The Typhoon's Wife

Neil is Bait

Neil is Bait

3In the same day,unaware of all the exciting happenings going on with people in his family,Neil made his way to the Imperial Hotel.This was the hotel that Onita was staying at and he had been charged by the women to act as bait.      0

Neil wanted to curse at Al and Onita for coming up with a plan of using him but his very own Mi Rae had also sold him!He was a committed man!How could they do this and was Mi Rae not even a bit jealous?On his way he called Mi Rae but her phone was switched off.Ha!After selling him off,she was now ignoring him.     

Rationally he knew that she must be in a meeting but Neil was not in the mood to be rational.Going to the receptionist, he announced his arrival and asked that Onita be informed of the same.     

Upstairs in the VIP suite:     

Onita was wearing a pretty pink dress which hugged her figure and had applied subtle makeup.Little Alicia was sitting in front of the laptop chattering away with the person on the screen. Onita was staring at herself in the mirror as she wondered if what they were doing was right.They couldn't be sure of Qi Cheng and his feelings.Was forcing him the right thing to do?Just then the phone in the room rang and Onita was informed of Neil's arrival.So he had indeed come.She had been hoping that he would try to talk her out of it or not come at all.She should have known that he would show up since he had promised.     

The knocking on the door brought her attention back to the present but it took her a while to open the door.This persistent knocking also caught the attention of Qi Cheng who was video calling little Alicia.Actually he had been waiting to see Onita and had thus let the call go on Little Alicia was already  bored of him and was babbling with her toys.     

After the knocking,he was about to finish the call  assuming Onita had a visitor,when he heard Onita's greeting,"Neil!What a pleasant surprise!Are these flowers for me?"     

Neil (who had come empty handed): "..."     

Qi Cheng (who was listening in):'steam coming out of ears'     

Finally coming out of his shock, Neil understood that the poor Qi Cheng was already able to listen to them.With his most charming and somewhat slimy smile he said,"Of course I came.My favorite girl is here so I couldn't let her be."     

Neil was technically not lying his favorite girl was indeed there and she came running into his arms when she heard his voice."And how is my little cupcake doing?"     

Onita took this opportunity to go in front of Qi Cheng.The first thing that came into Qi Cheng's view was a pair of beautiful legs.Onita took her time to kneel down so that Qi Cheng could have a good view of her body.Qi Cheng could feel his heart come out of his chest when he saw her tight little dress.He frowned but before he could say anything,Onita said,"Hi Cheng cheng.I am about to go down for lunch with a friend.So I'll speak to you tomorrow. Alright?Bye."     

Though she said bye,she did not finish the call just stood up and turned around waiting for Neil who followed her cue and came to her so that Qi Cheng could now see her legs standing very close to his.Before they could put up any other show,Qi Cheng pressed the end button with a jerk and scowled.In his jealousy he did not seem to realize that something was odd for Onita to say goodbye to him but then just stand there instead of closing the door.Qi Cheng punched a number on his phone and said darkly,"Book me a ticket to country C.The earliest flight available. No need to arrange the accommodation,tell the Imperial Hotel where Ms Dew is staying to expect another guest.I will be staying there with Ms Dew."     

Qi Cheng fisted his hands at the side.Nobody was going to snatch Onita from him this time.Not even NEIL Long!Enough with the careful approach,he was going to seduce his girl before Neil Long could make his move.     

At the hotel:     

Once the call had ended,Onita left Neil and Alicia playing on the floor while she went into the room to change.A few minutes later,Onita was back.This time wearing a  simple sweater and jeans and her face bare of makeup.Neil pretended to be shocked and said,"Ms Dew!Are you trying to scare me away with your scary face?You look like a ghost!"     

Onita looked at Neil with her eyes narrowed and said,"That's better than the vampire look of yourself!"     

Neil grinned at her comeback and then asked in a serious tone,"You really think you love him or is it just a residue feeling from your first love?"     

"There is no such thing as residue love.I never got over him and I know he loves me too.He was just not too sure of being able to be a good father and so we decided to take it slow.But his slow is slower than a tortoise.And he needed a little push..."It was clear to Neil that Onita was also a little wary of this plan but she thought she had no option.     

Neil sighed and said,"Onita,I think instead of a little push you pushed him off a cliff.Next time just talk to him directly if you feel something.That is the only way he will know.And now that my job is done,I am going to collect my payment.Also,when Qi Cheng gets here,drop Alicia with us and go for a nice date.Alright?"     

Neil's words had hit the point with Onita and she realized that communication was key.Because of this she did not realize that Neil had actually guessed that Qi Cheng was coming here soon.     

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