The Typhoon's Wife

Neil's Recommendation

Neil's Recommendation

0The head of department at the human resources in Lance Inc had this morning received a resume from Neil Long.The application was for the post of his assistant but the aplicant was over qualified.The person had stated that they wanted to learn under the expert but still he was doubtful.The head was in a dilemma.It was not often they received any recommendations from the higher ups.In fact nepotism was frowned upon.If anyone so much as dared to not follow the hiring procedures then they were signing their death warrants.The only time that the company had hired without the exact procedure was when Alicia Lu had been hired almost five years ago.And even then it had been done because Neil Long had insisted on making her his assistant.So even when she was unqualified,they had to turn a blind eye!But that woman was now the Lady Boss!And also had returned from finishing her higher studies at the top university in the world.When he had received her updated resume after her return and subsequent takeover as the CEO's assistant he had lmost fainted in shock.      4

Everybody believed that the Long Brothers had an eye for talent and success.The HOD looked down at the resume on his computer again.Ms Xue.A rare name.Maybe just maybe this was another gemstone discovered by Neil Long.It wouldn't hurt to give her a try!After some contemplation,the HOd decided to go ahead and invite the applicant for an interview.But he knew that was just a formality.Ultimately that person would be hired even if those were not Neil Long's intentions.Miss Ning Xue was going to become a part Lance Inc. very soon.     

What nobody could have guessed was that Neil had only forwarded the mail without even glancing at the resume.If he had seen the resume,he would have thrown it as far as possible and then even blocked the sender friend who had dared to recommend that person.     

On the other side,Mi Rae had just returned from her lunch with her brother.Though the start had been quitr hilarious,by the time the lunch had come to an end,she had thanked the fates for making her late and then for sending Alicia and Ryu for taking their time!Her brother had at least been accepting of her decision until last week but suddenly he had a list of reasons that she should not be seeing her Neil!Of course she wasn't going to listen to that list but still!Avoiding these so called valid reasons had been tiresome!She understood that he was worried for her but she still needed to male her own mistakes!She had escaped her loving albeit over protective family years ago just so that she could do everything on her own.She had compromised with her morals so that she could survive.She had lived woth the guilt of her failed decisions as well as her successful ones.But this was the first time she had taken a risk in love and she was not willing to be discouraged.     

Hou gege had returned defeated but he was about to be back again..And she was sure that it would be with the big guns a.k.a her parents.Sitting in her office chair,she sighed.She had better be prepared to face them soon.     

Mi Rae just shook her head and prepared to interview the person coming in to become her assistant.Since she was opening her own firm,she had decided to hire an assistant and a secretary.Since her budget was not too much and she had no cases she thought that this much would be apropriate.She looked at the resume of the person  she had invited.The girl was young and looked beautiful.She had done her masters in business management with a major in law.Mi Rae felt that thugh her studies did not match the job requiremets but beggars could not be choosers and since the person seemed hard working she was willing to offer her a chance.After sometime there was a knock on the door and the young lady entered.She was pretty with her dewy eyes and a small smile.In fact she was beautiful.And she looked the picture of an innocent lamb.Mi Rae shook her head.The girl was too beautiful.Anyways Mi Rae thought that she should be more considered about the interview so she opened her mouth to question her but was interrupted before long.     

The looks of the girl did not match the sharp tongue.Before Mi Rae could say anything,the young girl said,"Lawyer Zheng.I only came here to refuse to work with you.I have already received a call for an interview from the company I desired.I have no need to work in this match box office,"     

Mi Rae was shocked and angered at such an irrational and unprofessional behavior.In a cool tone,Mi Rae said,"Ms Ning,you are really too young and unexperienced.You were here for an interview only and were never offered a job.In case you do not understand the meaning let me tell you,"An interview is a meeting where one will check if the other party is suitable to work with us..You seemed to have missed the memo.Here and the other company.Even in the company you so desired,you have beencalled to interview only.If you want to get a job please keep your attitude in check.But I wish you all the luck."     

Mi Rae just shook her head once the girl left in a huff.Just then there was anothe knock on the door and this time the come in call was answered by a face that Mi Rae knew and trusted well.Her previous assistant from the comany.Mi Rae looked at her questioningly and the assistant answered,"Boss!I like being your assistant!Can you hire me?"     

And Mi Rae thought all her problems were solved with the coming of her assistant and forgot all about her altercation with Ms Ning.It never striked her that why would a girl who so looked down upon the office would apply here in the first place.She would know soon enough.."     

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