The Typhoon's Wife

Family That Eats Together

Family That Eats Together

1The dinner was a boisterous and noisy affair with the brothers each trying to outdo the other with embarrassing stories. Onita also regaled everyone with the story of how she had mistaken Neil for a gay man this giving his brothers more ammunition to tease him. The little cupcake who was the center of attention was enjoying her time and being passed around from lap to lap.Finally,Neil brought his cupcake back to him and blew butterflies on her stomach ignoring the others.Onita,Alicia and Mi Rae took up the cleaning duty as the boys had cooked.And Alicia claimed she wanted some time alone with her girls.As Mi Rae picked up the empty bowl of food,she saw how Neil was playing with the little girl.She thought of the mistake they had committed inthe morning and wondered if it would really be bad if she did conceive.They were a part of a big family now and even if they were going to have a baby,the little one would have many cousins and friends to play with.And now that the company's matters had also been settled and there was no threat to her reputation,her own firm would start off without a hitch.MiRae smiled a little smile and walked towards the kitchen.Everything was perfect except one thing that poked at Mi Rae but that was not necessary,Mi Rae convinced herself and went into the kitchen.     

Inside the kitchen,Alicia had directly asked Onita about her relationship with Qi Cheng.Onita was a bit hesitant to share personal details in Mi Rae's presence,but after Alicia claimed that Mi Rae was one of them,Onita let go and explained the entire story of their relationship from past to hte present.Mi Rae wondered at her luck for having met some amazing and generous women.It seemed Qi Cheng's and Onita's relationship was going well yet not.Qi Cheng's family had accepted the little baby wholeheartedly onthe condition that the child would not have any claim on the Qi's inheritance.Onita had agreed and she was not even worried for Alicia's future as her Uncle Hu had already prepared a trust for her.Qi Cheng and little Alicia were also getting along fine and Qi Cheng was getting more and more comfortable.The main problem Onita was worried about was Qi Cheng had made no move to become intimate with her,not even holding hands.And he had not even given her any more indication thathe wanted to be anything other than her friend.But when she tried to test the waters and spoke about going for a blind date,he had blown his casket which had resulted them in having a big fight.Though they had 'made up',Onita was still unsure as to what to do.     

As the girls pondered about the boy problems,Mi Rae also told them how Neil had also been similar.Alicia of course knew but Onita had not known and was amazed wondering how Mi Rae had overcome that hurdle.The answer came to Alicia and Onita in a flash and the two stared at each other and then at Mi Rae.Mi Rae,who was drying the dishes looked back at them in confusion and then a sinking feeling in her gut.These two had definitely come up with something and were upto some mischief.In the short time she knew Onita Dew she could see that the girl was as mischevious as Alicia.The two women were making eyes at her.But she understood nothing..     

Finally Alicia sighed and explained,"My dear Mi Rae,we will need to borrow your Neil for a few minutes,if you do not mind.He is the most believable candidate.We would use Ah Hai but do you know he is a block of wood when it comes to acting..."     

It was only then the ball dropped in Mi Rae's head and her mouth fell open..That was one nefarious but best way of making a man realize his feelings.She thought of the chemistry between Neil and Onita and how she had felt a little jealous but Onita was a new friend and seemed desperately in love with this Qi Cheng person..Maybe a little vinegar is good for you.." So she nodded her head and they together planed to use an unsuspecting male to get another unsuspecting male to confess.     

Soon,the planning was done and Neil was summoned inside to explain the situation.Once he knew,he protested violently but in the end gave in because his sunshine had sold him off.He looked at her accusingly and she smiled prettily at him making him forgive her immediately.He then glared at her two co conspirators and vowed not to let these girls near his Mi Rae in the future.They were a really bad influence on his Mi Rae.Finally the dinner wound up and Onita and little Alicia made their way home.Neil and Mi Rae decided to stay over at Neil's place tonight as it was more convenient.But before that Neil and Ryu had some work so the two men excused themselves and went into the study.Soon after,Alicia sent a a puzzled Ah Hai indside with two cups of coffee.He wondered what the need was.His big brothers had never asked for coffee.     

With a perfunctory knock on the door Ah Hai entered with the tray of coffee but his brothers were nowhere in sight.The door closed behind him with a bang and he turned to see a serious looking Neil leaning against the door and Ryu came in from the balcony closing the french doors behind him tightly.That is when Ah Hai realized that he had walked into a trap!Da** it!He had seen his brothers exchanging glances but he had forgotten that they were so in sync that they could even communicate without words.This was how they always caught him when he was young as well!     

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