The Typhoon's Wife

The Treat

The Treat

1His wild eyes stared into her dewy ones.Though he asked her and offered her an escape, his hands only tightened on her as if wanting to prevent her from escape.      4

Mi Rae looked into his eyes and they were filled with power and determination.She had already decided to make him hers and tonight she was going to have him wholly.Silently staring into his eyes,she moved a bit and then took the initiative to kiss him and fused their mouths together.This was all the permission he needed.With her acceptance,it was as if Neil had been given the world.His aggression flew out and was replaced by gentleness.The hands that held her tightly softened as he massaged her soft skin and placed soft kisses all over her face.Suddenly he looked up and entwining their hands brought them up to her pillow.He then got up and placing a soft reassuring kiss on her forehead said,"Wait here,my sunshine."     

Standing over her like a fallen angel he looked over at his handiwork and then slowly moved backwards still facing her. Her clothes had already been thrown away  after being torn into smithereens and she was now lying there in her lacy underpants and brassiere.. Her hands were in the same position he had left them and he could see that she wanted to bring them down to cover herself but did not dare to. Good girl!.Turning back now,he made his way to the kitchen and rummaged through the drawers collecting the things he wanted.Unfer a minute,he found what he needed and hurried back to the bedroom where she was waiting,in the same position he had left her in.He smiled and his eyes glittered like that of a tiger..Placing the items on the side table,he stared at her intensely.Slowly running his fingers from her neck to her breasts,he opened the clasp there and eyed his treasure.Her ni**les peaked as the cold air touched them and her bdy shivered uncontrollably for his touch.Neil looked his fill and then bent towards the side table.Picking up a knife,he ran it across her smooth skin.Her eyes stared at the knife as it made it's was across her body.The sensation on the cold metal against the hot skin,sent another shiver through Mi Rae's body..Next he picked up a jar and opening it,dipped the knife into it.Taking a big dolllop of peanut butter,he spread it across the peaked surface slowly and casefully..Mi Rae was now gushing and her senses were heightened beyond belief.She could feel multiple sensations of heat,cold,touch and peanut butter..     

Once the peanut butter had been spread evenly over her brea**s,he made a zig zag line from there towards her forbidden area.Next he attaked her panties and soon they were lying on the side,torn.He then picked up the can of whipped cream and shaking it covered the tops with cream..Once again he moced back to study his handiwork and finally smiled-satisfied at his new favorite treat.Mi Rae was now soaking with anticipation and as Neil's tongue made the first swipe at her breast,her hips lifted off the bed on their accord and she came..Pleased even more,Neil then discarded his shorts and lay next to her.Throwing his leg around both her legs,he brought her closer so that his hardness was now digging into the side of her hips.He then coninued to lick,suck and bite at his treats with abandon,driving her crazy wanting for more.Taking his sweet time,he lapped at his treats,while his hand made it's way to look for the treasure..His finger slowly hovered above her cl** and then explored her without entering.This caused Mi Rae's hips to buck more demanding entry.To tease her more,he was about to move back his fingers when his wrist was clasped tightly..In a shuddery voice,Mi Rae said,"Neil..please.."     

That voice was like an arrow that pierced his heart and soon he moved his finger inside her soft wetness..He continued to taste his treats and then added a second finger causing Mi Rae to come again..Finally once her bre**ts had been licked clean,his mouth followed the trail he had made and licked the residue away..FInally,unable to wait anyomore,he went up on his forearms and looked deep into her eyes..Spreading her legs,he settled his hardness against her softness and rubbed himself over her.Soon,he had teased himself and her mercilessly and he entered her in one powerful thrust.And whenhe had finally entered her fully,the two groaned in unison at the feeling of completion.      

With the foreplay,every nerve ending had been heightened and every now everytime he thrust himself into her,she wanted more..WInding her legs around him,she met him thrust for thrust and as her heels dug into his back he forced himself even deeper..His hands were now placed under her bottoms and he lifted them up and played with that as they moved like one..Mi Rae was about to bring her hands down to hold him but Neil's big hand helt them above her pillow with his one wrist and pressed himself even further into her..The domination he had over her body made Mi Rae even more aroused and she felt herself clench around him. This caused Neil to finally lose control and getting on hes knees between her legs,he brought her even closer and thrusting one last time,came in her..causing her to reach another orgasm..Finally,exhausted,he slumped on her to catch his breath..Before she could protest that he was crushing her,he moved sideways and flopped onthe bed taking Mi Rae to fall on top..Her nakedness was like a siren's call and he wanted to touch her again but knew that she would now be sore as it was her first time and he had not been gentle..     

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