The Typhoon's Wife

She Stole My Girlfriend

She Stole My Girlfriend

4As Alicia and Ryu were on the dance floor,a pair of eyes was following their dance..She had been mesmerized by everyone's exotic movements but soon her eyes had caught this couple.There had been something familiar in them and the way they had moved together,she had been unable to move her eyes away.There was passion and love and understanding.Finally after staring shamelessly for a few minutes, she felt the penny drop and realized who the couple was her eyes widened silently and her mouth opened in a silent 'o'.     

She really wanted to turn around and give them some privacy but it didn't look like they needed it or wanted it.She observed their sensual movements and the beautiful woman really took her breath away.She looked around and could see every male eye glued to the woman directly or covertly.And many women were also watching the man.     

So lost was she in observing the couple and their interactions that she failed to notice that her own man had come back with her drink until a hard arm curved around her waist and another brought the orange juice in front of her.She turned her face to her man to thank him but he stole a kiss before she could open her mouth and she forgot it.     

Finally breaking the kiss she turned back to look for the couple only to see them gone from the dance floor.Her eyes looked around...but nothing.Her man put his chin on her bare shoulder and asked,"What are you looking for?"     

Mi Rae wondered if she should tell Neil that she had just seen his brother and sister in law dancing here in this place.She didn't think he would appreciate the irony.And seeing them dance like that had made her want to try the same things with Neil.But first she decided to tease him a little.So she explained,"I saw a beautiful couple dancing.The man was powerful and lead the dance well.But the woman was amazing.She was like a mermaid that no one could look away from.The way they were dancing was just...I don't know how to describe it..but it was wow!Neil,if she were a man,you would have lost me to that woman."     

Neil tightened his arm around her waist and said,"so she would have tried to steal my girlfriend eh?Do you think it is that easy for you to get away?My Mi Rae you are mine and mine alone.And now I am going to take you dancing.The one we took a rain check on."     

Mi Rae felt her nerves kick up at that.She had never been dancing and certainly not this type of dancing.Neil had taken the glass of orange juice from her hand and brought almost pushed her to the dance floor.She could feel the heat rising as they neared the couples and her breathing was getting choppy.Once on the edge of the dance floor,Neil turned her around and pulled her into his arms so that they could move slowly to the sound of music.This was simple dancing.Just holding g each other and swaying.Mi Rae was thrilled to be able to dance like this but also disappointed that she couldn't dance like that.     

Neil who was watching her every expression grinned and said,"Does my sunshine want to explore the dark side?You want me to teach you how to dance like that?like the people who are dancing here?"     

As if in a trance,Mi Rae nodded her head silently.She was curious about how to do this.Neil loked her over carefully and observed her sparkly eyes for a minute with a slight smile.     

And soon his expression changed.She was dressed in a sparkly red dress with a deep slit in the middle of the front as well as the back.It was perfect for what he had in mind And it should have been because he had chosen it for her.Neil had purposely left Mi Rae alone after entering the lounge to give her some time to understand the place and the atmosphere.But had he known that his brother and Al were going to be here,ge would have brought later.He had seen her absorbed in a couple's dance when he had returned and following her gaze he had understood what she found interesting.But he had immediately scowled at recognizing the couple.Alicia was again trying to steal his girlfriend and without even knowing this time!Feeling jealous he had gone to her and kissed her passionately. Thankfully she had forgotten about them and been interested in dancing with him.     

Slowly moving his hands from her waist he brought them to her back and then slid one hand in the slit caressing her bare skin,which made her go stiff in surprise.     

"My dear innocent sunshine wants to be naughty.How can I not teach her.Do you know the dance they were doing is called dirty dancing.In that,when I tease you like this,you have to tease and entice me back.Your body becomes mine to move.I can pull you towards me or grind against you.All you have to do is follow my lead."Neil followed all his words with the same actions making Mi Rae happy but extremely uncomfortable.     

And the discomfort was not because of the dance but because of arousal.She could already feel the effects this dance was going to have on her.But their interlude came to an end soon.Because Neil wanted her to get comfortable slowly and not regret it later.Over exposure would make her feel unsafe he thought.But Mi Rae was set on learning this new style of dance and with a single pout was able to bring the otherwise stubborn Neil back to the dance floor.     

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