The Typhoon's Wife

An Jui

An Jui

1In a high rise apartment,a beautiful woman lay on the bed naked.Her hair was spread in abandon as she looked sideways in the mirror with a satisfied look in her eyes.Her lover was currently in the shower and would soon be out to show her his love again.Her lust induced satisfaction was disturbed by the ringing of her phone.She frowned at the sound and was tempted to throw it across the floor but seeing the caller ID she hesitated.finally deciding to answer the call ahe said in a saccherrine sweet voice,"Hello..father.How are you?"The girl let out a smile at whatever her father said on the other end and then said in a cutesy fashion,"Father!You tease me!Of course you are the most important.I just wanted to give you a surprise so I did not inform you of my arrival!I will come visit you tomorrow."     

After the conversation,she disconnected the phone and her face changed from the smiling angel to that of a smirking devil.Her father was a fool who believed her to be innocent.She had lost her innocence the moment she had come to know that even though she was her father's 'favorite' daughter,she would stand to gain nothing from him because she was born out of wedlock.And like the good girl she always had been,instead of cursing the fates,she made use of the opportunities and today finally she had taken the place of his so called rightful daughter.And soon she would be the queen of the social circle.Armed with her elite education and the fact that she was the doted on daughter of a politically powerful father,no one could bring her down.     

Just then her lover came back.She eyed his sculpted body and her lust reached it's peak.This man was her first.Though he was by no means her last but somehow he always made her lust for him.He was her boy toy.During her education abroad she had slept with many handsome men but him..she liked owning him.She had to share him once with her rival and she had hated that!She had even punushed the woman because her toy dared to fancy her!Too bad this man could not contribute to her status or she would have married him.The fool was under the assumption that she would mary him someday.Yeah right..But that was for later.     

She curled her finger towards Alan Xu and he dropped his towel and came to her like a lapdog.His eyes scanned the beauty and his hands went to explore the delectable body.His thoughts were on his secretary though.He had recently hired a new secretary and just today he had copped a feel of those soft curves.Deciding to think of her as he fuc*** this woman,his old lover,he explored her sensitive areas and brought her to a high.Soon they had both pleasured the other and lay panting on the bed away from each other.Soon An Jui left the bed to clean herself.     

Alan Xu and An Jui were birds of a same feather..They had stayed together for almost 10 years now for their own personal gains and obsession.There was no love between them.But An Jui was a possessive woman and would rather destroy her belongings than give them to someone else.     

Alan Xu,was,in essence a mistress to her..or a boy toy.He would be on call whenever she wanted someone to serveice her or when she needed someone to do the dirty work.Because the man wa cunning and greedy,he was easily led by her.He even thought that she had recommended him to her father because she liked him but in truth,she had kept him as a spy to keep an eye on her father and his activities.Her dear father had a lustful appetite like her but unlike her he was not careful about protection.So she needed to do that.After much scheming and plotting she had gotten rid of her assorted half sisters,she wasn't about to let any new half sibling be born from some wh*** and threaten her carefully laid plans.     

In the bathroom she stared at herself in the mirror and smiled a beatific smile.She was almost there.There was just one thorn on the side that she needed to get rid of.A persistent thorn at that.She had thought that she had crusher her when she had humiliated her,robbed her of her dignity,her home and her baby but instead of withering away,she had grown like a cactus and was now about to poke her!     

Alicia Lu-Long!The woman who thought that she could keep her boy toy.The woman who was supposed to have died with her baby but had the guts to blossom and then threaten her.Oh she knew,Alicia was waiting for her.That was why though she had threatened Alan a bit a coule of years ago,she had not done anything much after that.Alicia Lu Long needed to go where she belonged..six feet under the ground and her father was going to be the key.The one who would soon introduce her to CEO Ryu Long..Alicia's husband and guard.     

An Jui admired herself in the mirror and thought if she should use Ryu Long as bait and seduce him to torture Alicia before having her killed..The man was certainly good looking and met her standards..Hmm she'll meet him and then decide..     

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