The Typhoon's Wife

Ning Xue

Ning Xue

2Neil received the latest news as he drove towards his office. He shook his head at the company's tactics and continuous errors.Why could they not use a direct and soft approach was beyond him.There was no need to twist anyone's arms!He wondered if they were trying to self destruct because he was getting pretty tired of their antics.If they did not get on straight soon,he was going to go on a rampage.       2

Just then he received a call from one of their clients regarding an issue with the renewal of their contract. He put the car in park and talked the whole way up-to his office. He received numerous calls in between but decided to check them later. The moment he reached his floor, all the staff greeted him.Politely nodding at them he went towards his office. In his talks he failed to notice an ethreal figure standing at the back with an HR representative. The HR representative was showing Assistant Ning Xue around the office and was also responsible for introducing her to her direct boss- Neil Long.Once Neil had entered the office,he finished his talks with the client and then immediately called his assistant inside to give her notes and instructions.The senior assistant came in immediately followed by Ning Xue and the HR representative.The representative was eager to introduce them since he had heard that Ms Ning Xue had been recommended by Neil Long himself.He hoped that the man would remember him when it as time for bonuses and appraisals.     

Neil looked up with the intention of dictating the changes in a contract when his gaze fell on the two people standing behind his assistant.His eyes paused for a second and then continued on to the HR representative."What is this about?"He questioned the man.The man immediately bowed and after greeting him explained,"Sir,your new assistant has been hired.As is the company policy,I escorted Miss Ning here to introduce her to you."     

Once the representative had finished his spiel,Ms Ning came forward and bowed.In a lilting voice she said,"Nice to meet you, Sir.I am Ning Xue,your new assistant."Neil acknowledged her and then said,"Work Hard.My assistant here will explain your duties to you.All the Best."With that,Neil turned back to his work dismissing them curtly.The HR representative and Xue Ning were both disappointed severely but for different reasons.The HR representative was saddened that he was not given any recognition for introducing Ms Xue while Xue Ning was disappointed because she thought that brother Mi Rue had not recognized her.She had hoped to have a reunion with him but he had even failed to recognize her.Glumly,she went to her table and waited to learn the ropes even as she consoled herself that it was most certainly because she had grown up that he had not recognized her.     

But being an assistant,even a junior one,to the top brass was not without it's own challenges.There were many people who coveted your position and hoped for you to fail so that they could take your place.The people were already finding faults with her even as she had not started work.The way she dressed was not appropriate,her skirt too short,her shirt too tight,etc.In actuality,Ms Ning Xue was dressed perfectly professionally.     

Inside his office,Neil dictated,"Fix a meeting with Attorney Zheng and the defendants of her case for today's meeting.We are going to end this matter finally today itself.Also make changes to the 3(b) clause in the MF industries agreement which I have mailed..."The instructions continued and after his list had come to an end and the assistant was about to leave,Neil said,"Lastly,Remember that just because you have a new assistant you can delegate your work!I will not accept any files or communication from anyone but you.Hiw you handle your juniors is your prerogative.Understand?"     

The Senior Assistant nodded her head in understanding.With the number of assistants his boss had to change,she knew that by now he must be thoroughly tired of repeating things multiple timesShe vowed that she would not let her two assistants disturb the boss!     

As the assistant left the office,Neil leaned back in his chair and opening his laptop checked the email that the HR had sent to him with Ms Ning Xue's resume.He then cursed himself.Had he known that the Qi's and the Ning's were good friends,he would have paid more attention to the resume he had forwarded.It was Qi Cheng who had sent him Ms Ning Xue's resume.At that time he had not paid much attention to the person on the resume and just forwarded it to the HR department knowing that a place would be found for the person who he recommended.He had done this to give face to Qi Cheng.But this turned out to be the perfect example of shooting oneself in the foot.     

Ning Xue had grown up!And grown up to be an exact copy of Ning Ning.When he had looked up,he had been shocked and even wondered for a minute if he was hallucinating.Sighing,he thought what was done could not be undone.He just hoped that the sister's looks matched only and not their character!Ning Xue had been young then when Ning Ning and him had been engaged.Maybe she did not really remember him and was here for experience only.Though he did not have much hope for that.Neil wondered if she was here to revenge her sister?If that was the case then to what extent would she go and how he shoud handle the chaos were the important questions in his mind.     

He checked the picture on his cell phone.It was the close up of the picture of his sunshine he had clicked in the morning and smiled.She was his family now and he needed to protect her from the likes of NIngs..     

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