Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Close Call

Close Call

1Lu Wan proceeded to one of the intersections and headed to several different stores. He needed to make sure that no one would be able to find out what he wanted to make. Those herbs could be made into either poison or medicine depending on the amount used.     2

"This should be enough," Lu Wan said after he checked on his money. There were still quite a lot left. He didn't need to buy anything else too.     

Ye Jiao nodded. "Should we head back?"     

"Yes. My father should have already prepared a carriage for me to go to Wei Family Residence."     

Thinking about that family only made Lu Wan's mood soured. He was just about to leave when he saw two people walking in this direction. Instinctively, he pushed Ye Jiao behind him and said in a low tone, "Don't look up."     

Ye Jiao's body tensed up. She sneaked a glance from the side and saw Wei Liao along with her mother, Su Daji. Those two were among the few people who have interacted with Ye Jiao personally, so they have a greater chance to recognize her. Though, Ye Jiao was sure that she had changed a lot from the time when she was eight.     

Wei Liao noticed Lu Wan, who was very eye catching with his green hair that stuck like a sore thumb in a crowd. "Oh, it's the genius from Lu Family."     

"And you?" Lu Wan crossed his arm. "I don't think I know anyone with no name like you. Who are you to call me by my name?"     

For a split second, Ye Jiao nearly hit Lu Wan's head. His way of talking was very arrogant, which was one of the acting he had learned for their missions during the winter. Ye Jiao had to be honest, though, Lu Wan is really good at playing the bad boy if he wanted to and since he disliked anyone from Wei Family, his acting became even more natural.     

Wei Liao's face flushed. "You! I'm from the Wei Family!"     

"Wei Family?" Lu Wan tilted his head, acting as if he found it strange. His eyes looked straight to Wei Liao in interest. "I only know Wei Yin and Wei Cheng from Wei Family, and I'm sure that you're neither of the two."     

Hearing that, Wei Liao's face flushed red. He knew that his name was not as famous as his brother and sister. They were already famous Eon Energy Masters, while he was trailing far behind. His skills and capabilities couldn't be compared to them at all.     

On her side, Su Daji's expression grew dark. She might marry Wei Shang because she wanted the position, but it didn't mean that she would let anyone bully her useless son. At least, in public, she needed to keep her image.     

"Please be polite, Young Master Lu."     

"And you're?"     

"I'm Su Daji."     

"Never heard that name."     

Su Daji's lips formed a thin line, but she could keep her composure better than her son. She had already faced a lot of humiliation from Su Lian, who used to be so high above because she's the princess. Because of that, she vowed to herself that she would be much better than Su Lian.     


"Quiet," Su Daji ordered in a harsh tone. Hearing that stern voice, Wei Liao shut his mouth unwillingly. He closed his eyes and talked to himself that he needed to control his temper because he was still nothing here.     

Lu Wan yawned. He looked at the two of them. "Do you have any business with me?"     

"We're just greeting you, Second Young Master Lu. It's truly a coincidence for us to meet here."     

"Indeed. Meeting right before I go visit Wei Family house."     

Su Daji's body froze a bit when he heard that. Su Lian didn't say anything about Wei Liao coming to Wei Family residence. No wonder that that cripple looked so happy when she asked permission to get out. She wanted to make trouble for her in front of Wei Shang later.     

Gritting her teeth, Su Daji bowed slightly. "We'll take our leave now. Sorry for bothering you, Young Master Lu."     

"Yeah, yeah."     

"Come on, Wei Liao."     

Wei Liao followed Su Daji as they walked towards Lu Wan. The direction of Wei Family residence was on the other side of the road, so they needed to pass Lu Wan.     

Lu Wan frowned slightly and pointed to his other side to Ye Jiao behind him. He also started walking with Ye Jiao behind him. Even though it was nothing more than a small talk, he could sense Ye Jiao's tense body behind him. She was worried that Su Daji might find out.     

In this part of the city, it would be hard for her to escape.     

As they passed each other, Su Daji's eyes landed on Ye Jiao. Her black hair caused a frown to appear on her expression. There were a lot of people with black hair in this kingdom, so she was not that surprised. However, the servant's small body and frame made her recalled a certain young child whom she hated from the bottom of her heart.     

'Ye Jiao. No, she should have died along with her mother.'     

No one should be able to stay alive after they ran to the forest unguarded like that. For a newly advanced Eon Energy Master rank 4, they still needed time to consolidate their rank, so it would be hard to stay alive while protecting an ordinary child.     

Pushing the thought to the back of her mind, Su Daji passed a cold look to Ye Jiao once more before she walked faster. She needed to reach Wei Family residence before Lu Wan came to visit if she didn't want to face Wei Shang's wrath because of leaving the house when there was an important guest.     

Tap! Tap! Tap!     

Ye Jiao's body eased its tension after she heard the footsteps going further. Lu Wan stopped near the intersection to the square and turned around.     

"You okay?"     


"Don't worry. I don't think she realized that it's you. But it's also quite dangerous, though."     

"Indeed." Ye Jiao agreed. She didn't like Su Daji. Even though Su Daji was nothing more than a concubine, she often created trouble for her and her mother back when she was still staying in Wei Family Residence. It was very annoying.     

"Let's go back and just avoid her."     

"I don't think I can."     


Lu Wan noticed that Ye Jiao was staring back at him with a faint cold smile on her lips. His expression dropped. He had seen it a few times back when they were doing missions. When she had that kind of smile, it meant that she was determined to bring someone down from their place.     

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