The Typhoon's Wife

Slaveday Goes On...

Slaveday Goes On...

0After their movie date,Mi Rae dragged him to a video game arcade.Neil looked around at the place and thought that atleast this was some progress.From being surrounded by little toddlers,they were now surrounded by teenagers.Though tey both had dressed down for the today but still Neil felt out of place.He always thought that Alicia was the childish one but Mi Rae took the crown!She was a step ahead from his sister in law.     

Mi Rae looked around at the different games with shining eyes and rubbed her hands unable to decide where to start.But this time Neil was better prepared.Since she was unable to decide and left the option open for Neil,they started off from the fishing games to pac man,street fighter,basket ball and innumerable games which she did not even know the names of.Both Neil and Mi Rae's competitive streak was at a high and both were currently winning neck to neck.Spying the dancing mat,Mi Rae decided to challenge him for the last time.They had already ordered their burgers and fries and could compete while they waited."Neeeeiiillll,"Mi Rae said in a sing song voice."Do you want to bet on the last game?"     

Neil looked at the mischievous smile on her face and was hesitant for a minute.Cautiously,he asked,"What game and what challenge?"Smiling a cute smile,Mi Rae said,"You decide the forfeit and I decide the game.."Neil thought for a minute and said,"Alright,lets keep the terms same as last time."     

A slow smile sread across Mi Rae's face and rubbing her hands she grinned at him."Prepare for another day of slavery!That is the game."     

Neil turned to see the dance machine and frowningly said,"This is not fair,sinshine!Think of some other game."      

But Mo Rae was decided and with a big smile,caught hold of Neil's wrist and pulled a resigned Neil towards the machine.Feeding the coins to the machine,she said,"To balance the scales,we can have three rounds,starting from simple to difficult.Do you want to do a trial run or warm up?"     

Neil just shook his head and got on the machine ready to take on the challenge.The first song was an easy song with simple steps and Neil was able to keep up with Mi Rae and she won by only a point..The second round started off slowly and then rose to a faster tempo causing the steps to also be difficult.Mi Rae and Neil were going to neck to neck and Neil's coordination almost caused Mi Rae to stumble and lose.The second round was won by Neil.     

Mi Rae's eyes narrowed and she was breathing hard.She had a feeling that she had been duped.He was good at this and it was not a co incidence.But now was not the time to think.The third round began fast and went on going faster with the steps getting even more difficult.Finally,their game to an end.A small crown of teenage girls had gathered and were cheering for the handsome man who was winning.He was barely breathing hard and made the game look loke a child's play.Mi rae lost badly at the game..She was gone!Grumbling and being a sore loser,Neil went back to the table after excusing himself from his adoring posse of cheer leaders and came back to the table with a happy grin!Gloating he said,"Soon the master is going to be a slave."     

Mi Rae glared at him and said,"you cheated!"     

Neil put on an offended face and said,"I did not!I even gave you a chance to back off!I told you that it would not be fair!You are the one who insisted!"     

Mi Rae deflated like a balloon at that and said,"Fine!But how did a nerd like you get so good at such a girly game?" Neil smirked at that and said,"My dear sunshine I wan not always a nerd.I was a football player in high school!And football is all about footwork!Our coach was a little crackhead and had this machine for us in the locker room!We were forced to practice one hour daily on that!I think I need to find that coach and thank him now.."     

Just then their food arrived and Neil ate with gutso.Mi Rae was also devouring her food and planning the last part of the day.Once the food was over,Neil once again bowed to her and said,"Where to next,my Queen?"     

Mi Rae smiled and said,"Home!"     

This caused Neil to raise his eyebrows,"Are we ending the day early?"     

Mi Rae shook her head and said,"No!For the next part,I need to change our clothes and freshen up."     

Neil looked at Mi Rae and fianlly asked the question he had wanted to ,"My sunshine?Why did you plan our day like this?".There were so many things they could have done then why did Mi Rae choose these,he wanted to know.He wanted to understand her better.     

Mi Rae smiled softly and said,"I wanted to gather a life time of dates.If we had met at 8-10 years of age,then this morning's movie was our first date.If we had met during the teenage yers then we would have come to a place like this for a date.And after this we are going to have a date as if we are college students."     

Neil felt touched by her words and her thinking left him even more intrigued by this woman.The atmosphere on their table got a little emotional so to break the tension,Neil said."So we are going to the library tonight!"     

Mi Rae who had just take a sip of her fruit beer almost threw it out and looked at Neil askance,"How did you come to that conclusion?"     

Neil rolled his eyes and said,"My sunshine,we were in law college!Ty to think what did you do during your free time?"     

Mi Rae thought back to that horrid time and shuddered.The yreally had spen all their time in the library.However,she was going to make up for it today!So in a resolute voice she said,"Yes!But since we are not really law students we will be normal students and go clubbing!"     

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