The Typhoon's Wife

A Family that Eats Together

A Family that Eats Together

4After the successful 'negotiation',Mi Rae and Neil made their way to Ryu and Alicia's home.Once in the car,Neil turned to Mi Rae and leaned in for a celebratory kiss almost forgetting to leave the office.Finally at dusk,Neil and Mi Rae reached home to find the Ah Hai's car also an unknown car in the driveway.     3

They alighted the car but before they could ring the bell,the door was opened by Alicia.And as soon as the door was opened,a little figure ran out and jumped straight into her Neil's arms and attached herself like an octopus.Neil laughed at the little girl and turning her in a circle said,"My little cupcake!"     

The little girl nodded and said,"Little tuptake is bat!"     

Neil also happily repeated and said,"Yes my little cupcake is back!Did you miss me?"     

But the cupcake's attention had already been caught by Mi Rae.Holding her arms out she ordered,"Pit me."     

Mi Rae was confused for a moment until Neil explained,"she wants you to pic her."Mi Rae smiled at that and took the baby in her arms,hesitantly,then said,"Hello."     

But the little girl had a reason for climbing into a stranger's arms.Smiling prettily,she said,"You are a tairy!"     

Mi Rae:".."     

Just then Onita Dew came out and the little cupcake called out to her "See mama!Uncle Neil brought me a tairy!She had golden hair."     

Onita smiled and said,"Ahh a fairy with golden hair."It was only then that Mi Rae realized that the little girl was fascinated by her colored blonde hairand smiled.     

Onita came and after giving Neil a brief hug to Neil asked them to come inside.Though the hug was brief and Mi Rae knew there was nothing behind it,she could taste vinegar..Alicia had also quite rudely left them standing at the door as her feet were too tired to stand for long.Onita held out her arms for the little girl but she clung to Mi Rae and claimed,"My tairy!" and refused to let go.Mi Rae smiled a little and after assuring Onita that she was fine holding the baby followed her inside.The only person left at the door was a scowling Neil who realized that now he would even have to fight the little cupcake for his Mi Rae!Just why were both the Alicias insisting on calling Mi Rae theirs was beyond him!Mi Rae was only his but nobody except him seemed to realize that.He trudged inside with a black mood..which lasted a few seconds as he was soon assaulted by the aromas of tasty food from the kitchen.Shrugging, he thought that he could share his Mi Rae for a while with the little cupcake. He was not too petty to not consider a kid's happiness.      

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw Ryu and Ah Hai working in tandem.It seemed they were just in time for dinner as all the dishes were laid out on the table ready to be served.      

Neil walked to the table and was about to take a bite of the Kimchi Rice when his hands were swatted at. He scowled to see who had done it which immediately turned into a wounded expression when he saw it was his big brother and he complained, "Big bro.. How can you not let your little brother have a taste? I am your favorite brother! "     

He looked to see if Ah Hai had any reaction but the stupid boy was eating Kimchi Rice from a bowl. He frowned and said accusingly, "You let him have kimch rice. You have turned partial! "     

Ryu ignored the accusations and said dryly, "he has been helping in the kitchen while you came just to mooch. And there won't be any leftover if you start. You can also be of help and earn a bowl of rice ."     

"You know I don't know how to cook! "     

Ryu smiled and said, "That's OK! I can always use your head to break some eggs.I hear it makes a good tool. "Both the eldest and youngest brothers laughed at his expense and Neil was getting furious! He pointed a finger at his youngest brother and said, "you rat.. You just wait! I am going to fight you for this. Don't try to use that bowl as an excuse and put it aside! I will teach you a lesson! Come out into the garden now!"      

Amused at his brother's challenge, Ah Hai kept the bowl aside and moved towards the door only for Neil to pick up the bowl and run outside. On his way out, Neil said, this time I will let you off because you have just returned. I won't be kind next time.      

Ah Hai just stood there stupidly. He couldn't believe he had been so cleverly fooled. He then grinned like a lunatic because his brother was really back to normal.      

Just then Neil came back and  placed a bowl of noodles in his hand and said, "Eat this."     

Ah Hai looked at his brother and Neil had only one thing to say, "Since when do you like Kimchi Rice?"     

Ryu smiled at his brothers' antics and said, "Let's get the food on the table now that everyone is here."     

But Ah Hai had a question,"Where is Matt bro?"     

Neil rolled his eyes and said,"He has run to the boonies to catch his muse!it seems after two years in the company,all he could paint was balance sheets and numbers!So the moment big bro confirmed he was coming back,the little punk packed his gear and ran away!He assures us that he will be back for the little one's birth!Though I don't know what muse he is going to find in the forests!Snakes or lizards!"     

After giving out that fountain of information,Neil left with a dish of wantons in his hand while the other two wondered how many will reach the dining table..He was already eating the second one by the timehe exited the kitchen.     

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