.     

Without Lu Wan around, the smile and amiable smile on Lu Zhi turned frosty. She looked at Ye Jiao and scrutinized her up and down.     

Despite feeling uncomfortable by the girl's gaze, Ye Jiao stood quietly. She changed repeatedly inside her mind to ignore the young lady before her. Right now, she didn't have any status and acting without knowing the other party's identity was only looking for trouble.     

She clearly didn't want to make more trouble for herself.     

"You're the new servant that Lu Wan picks again. You're truly small," Lu Zhi criticized. "Forget it, it doesn't matter. From now on, you should leave this residence."     

Ye Jiao was stunned by the woman's order as she felt that this girl was truly ridiculous. Was she the decision maker in the Lu Family? She had heard that Lu Family Head had lost his main wife a few years ago, but the one who held the highest power should be the other wives, right?     

At least, that was what she learned from these noble families' rules. A man might have several wives and the one who managed the household was the main wife. If the main wife passed away, it was usually conducted by the wife he favored the most.     

This Lu Zhi should be his daughter from the way she addressed Lu Wan, right?     

"This servant apologized, but I don't understand," Ye Jiao replied in a humble way. She really wished to call for Lu Wan right now to have him explain the condition of this household.     

Lu Zhi clicked her tongue, an action that was actually unbefitting for a lady. "That damned Lu Wan, he didn't even tell the basic rules in this household. Listen to me, you're not going to stay alive if you follow after Lu Wan. If you want to survive, you have to follow after me."     

Hearing this girl's claim, Ye Jiao was speechless.     

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