The Typhoon's Wife

Thank You And Trivia

Thank You And Trivia

0Hello everyone.This chapter I write not just as an author but also as an avid reader.Sometimes certain stories grip our hearts and leave sweet memories there.As a reader the biggest pull a story for me is a smile.If I have an unconscious smile on my face when reading then that means the story for me is a success.And similarily if this story has made you smile even for a minute then that means my writing it has also been worth the pain and hardship..     4

As I have said in the beginning,this story has been with me for more than 10 years.But many aspects changed as I wrote it.Here are some things which differed from the original concept I had in mind.     

Ah Hai was never meant to be a little brother.The fourth person in the chat was supposed to be a close friend who never made an appearance in this story.. Ah Hai was a stand alone hero from my other story who pushed himself into the story and found himself some brothers..same goes with Shi Ai as she was the heroine.     

The next part that was different was Ryu's amnesia.He was supposed to have it to the extent that Alicia would have to take over the business and she would rule it with an iron fist..But again,Ryu Long would not relinquish hold...     

And the biggest difference was Alicia's obsession with BTS.Since BTS debuted in 2013,I naturally could not have made her obsessed with them ten years ago:) In the past Alicia did not have any obsessions other than baking...     

As I mention BTS,I want to thank all the readers who mentoned their favorites in the comments bringing more beautiful music into my life!Thank you.And all the ARMYs!I purle you!Also many of you must have wondered why BTS?My reason is the same as Alicia.It was their laughter that attracted me first.Somehow it was just too attractive..As one gets busy with life people tend to ignore small things that bring them pleasure and get lost in their troubles.This happened with me as well,their laughter and music made me remember that I too once enjoyed music.So this is author's way of thanking BTS!It was also the way they initially sold their own tickets for free that actually gave me the courage to write as an anonymous person!If they as young boys could do it then I just had to write anonymously!I could atleast try!     

Another person who pushed their way in was Zheng Mi Rae.She wanted NEil all to herself.Originally I planned for Neil to have a love triangle between his receptionist and an unknown girl who was actually pregnant..But by the time I reached that part,there were already three women fighting over him!No point in adding another one!Also Neil was actually supposed to be pretty cold,colder than Ryu but you saw what happened!      

Many of you are curious to know about Mr Yang..I believe I have mentioned in passing that he was set to retire once everything was settled with Wang Wei..So all of you Mr Yang is now a house husband whose wife is a teacher and he takes care of his triplets all day.As a shareholder at Lance Inc,he only dresses up in the now abhorred suits once a month.Though he enjoys the adult conversations..     

Regarding Matt,he is not gay.Though I would love to challenge myself to write b/l story someday I am not that gutsy yet!He is going to be special because he is the most hidden character in this book and I'd say the most silent.So maybe he is not that dominating..maybe!     

By the way,Alicia and Ryu have upto the last chapters,four kids-Long Ru,Zhao Min,Long Xin and Long Rou..However they will be later surprised with a little baby boy who will be the little typhoon.Ru is going to be a big shot lawyer like his favorite uncle and so is Long Xin.Zhao Min will take be the one who succeeds Long Ryu as the CEO of Lance Inc.He will also be the son in law of Alicia and Ryu as he grows away from home and Long Rou falls in love with him.Long Rou is going to be a doctor whereas the last son will be an athlete..I hope someday I will be able to write their stories in detail as well!     

Lastly,once again a big thank you to all for giving me a portion of your time..Please do leave any comments/review or anything you'd like to tell me.Also if you ever open this book to re read it..Please drop a comment...It will make me very very happy....When I started writing I told myself that I will be happy if only one person read it.But you all gave me so much love that I am still floating on cloud nine!     

A special Thank you to my sister who made time to read this book while juggling two kids and all that house work,my mother who did not read this book(yes I am thankful for that because really I dont't want her to think she raised such a *shameless* girl *wink wink*)but still supporting and believing in me always and my cool awesome friend "NM"since school for always supporting me and being an awesome listener and reader..You all set relationship goals!     

THANK YOU so much everyone for making Alicia and Ryu a small part of your lives!And remember Alicia's motto and BTS motto,"Love Yourself" because if you don't do that then who will?I purple you all!Goodbye!     

Please do not read the next two chapters as they are a technical glitch!I am really sorry for that!     

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