The Typhoon's Wife

So Tired!

So Tired!

1Mi Rae had finally received a call regarding a case through the reference of a previous client.She had set up her new office to be a mixture of professional and comfortable.Most of the clients that came in for consultations were usually in emotional turmoil and by making them feel comfortable she would usually get a better understanding of them.She called her assistant,who was sitting outside,to confirm that everything had been properly set up.First impressions were always the foundation to building long term professional images.Since she had been almost bored to death after resigning,she had also undertaken a few pro bono cases for women who were suffering against domestic violence and trying to escape the same by seeking legal refuge.She was studying one such case when her assistant escorted the man inside who was to be her first independent client.      4

Mi Rae was surprised at seeing the man but covered her expressions well.She had not received much information about the case just that the person filing for the divorced was currently feeling a mess.She looked at the man carefully and could see the pale face and haunted eyes.Making him sit,she slowly led him to explain the details of the past.His wife of 10 years had cheated on him with his own best friend..And the couple had been childhood sweethearts while the man that she had cheated with had been like a brother to him..The man wanted to sue his wife and gain custody of their two children.The cheaters had even tried to rob him of his business but had failed and that is how they had been discovered by him..His wife had then blamed him for not *being* there for her.He had been angry at first but now just resigned to fate."     

Mi Rae heard the man and felt a sense of deja vu..his story was too similar to Neil's..For a moment she was distracted and wondered if Neil also had looked so..deathly when he had discovered..Atleast Ryu Long had not cheated his brother..She shook her head and scolded herself to be professional and after consoling the man assured him that she would fight to get justice for him..What a way the fates had!While in the company,she would always get cases where she would have to turn off her morality and fight to win the case whereas here, her first case was so close to her situation and required her to work hard.She had to personally and then professionally restore a man's faith.Her fight had yet to start and she was already feeling tired.Neil's face kept flashing in front of her instead of that dejected man.Sigh..     

Just then her assistant rushed in with a weird expression on her face.In an agitated voice she said,"Mam..Director Lee and Director Wang are here.They also have Attorney Xu with them."     

Mi Rae felt her brows rise at this.Attorney Xu was the firm's most aggressive corporate attorney.So they had come armed.Sitting back ,she told the assistant,"Let them in and arrange some refreshments.."     

Mi Rae leaned back in her chair and waited for the trio to appear.What same old tactics.They had done something similar to another director's ex wife when she had filed for a divorce.At that time,She had been there in Attorney Xu's place to threaten the woman.Fate had come a full circle.Once they entered,she too did not show them any professional courtesy.Following them was her assistant who had swiftly arranged tea and some cookies for them..     

Mi Rae gestured for them to have a seat and asked the assistant to serve tea.Attorney Lee just scoffed at this and true to his form looked down on the assistant.Since the assistant had also resigned from the firm after being discriminated against,she too glared back at Attorney Lee with hostility which almost shocked Attorney Lee.But after the previous fiasco with Neil Long,Director Lee dare not say anything.He let Director Wang take the lead.After simple greetings and politeness,Director Wang cut to the chase.In a neutral tone he asked,"Attorney Zheng.We understand that you may have felt biased withthe firm's policy but resigning and filing a case based on your emotions does not suit you."     

Mi Rae smiled and said,"And based on your statement Director Wang,it is implied that the HR policy is fair and I am mistaken.But all of uus here are aware how skewed your statement and the HR policy is."     

Director Wang was not expecting such a direct attack and tried to back pedal,"Attorney Zheng,I meant to imply no such thing.I just meant that there is a possibility of human error everywhere and maybe there were instances that you felt discriminated against.But instead of sending accusations flying you culd have brought it up at the company meeting.You are a senior lawyer.You should know the procedures."     

Mi Rae was actually stunned at the amount of bulls*** they could spew.Still she continued in a mild tone,"Are you absolutely certain that I did not bring it up at the meetings?Or did not write an application to the HR department?"     

Everyone was stunned at this.They had been sure that Attorney Zheng had not followed the procedures and they could defeat her.But now they were not so sure.But all of them were seasoned Attorneys and did not show anything on their faces.Director Wang said in an incredulous tone,"Attorney Zheng!We would have definitely taken some action if you had brought it to anyone's notice.But what is in the past is gone.Let us discuss the future course of action to be taken."     

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