The Typhoon's Wife

Voyueristic and Exhibitionist

Voyueristic and Exhibitionist

3"She is not yours.She is my Mi Rae!"     1

 It was at this sentence that Mi Rae entered the office escorted by his senior assistant!     

Mi Rae stood at the office door stupefied. Alicia and Neil were standing nose to nose and apparently having a fight over...her! Seeing her, the two of them simultaneously had a change of expression as if caught red handed with their hands in a cookie jar and made puppy face at her. She had seen them bickering last time so she was not overly shocked. But it seemed she had been the topic. Just what were these two up-to now? And why did it involve her?      

Though Mi Rae was aware of this the assistant was not. She had most certainly not expected her boss to be roaring about someone being his in the middle of a meeting with the CEO's wife. Turning red, she quickly bowed to the Attorney Zheng and went back. Mi Rae walked in with a puzzled frown looking intently at the two kids before her as she closed the door. But outside ,Ning Xue who had also heard the announcement sat frozen in her chair. She had heard that he had a new girlfriend but not known that he would be so possessive of her.She lamented the fact that she was a few weeks late in coming here.If she had come earlier,maybe...     

Mi Rae stood staring at the two with her hands crossed in front of her.But of course the two were very adept at distracting a person.     

Alicia fast walked to Mi Rae and hugged her tightly and Mi Rae felt a smile form on her face.Alicia's feelings were too genuine and always made the other person feel warmth inside,Mi Rae was no different.Moving a bit back,she asked,"How is my favorite girl doing?"     

Neil also had a big smile on his face and he gently pulled Mi Rae from out of Alicia's grasp and into his arms.Then looking at Alicia,he said,"My girl!".Once she was smiling in his arms,he pounced in for a kiss,making Mi Rae's toes curl.Alicia who had just been shamelessly served dog food,rolled her eyes and looked up at the ceiling.Let the love birds finish kissing.then she would talk..but she had already conveyed her message so she could leave and make some dog food herself with her hubby!Looking at the couple who was almost going to make out in front of her,she thought that was a good idea!     

Smiling evilly, she made her way to the door and saw the Ning Ning clone sitting there. Though the girl sat professionally and looked as if she was busy with work,it was clear that she was trying to look inside.So Alicia opened the door wider for the girl to get a clear glimpse of the lusty couple and then closing the door behind her, went upstairs.      

In Ryu's office:     

Ryu Long wondered what was taking his wife so long to convey a message even as he discussed the financial reports of the previous and this quarter. Suddenly the door was opened and his wife came into the office. She was red in the face and looked faint. Immediately worried, Ryu Long dismissed the employees and ran to his wife to support her. The moment Ryu reached her, Alicia let go of her weight,trusting him to catch her.The employees saw their boss catch the madam and immediately scurried out hoping that all was well.     

Ryu picked up his weakened wife and gently put her on the couch.Straightening,he was hurrying to call the doctor when his wrist was caught in a tight hold!Questioningly,he looked at Al who wass till red but did not look weak anymore..but it was better to not take a risk so he said,"Missus.Let me call the doctor."     

She frowned and shook her head in a stubborn no.This caused Ryu to scowl as well and sitting next to her on the edge of the couch,he touched her hot cheeks and said,"Your face is flushed and just now you were about to faint.."     

This caused Al's dace to turn even more red and she gestured him Ryu to come closer and once he did,her mouth went near his ear and she whispered,"It's because I am horny!I want you hubby!Now!"     

Al bit on Ryu's ear lightly and then pulling on his tie,fused her mouth to his.Immediately reacting to his wife's unspoken demand,Ryu kissed Al back with passion and the two of them made love in the middle of the day in the office,with wild abandon.     

A little while later,the sweaty couple was lying on the narrow couch,breathing heavily.ryu had pulled Al on top of him and the two had not even bothered to dispose off their clothes.Finally after catching his breath,Ryu rubbed circles on Al's back and asked,"Missus,though I am pleased to be of use to you,what the heck was this about?I thought one got food cravings during pregnancy but this is so much better.Sigh!S** craving!I hope you have more of this."     

Alicia poutily smied at that and said,"This is all Neil and Mi Rae's fault!they were the ones kissing in the office!And then I escaped them and was thining of kissing you and by the time I reached here I had no control over my desire!If those people had not rushed out of here,I would have attacked you in front of everyone!"     

Ryu looked at his missus and said mischeiviously,"So I had no idea my missus had such voyueristic and exhibitionist tendencies!And my brother is making out on the company's time!"     

Alicia looked at Ryu in astonishment and said,"Hubby!He was only kissing..Look what you did on the company's dime!"     

The two of them laughed and in a minute were making out again.Once was never enough after all!     

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