The Typhoon's Wife

Blueberries and Blue Thoughts

Blueberries and Blue Thoughts

3Neil's office was filled with the fragrance of blueberries.And though the note said that it was to remind him,he had not forgotten and wasn't likely to forget.It was not everyday a guy was challenged that he was going to be wooed!As he stared at the basket, a fair hand came and plucked a blueberry from the basket,immediately stuffing it into her mouth and moaned in pleasure.Neil closed the basket lid with a snap and glared at the thief.She grinned back at him and said,"What!they looked yummy.And you were even going to turn them down and return them.I was the one who accepted the delivery so I deserve a few fresh blueberries!"Picking up the basket,Neil hid the basket behind his char so that Alicia would not be able to steal anymore and growled a warning,"Mine!"     

Alicia sared at him and then walking towards the cabin's window closed the blinds.The employees had received enough shocks for today.They did not need to see them fight like children.Gossip was going to be rampant for the next few days.Alicia then sat on the chair opposite Neil's and just stared at him.Neil decided to ignore her and went back to his work,staring at his laptop.But he was unable to concentrate. His mind had decided to play their kiss and Mi Rae's challenge on a loop.Adding the stare he was currently being subjected to, Neil was helpless. Closing his laptop,he turned to Alicia and said, "What?"      

Alicia just shrugged her shoulders and said nothing.Frowning, Neil wanted to explain but knew what Alicia's stand would be. But unable to stop himself, he explained,"The gift is from a friend.."     

Like her hubby,Alicia raised a brow and said,"I did not ask!"     

"Well then what are you staring for?"     

"What are you feeling guilty for?"     

Neil whose gaze had been wandering suddenly met hers and he said,"Why would I feel guilty?I told you they are from a friend."     

But Alicia had turned serious,"I know Neil..and as I said I didn't ask."     

Heaving a sigh,Neil was about to turn back to his work when Alicia picked up the paper weight from his table and stared at it.Lifting it towards the light she observed it.Neil looked at her.He knew she was going to say something more..Fianlly after thinking for sometime,Alicia said,"Neil,do you remember the time when we had just become friends and we were both drunk?The night we share our past hurts and scars?The night we almost made the biggest mistake of our lives?"     

Where did she plan to go with this?Neil wondered.But outwardly he slowly nodded and said,"Yes,the night we almost slept together.If we had done that then I would have lost a great friend..and sister in law."     

"Yes,but not because we were wrong for each other.Because we are alike Neil.We are both unable to forgive ourselves.You feel guilty everytime you are attracted to someone or find romance because she would not get to experience the same.I felt guilty for not having taken good care of my would be baby and he was not here to enjoy what I was enjoying.But Neil,if we are supposed to feel guilty then why did you find happiness for me.You should have let me live in guilt!Wouldn't it have been better if we had slept to gather and drifted apart rather than become friends!"Alicia was now crying.     

Neil was suddenly at a loss of words.He had no answers for that.Of course he did not want her to live in guilt!He had wanted her to feel happy.He understood what she was saying.Ning Ning and Alicia had also been alike and seeing Alicia happy,he had at times blamed himself.If he had not held on to Ning Ning then she too may have been happy with someone else!But he had been selfish and she had paid the price with her life.Alicia looked at him through her tears and read the change of emotions on his face.Stupid man!Angry now,she growled,"You a**!You are not to blame!There are two parties in every relationship and she was also responsible!She used you!When she needed your support she came to you and when she did not she left you!What about when you needed her?Where was she?"     

Neil was immediately angry and went to defend Ning Ning,"Al,you did not know her so stop making judgements!And who.."But before he could say something that would offend Alicia,she interrupted,"Yes Neil,I did not know her!And I will never have a chance to.But I do know someone.And I know that someone is good and right for you.So please wake up!And listen to me."As Alicia said this,she had moved to Neil's chair and holding his face in his hands,made him look up saying,"Neil,I won't tell you not to be scared going into a new relationship.But you need to remember that if you do go into that relationship,then that someone,Ms.blueberry is there to soothe your hurts.Neil,you gave me my hubby and he gave me the strength to have a baby again."Neil's eyes widened at that and he jumped from his seat,she continued,"This time let me give you an advise-accept the love that you are being blessed with.It won't knock twice."      

By now both Neil's and Alicia's eyes were wet with tears.Neil hugged Alicia and kissing the top of her head said,"Congratulations,little sister."     

Alicia moved back and said with a smile,"Thank you.And now please lister to me Neil.For once be selfish and grab the happiness coming your way!"     

Neil smiled and said nothing.he had already been selfish once.This time he had no intention of being that.     

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