The Typhoon's Wife

Mi Rae goes Office Hunting

Mi Rae goes Office Hunting

0Mi Rae smiled at Neil's picture withthe cute teddy bear as she put her phone into her pocket.She was out hunting for an office and could not find anything that would fit her budget as well her choice of location.She was determined to set up her own space without asking for a loan.But sigh!It was really difficult.She had mostly handled high profile cases and currently her reputation was a bit spoilt so she couldn't do much!And it wasn't like you could have many repeat clients as not everyone got divorced everyday!Of course she had studied cyber crime law as well but she did not have much experience with that since she had been stuck in the 'divorce' department since forever.This was another example of the company's chauvnism!There were hardly any women in any other department.Did the law schools not educate women in any other fields?Of course they did!But did her wonderful EX company hire them?No!      0

Tired after seeing a bunch of old offices,that would basically eat a lot of her money,Mi Rae was tired and hungry.She went into a small restaurant on the sidewalk.It was cool inside and had a cozy ambience.Ordering a hotpot for herself,she relaxed and wondered what gift to plan next.She wanted to keep the element of surprise so this time she would deliver the parcel to his home!but what!Soon they would meet again for the cooking classes and she wanted to keep him on his toes until then.Mi Rae was tempted to call and ask for help but not yet.She wanted to think some more.Though the blueberries had been her idea,the teddy bear suggestion had come from Al and from what she could see of the picture that he had sent,that idea had also worked.And this time also she wanted to do something..but what??     

Just then her hotpot was served and as she polished off her food,another idea struck her.A small sly smile appeared on her face and she relished her meal even more.     

She had a few more meetings and sightings lined up so after finishing her food,she went ahead with her work,and put the matter at the back of her mind.Unpredictability was the key!     

But unpredictability was also a problem because sometimes it did not work.Before Mi Rae could reach home in the evening,she was attacked from behind and a cloth with a weird smell covered her nose.Immediately she lost consciousness and was thrown into the backseat of a car where another passenger sat with his eyes wide and mouth tied.His knees were pulled up and hands tied in front of him.     

The goons who had grabbed a hold of Mi Rae quickly threw out her purse and then did a body search on her to check for her phone.They found nothing and so assuming that her phone was in her purse which had been thrown out of the car.The car soon sped along towards the wilderness.     

As the goons relaxed their vigilance,the little boy moved his feet slowly inward praying the phone would not ring and would not have a lock code.Mi Rae's phone had actually fallen out if her pocket when she was thrown unceremoniously into the car and the boy with his quick thinking had put his feet on top of it.     

He too had been attacked and kidnapped a little while ago when he was going home from school.His bag must also have been thrown out.That was what worried him.His father must have already been informed of his kidnapping but without the bag that had the GPS tracking,there was no way of knowing his whereabouts.The little boy knew that once they reached whatever destination they were being taken to,there would be no chance of escape.Once the phone was within the reach of his fingers,he immediately swiped right on the phone and lickily the phone was not locked!Quickly pressing the volume button on the side of the phone the little boy turned off the ringtone.Just then there was a bump on the road and the car bounced causing Mi Rae to bump her head on the car's floor and moan in pain.This distracted the goons and the goons turned back to check the sitution.Scared,Ru immediately put his head down pretending to have hurt his head and locked the phone.He needed to send a message to his father as soon as possible  and turn on the location tracking on this phone but he could feel the gaze of the goon ,observing him.He was scared and worried.'What if he failed?' was going on a loop in his head..And he was only a seven year old boy...So he had been brave enough.He kept his head down and pretended to whimper in pain.Soon the goon looked back ahead and so he obviously failed to see the little boy's determined eyes.Scared he might be but dumb he was not.Like his father,his mind was already working on findina a way to get out of their predicament.Opening the phone,he pulled up the Maps application and sent a message to his father and even his uncles with their current location and live tracking option.Now if only the phone's battery would last...      

Long Ru and Zheng Mi Rae had been kidnapped and all hell was going to break loose once Ryu Long and Neil Long came to know of this!     

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