The Typhoon's Wife

Jealous Jerk

Jealous Jerk

3The next morning,Mi Rae had yet to wake up and Neil was on tenterhooks.Mi Rae had yet to wake up from her sleep and Neil did not understand why.He had already rang for a nurse numerous times who tried to explain each time that this was normal as she was facing the effects of blood loss,drugging and stitches but to no avail.Finally,exaserated,she had called for a doctor who explained everything in detail.Just then ,Rae started to move and the doctor breathed a sigh of relief.Rushing to Mi Rae,Neil saw that she was opening her eyes slowly.He leaned over her with a fearful expression.     

Mi Rae opened her eyes and looked at the worried face and smiled a bit weekly.She felt too tired and wanted to sleep some more so closed her eyes.Neil turned to glare at the doctor questioningly but the doctor now ignored him in order to attend to his patient.The visitor was more needy than the patient!Finally,assuring that she was alright,the doctor turned to Neil and said,"Sir,the patient is fine and just lethargic due to the side effects of the painkiller.Why don't you go downstairs and get some sweet things for the patient to eat when she wakes up.Her neck is going to be sore so be sure to get something soft.."     

Having assigned a task for the impatient visitor,the doctor left to make his rounds.On the inside he cursed the patients in the VIP ward who paid well but also ate his brains for breakfast!     

Neil, also thought that he needed to freshen up but his worry for Mi Rae had overowered that.So he decided to go down and get some clothes from the super store downstairs as well as some soft chocolates for Mi Rae.With a last glance at Mi Rae,he went outside and after instructing the nurse to sit in the room and be on alert and take care of his Mi Rae,he went down the stairs.      

After buying the necessities he went to the general store of the hospital to get some chocolates when he suddenly remembered that there was a little luxury chocolate boutique near the hospital.Since he had no mode of transport,he walked to the boutique and browsed around.     

Finally,he bought a funny little plate of melt in your mouth chocolates.Holding the plate carefully,he walked back the 20 minutes to the hospital and this gave him time to think.He planned to accept her feelings and her by giving this plate of chocolates.But his guily conscience which had apparently been asleep last night reared it's head.It blamed Neil for wanting to hurt her to stop from hurting her.What a logic.It said,that he was the one who was afraid of getting hurt and that is why he was planning to hurt her.Neil tried to argye back that he was going to hurt her so that she would be saved from a bigger hurt in the future.It was like a rick of the injection which was given to vaccinate.     

The guilty conscience scoffed at that and called him a hypocrite.All the way back he kept muttering and trying to soothe his conscience.Once in the hospital,he cooled himself and said to himself,"I will not hurt her."     

He kept saying that as he went into the elevator and upto her door.     

"I will not hurt her."     

"I will not hurt her."     

"I will not hurt her."     

"I will kill him!"     

As Neil opened the door and saw the scene in front of him his mantra changed from "I will not hurt her." to "I will kill him." and then the next scene caused him to forget about hurting her and mutter,"I will kill her as well.!"     

In front of him,Neil saw a man give her a basket of tonics to Mi Rae,who was now fully awake,threw her arms around his neck and hugged him hard.Her smile was like a sunny ray!How dare she!How dare she give that sunny and sweet smile to anyone else!     

He must have made a sound because both of them turned towards him together.Ah ha so they were so much in sync!The man was handsome!Almost as handsome as Neil himself.Neil looked him over and thought how he was going to mutiliate him before killing him..As for him Mi Rae,he narrowed his eyes at her and thought..He wasn't going to kill her!He was going to build a tower and place her there with only him having the keys!     

The nurse who had also been shocked at the sudden arrival could almost feel the steam coming out of Neil's ears.     

And to add oil to the fire,the man turned back to Mi Rae and kissed her on the forehead.And then bent even further to receive a kiss from Mi Rae.     

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