The Typhoon's Wife

I Accept

I Accept

4Mi Rae adamantly refused to go home with her brother.She maintained that she was a big girl and could care for herself.Zheng Hou tried to use all sorts of methods to coax her into going back with him but she refused.Finally he had to threaten her,"Mi Rae!If you do not come back and insist in living alone while recovering,I will send mom to you!"     

This brought her to a stop and she pointed an accusing finger at her Hou ge,"You will do this to me!Fine!If you dare to do that,let me tell you,I will tell mom about how you are a playboy and not settling down!I will also tell her all the stories about how people I know are already hooked up and you are wasting away your youth and not giving her grandchildren!"     

To this threat Hou responded with his own threat,"Then I will tell her how you are working on making babies without the marriage!"     

While both the brother and sister continued to bicker with each other,Neil was enjoying his food.He now knew what his brother felt when he and Al bickered!Both the 'kids'in front of him were now pointing their chopsticks at each other as they continued with their gettingcolourful by the minute threats.     

Ofcourse if Mi Rae and Hou's mother knew that the impression of her they were giving her son in law to be was this,she would have flicked their foreheads until she had grilled some sense into them!       

Making a coughing sound,Neil interrupted them and was met with two matching glares from both the parties.Smiling casually,he said,"Children!Let us eat in peace.There is no need to fight.I already have a prefect solution.Mi Rae does not wish to return home as of now and you do not wish to leave her alone!So naturally she can move in with me."     

Mi Rae was satisfied with this arrangement and went back to eating and seeing her agreeing silently,Neil also continued to eat which is why he did not see Zheng Hou who was observing him with keen eyes.Zheng Hou noticed the way Neil's eyes followed every moment Mi Rae made.The way he kept checking on her to see she was eating well.When his sister had told him that she was chasing a man,he had tried to dissuade her.A man must do the chasing.Then she told him that he had been hurt in the past,this gave Hou even more of a negative impression of Neil.In reality,Zheng Hou had already reached this city yesterday.His purpose was to check out the character of this so called Hero that had won his sister's heart but was holding onto his own,making her work for it.But the rest what he had said was true.He had waited outside her apartment for a long time and tried calling her many times when the phone was switched off.He had almost breathed a sigh of relief when the phone was answered but that relief was short lived when a childish voice answered with a casual greeting.Confused,he had wondered if he had called a wrong number but on confirming the number,he asked cautiously,"This is my sister Mi Rae's phone.Could you please pass it to her?"     

The little boy had gone quied fora second and then answered,"I am sorry.I cannot hand the phone to her.Aunt Mi Rae was kidnapped with me today which is why I have her phone.She is currently in the hospital.."     

Zheng Hou felt a chill at the matter of fact way the boy explained the situation and after receiving the name of the hospital had rushed here.The fact that she was in the VIP room had not shocked him.But when he had reached the room and had been about to charge in,he had seen Neil gently covering Mi Rae with a blanket and stroking her forehead,like a caring lover..     

Seeing that his sister was well taken care of,he went out and then booked a room for himself in the nearest hotel. Even now,he had suggested taking her back to test Neil's reaction.And he was satisfied with what he saw.He had researched Neil Long's background and from what he understood,the man was loyal to a fault..and seeing how he was with Mi Rae,Zheng Hou hoped that Neil would be the same with his little little sister.       

But there was something that they needed to clear,"The kidnappers.Mr Long,if my sister stays here,the kidnappers may use her again.From what I understand,this was the work of one of your business rivals..I do not want my sister in danger because of you,specially since you are not even her boyfriend."     

Neil was almost offended at Zheng Hous accusing tone.It was almost as if Neil had wanted her to get kidnapped.But he answered calmly,"This particular rival who had dared to touch my family,is no longer a threat.And regarding being Mi Rae's boyfriend,that is between her and me but please know that she is a special girl to me which is why I am inviting her to stay in my house.."     

Before Zheng Hou who had been about to object could say something,Neil turned to Mi Rae and said,"Mi Rae,I accept your feelings and am willing to try and return them.."     

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